At what age should you move out of your parent's house an no longer be dependent on your parents?

wow your assumption is really stupid...21, u gotta move out? u crazy? That's still in college with prolly 95+% of the students without a stable job/career.
My brother is 24 and in med school and lives at home. If people are not ready to leave their parents house, then i guess it's not their time.
Originally Posted by Nati P

Originally Posted by PauliePeppas

too many variables 22 just graduated looking for a full time I supposed to move out without enough money in the bank to rent an apartment yet?, every situation is diferent , I know kids in med school still living home that r 27

QFT. I'm 20 and paying my way through college. If I move out it's a wrap.

My situation exactly.
Originally Posted by undefinedinc

These threads absolutely kill me. I love when dudes say "so and so age is mandatory to move out" It's always the young cats that say that because they have no idea about how the real world is. If you notice all the dudes who actually put an age limit are all under 25...Just because you are "moving out and on your own at 13 or 22" does not make you better than anyone else. I'm 25 (turning 26 in December) still in my parents crib, but heres the catch..I'm starting doctor of Physical Therapy school (grad school) next month...Am I a loser? Or should I run out and get my own place so I have to work my !+% off in order to pay rent (or a mortgage) while in grad school just because I am not meeting niketalks standards? Please...When I'm done with school I'll get my crib instead of rushing to move out early and running back home which I bet 95% of you will be doing. And another thing about the dudes who move out early, more than likely you dudes are not in school (for somthing serious and lucrative) and just working, so you are basically working for your house or apt now, but when you get a family those little pay checks that could cover your rent are not going to be enough..So good luck with that.
Originally Posted by mYKiCkZArEaG21

quik1987 wrote:

Does that even include utilities? Don't for get the cellphone bill, or money for soap and toothpaste?

nope utilities not included... unless ur in the projects...metro pcs cheapest phone is $60 and cheapest voice plan is $30.... soap and toothpaste go FAST lol

What about the rubbers to smash the girls not calling you a loser? You're pimp game is amazing if you can pull these girls with no cellphone and internet.Not to mention the only thing you can offer them to eat is ramen.
I'm turnin 24 in sept.

Ill be out by the time I'm 26.

No reason for me to throw 1200 out the window every month. I Could use this time at home to get my weight up.

I have a finished basement. I would b paying atleast 900 to live in what I have now.

I pay the cable every month and the phonebill every other month or so.

I get along with my parents.

No reason for me to not live home right now.
Originally Posted by quik1987

Originally Posted by mYKiCkZArEaG21

quik1987 wrote:

Does that even include utilities? Don't for get the cellphone bill, or money for soap and toothpaste?

nope utilities not included... unless ur in the projects...metro pcs cheapest phone is $60 and cheapest voice plan is $30.... soap and toothpaste go FAST lol

What about the rubbers to smash the girls not calling you a loser? You're pimp game is amazing if you can pull these girls with no cellphone and internet. Not to mention the only thing you can offer them to eat is ramen.

well if u wana give them the benifit of the doubt... condoms r free lol... but yea... u aint pullin no girls on that life
Originally Posted by Peteweezy

Originally Posted by undefinedinc

These threads absolutely kill me. I love when dudes say "so and so age is mandatory to move out" It's always the young cats that say that because they have no idea about how the real world is. If you notice all the dudes who actually put an age limit are all under 25...Just because you are "moving out and on your own at 13 or 22" does not make you better than anyone else. I'm 25 (turning 26 in December) still in my parents crib, but heres the catch..I'm starting doctor of Physical Therapy school (grad school) next month...Am I a loser? Or should I run out and get my own place so I have to work my !+% off in order to pay rent (or a mortgage) while in grad school just because I am not meeting niketalks standards? Please...When I'm done with school I'll get my crib instead of rushing to move out early and running back home which I bet 95% of you will be doing. And another thing about the dudes who move out early, more than likely you dudes are not in school (for somthing serious and lucrative) and just working, so you are basically working for your house or apt now, but when you get a family those little pay checks that could cover your rent are not going to be enough..So good luck with that.

Thread should have been locked up after this statement....QFT
Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

22-23 I plan to be living in a nice condo in downtown Chicago .
That's what every teenager says.
Why wouldn't I ?

I graduate when I'm 19 ... that's four years removed from College .

I'll be aight , Chicago is expensive but isn't that expensive that you can't make it .
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

22-23 I plan to be living in a nice condo in downtown Chicago .
That's what every teenager says.
Why wouldn't I ?

I graduate when I'm 19 ... that's four years removed from College .

I'll be aight , Chicago is expensive but isn't that expensive that you can't make it .

well like i sed.... in other citys it aint easy...


very true... also in NYC rent is RIDICULOUS!!!... $1000-$1200 FOR A STUDIO (In a BARELY DECENT AREA)!!!! not to mention food is going upin price and so is everything else EXCEPT MINIMUM WAGE ($7.15)... lets say sum1 worked 40 hrs a week and was gettin paid $8 a hr... thats only $320 a times that by 4... thats only $1280 A MONTH... now NY got high %!# tax... 8 and 1/4 precent (not including S.S., Fed Tax Etc.)... so after the 8 1/4precent is taKEN u only got $1266.80 (remember im not takin out all the other taxes we got).... so lets say we pay $1000 for rent a month... u only got $266.80LEFT TO SPEND.... now u gotta have metrocard money for the month for work so thats another $89 (I believe) subtracted from ur $ 266.80... so ur left with$177.80.... now you GOTTA EAT!! SO LETS DIVIDE THAT BY 30 DAYS IN THE MONTH... THATS ONLY 5.9266666___ AND IF U ROUND THAT... THATS $5.93... TO SPEND FOR FOODA DAY!!! do u honestly thing u could afford breakfest lunch and dinner on $5.93 A DAY??... i think NOT.... so that means no nice things in life for u like tvor cable or the internet or even a computer to post on NT lol... u cant even buy kicks so theres no reason u should b on NT ANYWAY!!! no clothes for work so uwont have a job anyway cuz u cant afford professional clothing.... no casual clothing either for ur days off.... SMH.................................

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

22-23 I plan to be living in a nice condo in downtown Chicago .
That's what every teenager says.
Why wouldn't I ?

I graduate when I'm 19 ... that's four years removed from College .

I'll be aight , Chicago is expensive but isn't that expensive that you can't make it .
That's coo, just wanted you to back up your statement with a logical response. Ambition ain't nothing to knock, do your thing.
I don't think there is a limit..But on the otherhand if you are buying multiple pairs of shoes, a couple fitteds, the latest pair of 200 dollar jeans, andgoing and waiting in line for 3 or 4 days for a pair of shoes, then you definately need to man up and move on with your life..Stayin' at home with yourparents is fine as long as its for a good reason..And being able to buy the latest and greatest shoes/camera/clothes/computer is not a good reason..Quit beingscared to start your adult life and move out..
I feel like once you complete your last year of college, have one good year with a company then move out for good and become a dependent.
by 25 you should... 1) "getting prepared to move" or 2) got caught up in a bad situation and had to "come back home"

1) at this age, you should have a good foundation and your own means to survive and have the right money to provide for yourself.....
2) and the smarts on how to maintain your responsibilities by staying out of debt, and staying out of trouble that would put you in jail and end up losing yourposessions, forcing you to move back in...
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