At what age should you move out of your parent's house an no longer be dependent on your parents?


I'm 21, upcoming college senior, and still living with my parents when school's out...

Once I get a good paying job after school and have the money invested good enough in 6-7 years I'm about to move on with independence.
exactly... i dont see how this is not the smartest plan.... and people wonder why they are broke and in debt.. smh
im seriously considering moving back. with the way the economy is and me not working, i just might move back home and maybe apply to grad school.

mom, where's the meatloaf!!!
I think being self-sufficient, independent and being able to provide your own security, by having your own place and your own job is major plus andaccomplishment.

I mean don't you hear women constantly label mean as "losers" because they're 25 or 26 and still living in their mom's house/basement.

They are always like " I wouldn't date him....he still lives with his mom...LOSER!!!"
Originally Posted by NY Denim Seller

I think being self-sufficient, independent and being able to provide your own security, by having your own place and your own job is major plus and accomplishment.

I mean don't you hear women constantly label mean as "losers" because they're 25 or 26 and still living in their mom's house/basement.

They are always like " I wouldn't date him....he still lives with his mom...LOSER!!!"

Is that what made you buy a 15k house in Detriot?

When you're good and ready plus financially stable.

%@*% bad credit get yourself right
i was out of my parents house at 18, i gotta say it was a long n hard road. paying rent on your own sucked!!! that n car notes. everything else starts to addup. but in the end u feel good cuz you know your living your life now.
I would love to be on my own by the time Im 21 but if I cant afford to do so then Im not gunna do it just to do it. The way I see it, as long as youre eitherin school or working to save up for your own place, I dont see anything wrong with it
you know it is possible to own your own house by the age of 22, I have a friend whos 19 who has his own house n the other is 24.
SpeakUp23 wrote:
I would love to be on my own by the time Im 21 but if I cant afford to do so then Im not gunna do it just to do it. The way I see it, as long as youre either in school or working to save up for your own place, I dont see anything wrong with it
I agree. I stay with my parents and they've provided me with an opportunity to focus solely on school and I'm definitely not going to passthat up. I can't wait to be done with this nursing program so I can finally begin to venture out on my own, though.
smh...OP....get out of lala land.

18 or 21 moving to your own place? Unless your parents give your the $ or you win the lottery...otherwise...hell no...real life...
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Seems like a lot of y'all haven't heard of an apartment

Why pay rent, when you can put your money towards something, and invest for the future.
I didn't read through the whole thread, so someone may have said the same thing, but..

There's no rules and set guides to life. No one lives the same experience, same family, same goals, etc. To say that by 18 you should have a decent job andafford an apartment doesn't make ANY sense to some people, try balancing college with a "decent job" and see what kind of apartment you canafford. Not to mention, if your parents can support you, why sink the money you're making into an apartment when you could live at home for free, just sogirls don't call you a loser?

To say that you need to out of the house and independent by age X puts pressure and unnecessary expectations on young adults to live according to what societydeems appropriate. If you can't afford to be on your own, what's the point of going into debt just to show you can have utilities in your name or thatyou can wear Banana Republic and own a crappy house in Detroit
I hope to be out when I'm at least 23.

And like many of you said, many people have different situations.

Some help their folks out, some can't afford a home at the moment or they might not have a job.
Down where I live rent is almost as much as a mortgage around here so investing in a house is better. Then again it all depends where you live and yourfinancial situation as well as your parents.
i dont think im leaving until after school is done

i live in the same city as the university so i really have no need to
I know people that are over 30 and still living with their folks.

I moved out when I was 25, but I'd say anywhere in your twenties is ok with me.
Originally Posted by PauliePeppas

too many variables 22 just graduated looking for a full time I supposed to move out without enough money in the bank to rent an apartment yet?, every situation is diferent , I know kids in med school still living home that r 27


very true... also in NYC rent is RIDICULOUS!!!... $1000-$1200 FOR A STUDIO (In a BARELY DECENT AREA)!!!! not to mention food is going up inprice and so is everything else EXCEPT MINIMUM WAGE ($7.15)... lets say sum1 worked 40 hrs a week and was gettin paid $8 a hr... thats only $320 a week... nowtimes that by 4... thats only $1280 A MONTH... now NY got high %!# tax... 8 and 1/4 precent (not including S.S., Fed Tax Etc.)... so after the 8 1/4 precent istaKEN u only got $1266.80 (remember im not takin out all the other taxes we got).... so lets say we pay $1000 for rent a month... u only got $266.80 LEFT TOSPEND.... now u gotta have metrocard money for the month for work so thats another $89 (I believe) subtracted from ur $ 266.80... so ur left with $ you GOTTA EAT!! SO LETS DIVIDE THAT BY 30 DAYS IN THE MONTH... THATS ONLY 5.9266666___ AND IF U ROUND THAT... THATS $5.93... TO SPEND FOR FOOD A DAY!!! dou honestly thing u could afford breakfest lunch and dinner on $5.93 A DAY??... i think NOT.... so that means no nice things in life for u like tv or cable orthe internet or even a computer to post on NT lol... u cant even buy kicks so theres no reason u should b on NT ANYWAY!!! no clothes for work so u wont have ajob anyway cuz u cant afford professional clothing.... no casual clothing either for ur days off.... SMH.................................
Does that even include utilities? Don't for get the cellphone bill, or money for soap and toothpaste?
Originally Posted by quik1987

Does that even include utilities? Don't for get the cellphone bill, or money for soap and toothpaste?

nope utilities not included... unless ur in the projects...metro pcs cheapest phone is $60 and cheapest voice plan is $30.... soap and toothpaste go FASTlol
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