At what age should you move out of your parent's house an no longer be dependent on your parents?

im 19, a year out of high school, and moving 45 minutes away into an apartment in two weeks.

im hyped. and i really felt it was time. im paying for school, rent, etcon my own as well.
You sound dumb. There is nothing wrong with living at your parents house until one decides to move out. Many kids go to college, many take longer than fouryears, and many continue grad school. When in actuality you sound like the young dummy on the board, when you are saying that there is a mandatory age to moveout? Ok, go ahead work your !%@ for an apartment and mediocre clothes? Those comparisons are so irrelevant to success. Idk where you live but in CA a jobmaking under 30,000 will have you on the street easily if budget is spent wisely. Anyways little boy, I moved out the house when I was 23, Im turning 25 inOct. I just finished my doctorate in Physical Therapy. See maybe if you read some books you would know to succeed you have to use your resources to its fulladvantage. My parents were my resources and now they will share the fruits of my labor. So, have fun doing customer service for rent.
It depends on how things are going for you, not everyody gets it good and if you living on your own by 18, you lucky cause knowing how much rent is everywhereisnt gonna pay much with the job you can get at 18.
im 25 and still living at home. I'm saving money at the moment so I can eventually move out. I've also thought about going back to school for myMasters, if so then i guess I'll continue to stay home or perhaps get a roommate.

I think everybody needs a "me time". I care about my parents but I know that they won't be around forever and I'll be on my own, so why notstart now while I'm still young and living?
Originally Posted by TimelessFlight

im 25 and still living at home. I'm saving money at the moment so I can eventually move out. I've also thought about going back to school for my Masters, if so then i guess I'll continue to stay home or perhaps get a roommate.

I think everybody needs a "me time". I care about my parents but I know that they won't be around forever and I'll be on my own, so why not start now while I'm still young and living?

well said, im 24 and in the same boat...I'm in no rush to move out, I work, contribute to the house, financially and actual house work, i save, i have 100pairs of sneakers and BMW, guess im a loser too compared to the OP's standards
well to answer the question when you stop folding jeans at Macy's, and move out of your parents attic is the right time.

SO If I were you I'd look to get in the bed section of Macy's because once you become NY Bed Spread Seller, you will be moving on up to a 20 roommansion.

OP buggin

me and my girl still at home, will move out when we ready an got stacks for a house/condo w/e it maybe.

payin rent is overrated.

i know many people at home same age as me an older.
Originally Posted by Skip2MyLou23

Sorry but I've got a different plan. My mom is all on her own in this world. The only people she has are my brother and I. I don't want to move out and have her living all by herself.

My plan is to finish school like at 23 or 24, start working, and buy a bigger, nicer crib for my mom, brother, and me.

that's what's up man

seriously, everyone's situation is different which is why this thread is so foolish. OP does not know what he's talking about but I'm glad mostother NT'ers aren't as idiotic as him in their thinking
- i knew a few back then. the point i was making is it is very possible. your comment suggested its so out of reach its laughable.....which was laughable to me.

- i put an age on it because thats the legal age to be able to move out and provide for yourself legally. so yeah, i stick to what i said in 17-18 is the maximum you should be in your parents house.
- there's and education you obtain while having to deal with the real world on your own at that age that cannot be taught by mommy and daddy. sadly as we go on more and more youth are used to living with mommy and daddy until they are damn near 30, be it physically or financially. the more we go on the more acceptable it will be to stay at home longer.

- im not tripping i learned YEARS AGO it most of my peers that didnt, im cool with that, let them be happy in their ignorance. you ask me how many 22 yo i know with a you kow how many 25+ yo i know that dont know +!$+ about personal finance, paying bills, the concept of money/credit, how to be a parent, the list goes know why?? all because they spent the better part of their early twenties letting mommy and daddy do everything for them.

- but hey, this is NT. i wouldnt expect to many o here to understand any of these concepts at all.....

shuuuuuuutup, you just made yourself look dumb TRYING to look smart,your concepts are out the door because your not looking at the facts. Number one: The dude lives in NY, not Florida, or carolina's where its moreaffordable. There are people making six figure incomes in NY that can't afford a house. Number Two: The average cost of a house in NY is around$350,000.00. Number Three: Banks require 2 years of income statements showing his income is DOUBLE that of his debts (which include the monthly loan for thehouse) Meaning he would have had to be making 6-7 grand a month for two years!!! 22 year old making that type of money since he was 20? DOUBT IT. As someonethat has been involved actively in the local realestate market here i challenge you to prove me wrong, you might be able to fool a couple of 19 year olds intobelieving that bull %*%% story, but you aren't going to bull %*%% people that actually KNOW the facts and what it takes to own a house in new york.
move out when you're ready.

it's a cultural thing too. asian and indian families tend to be more accepting of the idea that kids can live at home until theyre ready to leave. im notsaying 30 something year old. but a couple years after college, no problem.
I would say 23yrs old at the lastest.

But in Va where i live rent for apts can be $1500 a month...which means u have to find roommates who can hold down a portion of rent that are actuallydependable. But by 23 u should be ready to move out of moms crib
Well i'll be 18 in 2 months today, and planned to move out within the next couple month and split costs and live with a good friend. But my car died, so igotta save and buy a new one so moving will be put on hold, my brother owned his own house by 19, somehow got a nice loan, and is living comfortably, movingout is all about when the moneys right if you ask me.
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

@owning your own home at 22...who you foolin'?

- yeah okay.....

- if you joined the military at 17 or 18 owning a home at 22 is a very attainable goal. as a veteran you can use your VA status to buy a home with no money down and use it towards 4-7% towards closing costs costing you $0. all you would need is a job to sustain the mortgage.

- i moved out at 17, ive always had a hard time understanding spoiled brats BS justifications for still living at home after it college or anything else
. much less mommy and daddy paying for a car and/or still giving you spending money

- i
at the threads i see in here talking about issues with parents and money when the OP is 18 and over......

- im 30 and have a cousin the same age as me STILL hanging on mom and dads tit for any and everything.
How the hell is college a BS excuse?
i know a lot of people who are in their early 20s still living at home because of school or their saving up.
very few people nowadays can move out when their 18 or even 21 and be able to live comfortably.
my sis just graduated college.............she studyin for MCATs right way in hell she affordin rent while studyin in med school so shell be heretill prolly 26 or suttin who knows
where you plan on moving is the biggest variable to me..

one of my best friends graduated college last may, wanted to be independent so he and his 2 college roommates moved into an apartment in Stuyvesant town (LESNYC)

he has a very good job as a financial adviser out of college and is very hard working, makes about 70k a year at the age of 23

each roommate pays 1100 a month for a 2 bedroom converted into a 3 bedroom apartment and i can tell you that all 3 of them are struggling to get by, and theyhave good jobs for guys their age.

life in the big city is hard, most young people think its how it is in the movies..move out here, find a great job and get a decent apartment in city and livethis fantastic lifestyle...this aint a "reality" MTV show
This is all Im going to say...

Age is irrelevant but EXPERIENCE is everything. And most importantly---be thankful for what YOU HAVE and count YOUR blessings. Once you realize this, none ofthis moving out at a certain age thing will be pointless and you won't have to worry about the next man and their situation---- for you DO NOT know whatkind of trails and tribulations they had to endure to get where they at now.
As long as I don't end up like these fools...


....There is no rush for me to leave my peoples crib.
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