At some point you have to stop blaming females and realize that you might be unattractive...

Originally Posted by Dakingii

Am i right?

Every time i chill with my homeboys on campus there is always that one dude who always starts talking mess about females and how they do him dirty and @+% and i be like bruh, come on now. I consider myself a good person so i always entertain them and agree to try and uplift they spirits but in my mind im like this !%#*+ needs to stop playing himself.

Im not trying to talk $!%% about anybody and i dont want anybody getting butt-hut over this thread i just think dudes need to get reality checks

A lot of women are with guys that they may have not have been physically attracted too from jump, but the guy brings something else to the table. It could be his confidence or sense of humor or whatever. There are a lot of intangibles that if you can harness and maintain you can bag some of the baddest ones out there. You just have to come correct or fall back and let someone who knows what they are doing get at em.
A lot of women are with guys that they may have not have been physically attracted too from jump, but the guy brings something else to the table. It could be his confidence or sense of humor or whatever. There are a lot of intangibles that if you can harness and maintain you can bag some of the baddest ones out there. You just have to come correct or fall back and let someone who knows what they are doing get at em.
I've always wondered this. I mean, I as a male can walk down to the mall or any place with a lot of ppl and point out and state "oh she's a 5" and "She's cute, she's ugly" etc.

Do girls do this too? or do they judge the attractiveness of a male based on other factors that we as males do not take into consideration for females. For instance, money (I don't put females over other females based on how much money the have, I'mma be paying anyway), style of dress (if she cute, she cute. don't matter what she's wearing), swag (idk where to begin on this one). answer my question NT.

I see a lot of cute girls with dudes that I just laugh at. I mean I'm not knocking them, but come on. I never see ugly girls getting any play, and it makes me wonder how all these ugly girls get pregnant.
I've always wondered this. I mean, I as a male can walk down to the mall or any place with a lot of ppl and point out and state "oh she's a 5" and "She's cute, she's ugly" etc.

Do girls do this too? or do they judge the attractiveness of a male based on other factors that we as males do not take into consideration for females. For instance, money (I don't put females over other females based on how much money the have, I'mma be paying anyway), style of dress (if she cute, she cute. don't matter what she's wearing), swag (idk where to begin on this one). answer my question NT.

I see a lot of cute girls with dudes that I just laugh at. I mean I'm not knocking them, but come on. I never see ugly girls getting any play, and it makes me wonder how all these ugly girls get pregnant.
Ugly dudes with status/game can still bag attractive women. There tons of cute chicks that don't get much play, that an ugly guy can come up on with the right swag.

To add, ugly and tall for a man doesn't count as "ugly", just like ugly with a big butt/breasts doesn't count as "ugly" for a woman.
Ugly dudes with status/game can still bag attractive women. There tons of cute chicks that don't get much play, that an ugly guy can come up on with the right swag.

To add, ugly and tall for a man doesn't count as "ugly", just like ugly with a big butt/breasts doesn't count as "ugly" for a woman.
I've always wondered this. I mean, I as a male can walk down to the mall or any place with a lot of ppl and point out and state "oh she's a 5" and "She's cute, she's ugly" etc.

Do girls do this too? or do they judge the attractiveness of a male based on other factors that we as males do not take into consideration for females. For instance, money (I don't put females over other females based on how much money the have, I'mma be paying anyway), style of dress (if she cute, she cute. don't matter what she's wearing), swag (idk where to begin on this one). answer my question NT.

I see a lot of cute girls with dudes that I just laugh at. I mean I'm not knocking them, but come on. I never see ugly girls getting any play, and it makes me wonder how all these ugly girls get pregnant.
I've always wondered this. I mean, I as a male can walk down to the mall or any place with a lot of ppl and point out and state "oh she's a 5" and "She's cute, she's ugly" etc.

Do girls do this too? or do they judge the attractiveness of a male based on other factors that we as males do not take into consideration for females. For instance, money (I don't put females over other females based on how much money the have, I'mma be paying anyway), style of dress (if she cute, she cute. don't matter what she's wearing), swag (idk where to begin on this one). answer my question NT.

I see a lot of cute girls with dudes that I just laugh at. I mean I'm not knocking them, but come on. I never see ugly girls getting any play, and it makes me wonder how all these ugly girls get pregnant.
Originally Posted by hassan16

I see a lot of cute girls with dudes that I just laugh at. I mean I'm not knocking them, but come on. I never see ugly girls getting any play, and it makes me wonder how all these ugly girls get pregnant.
with other trailer park trash.  i see them on the bus with a stroller all the time
Originally Posted by hassan16

I see a lot of cute girls with dudes that I just laugh at. I mean I'm not knocking them, but come on. I never see ugly girls getting any play, and it makes me wonder how all these ugly girls get pregnant.
with other trailer park trash.  i see them on the bus with a stroller all the time
Nah. Baggin chicks (beautiful ones) has less to do with your looks and more to do with how confident you are in yourself & how charismatic/comfortable you are with women.
Nah. Baggin chicks (beautiful ones) has less to do with your looks and more to do with how confident you are in yourself & how charismatic/comfortable you are with women.
Yall overrating confidence big time. Most of the ugly dudes I've seen with beautiful girls either played a sport, was tall or swole, had money, or had some level of status (fraternity, leadership role, etc.)

Chicks ain't just giving ugly guys play just because dude got a little swag. Not from what I've seen. I guess you might get a cute chick with no bunz/breasts, but you ain't baggin no stallions unless you got something to back up that swag. It don't have to be looks per se, but confidence isn't enough by itself to bag any serious broads.
Yall overrating confidence big time. Most of the ugly dudes I've seen with beautiful girls either played a sport, was tall or swole, had money, or had some level of status (fraternity, leadership role, etc.)

Chicks ain't just giving ugly guys play just because dude got a little swag. Not from what I've seen. I guess you might get a cute chick with no bunz/breasts, but you ain't baggin no stallions unless you got something to back up that swag. It don't have to be looks per se, but confidence isn't enough by itself to bag any serious broads.
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