Asics Love?!? Where is it?

Hit place order and got the error. Refreshed and it says shopping cart empty. Checked my email and I have an order confirmation. I guess I'm good...
uhh i guess
lolol i kid bro, that was torture.
copped...even if you submit order and get the 504, i think you are still good

check your credit card statement, and check the"my account" section in the ubiq site. You should have an order there with your order number
Hit place order and got the error. Refreshed and it says shopping cart empty. Checked my email and I have an order confirmation. I guess I'm good...
Same thing just happened here.  Received email confirmation and the order shows up on my UBIQ account page.  Hope I'm still good though...
glad everyone that wanted a pair is getting through. We worked hard to make last minute changes for a smoother release. Don't quit after a 504, just refresh and you'll be ok. 
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