Asics Love?!? Where is it?

Even though i like the colorway of the shoes and wouldn't mind a pair.

I dont mind him not releasing it to the public..

At least its for a good deed and will help others. 

I rather it going to someone less fortunate than to resellers.
it's just RF skillfully giving himself some positive PR. if he really wanted to help, he shouldve sold them and donated the money. or better yet auctioned them off or sold at reseller pricing and donated the money. all the money raised would be able to buy much more economical and practical shoes for them than 300 of their asics. i know there are folks that have relatives in haiti that will probably pass the word and eventually the pairs will hit the resale market, but really, many there probably have no idea or resources to get value for them. i posted on another forum that i wouldnt be surprised if a reseller went down there, flashed some cash and bought as many pairs as he could bring back. or maybe just wire money to a relative and have them scoop them up. could probably get multiple pairs for less than kith's average retail price. oh well. it is a good deed regardless though. good for him.
So today's big winner is Resellers of Haitian descent... I couldn't agree more than an auction type deal that then purchased economical kicks to meet needs or even to donate to the Red Cross would probably lead to more meaningful impact, but considering he's putting what he does best (design killer sneakers) and helping out some people.  I'm sure he knows he's just giving random Haitian people a couple hundred US american...
i get that rf isn't goin' all in like "toms" shoes does (for every 1 pair of shoes purchased, 1 pair is donated to a child in need), but i absolutely applaud that he's doin' SOMETHING. that's probably a lot more that you or i can say.

and while i do agree and believe he's gettin' some positive pr by doin' this (i feel deservedly so)...he's also bringing attention to the fact that folks in haiti still need aid. folks like you and me tend to forget shortly after a disaster happens that there are people still suffering and affected by natural disasters, whether in haiti, japan, or even nyc.

so we can say and think all we want that he's consciously doin' it for this or that reason, but ultimately, at the end of the day...some 300+ folks in haiti get quality pairs of shoes. what they do with their pairs ultimately, whether they wear them or resell them...will still be to their personal benefit. and it's all thanks to rf and the rest of his kith crew (and asics of course, who probably are the ones who are taking the financial hit for these 300+ pairs being donated to charity).

just my 3 cents...
i love the super green colorway, very clean but i don't like he is giving them to a 3rd world country.  he can give more shoes than jus 300 plus, why give a premium shoe to just 300 while you can give 1000 shoes for probably the same cost
i love the super green colorway, very clean but i don't like he is giving them to a 3rd world country.  he can give more shoes than jus 300 plus, why give a premium shoe to just 300 while you can give 1000 shoes for probably the same cost

Do you really think the cost differential for Asics/RF is really that significant between GR & "Premium"? No, it's nothing compared to the retail markup. That's hilarious that you actually think the actual production cost of these "premium" shoes makes a big much so that 1000 GR = 300 "premium".

He's doing a good thing...and generating publicity, plus you know there will be people outside of Haiti still hunting them down to say the were one of the few to get a pair.
i dont think he's saying GRs over a collab with premium materials. the charity is just to provide footwear for the needy. point is instead of only 300 pairs, they could find better ways to get much more pairs of footwear (they could care less about the brand) on those in need. hence the term "beggars cant be choosy." so that's why you have people saying it's a weak effort. but something is better than nothing.
Well, yeah. The charity could give a ton of Payless shoes if they chose. The thing is that this is RF associated with it and I'm not being cynical but you know there's some sort of promotional value for him and everything has a certain exclusivity to it...let's put different laces on a GR and make them special! I'm sure there are a lot of items that would be more beneficial to Haitians but with RF's involvement and attachment to Asics, he went this route. If he's doing an Asics sneaker, the cost between GR & premium materials is so minimal that it wouldn't be the difference between 300 or 1000 pairs of sneakers. That's what I'm saying.
This Super Green release just makes zero sense to me. While I'm sure that the people in Haiti appreciate a free pair of shoes, why not just donate money that they can use for food, shelter, and supplies? IMO, it's just an indirect way for Ronnie Fieg to build up his brand...
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This Super Green release just makes zero sense to me. While I'm sure that the people in Haiti appreciate a free pair of shoes, why not just donate money that they can use for food, shelter, and supplies? IMO, it's just an indirect way for Ronnie Fieg to build up his brand...

He designs and sells shoes. Soles4souls is a charity that tries to bring shoes to people that are less fortunate. Makes perfect sense.
Got bored while eating a chocmint icecream and mocked up a pair of GT-IIs. What do you think?
Although it is extremely nice, Soles4soles can get 1 pair of shoes for $1. They might not be made of premium materials like the ones he uses, but they are new balances, Adidas, crocs, as well as other brands that have old leftover/discontinued shoes. It's really great what RF is doing though and I respect him for trying to use his current career to make a difference however small. He deserves recognition and regardless of there are other ways and better ways of helping he took his own approach.
Was out of town for a couple weeks and finally just picked up my "selvedge denims." Was curious how they would look w/ different rope laces compared to the white so I threw in the ropes from the "Caviars." Figured I'd share if anyone else wanted to know. Thoughts?

**Edit: Just peeped the laces from my total eclipses and they may look a little better (more red w/ navy outline, not that it is very noticeable)

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Although the selvedge  GL3's were a good release, I would take the super greens over these any day. I'm happy with mine but being the first pair of his shoes that I bought for over $150, I wasn't too thrilled about the glue stains on the shoe and there was a scratch on the end guard. I'm familiar with glue stains on his previous releases,  but it was real bad on this pair. There was also a part of the shoe that was faded.....can't really do anything about production issues 
If anyone's willing to pay, seems like more people are unloading their collections on ebay.  I've seen old gl speeds, rivington clubs, arcs, and a lot of other good stuff.  Just isn't my size haha.
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