Asics Love?!? Where is it?

What do you mean for the desperate? 
 Have they already released in the U.S.? I haven't been keeping up with this pack so I have no idea what the status of these in the U.S. are.
What do you mean for the desperate? :rolleyes  Have they already released in the U.S.? I haven't been keeping up with this pack so I have no idea what the status of these in the U.S. are.
Yeah my man you pretty much missed em. There may be a few spots left to get them which when they go up qill prob be posted here so u may wanna stay tuned if u want em. Otherwise u can hit up eBay or some euro sites. Or call around some boutiques may still have what u lookin for.

Good luck
^^pretty much all the boutiques and retailers who would be expected to have them have already dropped and sold out pretty much instantly

As stated a page or so back nordstroms might be a option but still have to wait and see

Size? is a bit risky as of late. I've ordered from them back in the day with no issues but now I always see people complaining about not getting shipping info and bad customer service etc etc
I too was very impressed by the quality on the burgandy's. But even prior to rec'ing these I was always thinking about how Asics collabs are made vs. their GR-type shoes. Apart from the Santas, most of the Asics GR's (don't have my UC's yet) seem to have the 'netting' in the middle of the tiger stripes. Most of the higher qualify Asics, collabs or not, seem to NOT have the netting (again ref. the Santas). So got me to would these look without the Asics MO of always seeming to insert the netting material, I'm very pleased with the result. I like seeing that buttery/perforated material....these are my initial iphone pics.
nice.  what did you do?  exacto it out?
Still no ship confirmation for me. The cancellation email probably hit my spam folder, I get it regularly enough.
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Just got the cancellation. 0-2, FinishLine. Take care of that $100 for the next few days for me.
Dang, I asked a rep about why a lot of orders get cancelled, how I broke it down to her I don't think she was understanding
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Placed order on FNL for UC's

Order Total $87.1

Cancel email in the AM smh
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From a post in this thread a week ago.




@thejacobsharp the leather ain't bad, not the best I've ever had on a shoe but I'm not mad about the purchase at all. If you can get em and you like em grab em!! They low key remind me of the leather on the Steel Jordan 10s... Sorry for the low quality iPhone pics
Placed order on FNL for UC's

Order Total $87.1

Cancel email in the AM smh

just curious did FNL refund you the WCR? or you have to hustle at them for that $ of the main reason I don't do FNL unless in store, they are just so freaking unpredictable :x :smh:
just curious did FNL refund you the WCR? or you have to hustle at them for that $ of the main reason I don't do FNL unless in store, they are just so freaking unpredictable
your WC reward is voided (happened to me one time), but all you need to do is call customer service and they'll send you another one
your WC reward is voided (happened to me one time), but all you need to do is call customer service and they'll send you another one

This... still haven't got the cancel e-mail but I'm pretty sure I will.... :nerd:

i'll buzz them and get a new one no biggie there worth a shot :tongue:
Finally got my UCs from FNL. Pretty happy with them. The 3M makes it.


I just got mine in a few minutes ago and I was kind of disappointed. I love the colorblocking, but the quality of the materials and craftsmanship are both sub par. The suede is ashy and the toe box is made up of that sand paper suede, there are a few misshaped pieces on the shoe, and loose thread everywhere. For a shoe that I was anticipating since may, i rather disappointed. I mean I still like them, but not as much now that I have them in hand. This is definitely one of the worse made asics I have. The black/tans are of better quality. Just my 2 cents...
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