Asics Love?!? Where is it?

I heard a rumour from some of the guys in the hanon queue that packer had more pairs than hanon had, is that true?
the packers location in jersey city had about 30 pairs.... I'm not sure on how may the Teaneck location had
the packers location in jersey city had about 30 pairs.... I'm not sure on how may the Teaneck location had
Sounds like some were just exaggerating then, surely can't have had more that 250 [emoji]128514[/emoji]
did anyone hear the rumor about the what the fiegs being released through Kith only ?
Heard that at the end of the camp0uts solstice review. I semi believe it. I can see kith having the U.S. exclusive on them while overseas stockists will still receive pairs.
I've heard the rumor, crazy - but if there is one guy that can get away with that with a 25th anniversary asics - it's him.

We'll know for sure in about 3 weeks or so... 

All I got and all I need from this birthday party. With these three things you can't say the celebration has been a flop in generel.

Hope and believe resell prices decreases so any of you that struck out will be able to own Hanons.
I know I don't have a right to complain but I'm pretty glad this overhyped and underwhelming 25th anni release is almost over.
Hoping that the hype dies down so I can grab a pair but who knows...  kois are still going for a pretty penny
All I got and all I need from this birthday party. With these three things you can't say the celebration has been a flop in generel.

Hope and believe resell prices decreases so any of you that struck out will be able to own Hanons.
great selection, i would've gone for the hanon's if they were a bit more muted, not really a guy to wear purple shoes. i can still appreciate them though!
if u start seeing single sizes of hanons on ebay in your size then its too late, u wanna cop when there's competing prices
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I know at least two people who got pairs backdoored from Packer so.. And let's not even talk about their DB release
Well I guess they have gotten a bit more than 55 - BUT, they promised 55 to the public and they delivered on that promise. For that I'm thankful. 
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