As if the police haven't given people enough reasons to hate them

call me crazy but i will never feel safe around a police officer, EVER....even when i approach one to ask a question, i approach them with caution, these dudes seriously forgot the meaning of that oath they took.
What's funny is if you put a _______ everywhere is says "cop" or "police officer", you see the blatant discrimination and stereotyping. :lol:

I understand for certain things they're just "doing their job" but to be the type of person that is willing to take a job like that is just disgusting

Wait! What?

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I hate all Cops.. call it ignorant if you want.. But they all do more harm than good

I understand for certain things they're just "doing their job" but to be the type of person that is willing to take a job like that is just disgusting

i quit this thread bro.
you got dudes gargling cops sacks saying they deserve the utmost respect no matter what because of their title and then dudes who just straight up think it's disgusting to become a cop.
it's like a damn cartoon in here the way y'all have this one solid view with no consideration for the obvious exceptions to y'alls rules.
like c'mon, if you're a dirty cop or you use your title to do unecessary **** then :smh: . i hate your kind
but to think there are no clean cops around who simply protect and serve and hate them all and say they do more harm than good :rolleyes
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Would this girl have gotten hit or arrested if she didn't spray silly string?
Just wondering because I didn't see any cops punching people who were minding their own business in the face.
The cop was definitely wrong, but he had a reason to go at her, however pointless that reason in fact was.
Without Police, you would be getting robbed, jumped, and mistreated daily.
They're the ones who put their lives on the line to take down those people that are out killing innocent men, women and children, unfortunately sometimes their lives are taken in doing so.
Have some respect.
Lol woooow the str8 naivety... These things still happen and the funny thing about it is the police play a big role in all of these things u talking about...

They in all honesty serve 80% protect 20%..... For every robbery how many did they protect/prevent vs serve ala file reports etc... For every gang war etc... How many do they prevent/protect vs.. serve file reports... Dont get me wrong police serve some sort of good but in a small capacity.

If they protect/prevent to just serve was broken down into a ration like shot %... the would be a maybe 25-28% shooter... Just imagine other jobs if u had a low success rate... Imagine a doctor ... a teacher..... hell a mechanic etc...
If a woman was to smack or hit a male officer, why is it ok for the male officer to hit her back? (within reason)
Yet if an ordinary man was to do the same "men should not hit women" come into play?

Just a thought
If a woman was to smack or hit a male officer, why is it ok for the male officer to hit her back? (within reason)
Yet if an ordinary man was to do the same "men should not hit women" come into play?
Just a thought
hell why isnt it ok to hit a woman here, yet u put on a armed service uniform and u can kick in doors, beat/mistreat, shoot kill pillage rape those woman and be seen as a hero. Just simply because they live in a area of so called enemies... or they are of same ethicity of ppl we are in war with...
Damn PPD, why you going so hard?
Even NYPD don't go so hard in large crowds.
Not naive, you made it sound like there are no repercussions on their end. Your right, people take the cash and stay quiet, that's their problem. Good for him for doing what was just and exposing them.
Wrong place, wrong time. **** happens.
NY Times articles = repercussions, lawsuits, etc. Completely debunks your initial post champ.

the big picture dude. how many ny times articles aren't currently being reporting?

how many people are still doing this to this day.

you think one person gets caught stealing at 7-11 means only one person stole from the store that day?
Did she spray a grown man in the face or did she spray it in the air in their general direction in the midst of a parade? 9 times out of 10 if a woman did in fact spray silly string into a mans face purposely he is not going to deck her in the mouth. Is that what you would do? Where are you people from? Someone is always justifying these cops actions and it's really a big part of the problem.
Im not a fighter, Id just get multiple cans and spray it bak in her face., but go into any of the threads about men hitting women. Going by NT standards, thats license to put a chick in a headlock. And I said the cop should be fired.
You'd look like a lame telling shawty to wait there while going to Party City to stock up on Silly String

I'd spray it on her face, but my silly string is all natural
I work with cops on a daily basis. There are some that make me wonder why did they give him/her a badge? PD's across the country are in a shortage of good Officers. So, they are forced to go without and puts more work load on those presently serving. The City Of Houston has a max of 5200 officers for our whole city. While yes we have other PD's in the city, they don't work well together. It the nature of the beast. Everyone wants to justify their existence. Police Officers put up with a ton BS on an hourly basis. Everyone they encounter is trying to feed them a line, in various degrees of hostility. I said that in response to the comments made about cops and in no way condoning the actions of the LT.

There are some that do good in the community. Would you agree that NTERS are nothing but a bunch of shoe collecting inner city idiots. Nope, some can will can yes, some can say no. It's a generalization.

What the LT did was bad, IMO.

IMO, the cop and the lady both could have done things differently to avoid that situation.
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She shouldn't have been spraying them with silly-string but seriously, what kind of person just turns around and rocks a FEMALE like that in the face without even thinking?

Makes me sick.
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You guys don't realize that she wasn't doing a SINGLE thing wrong?  She's not throwing anything...
That was like a punch / clothesline combo 

I'm not a white knight, but that was excessive force anybody agreeing with police in this situation should be beaten with electric batons.
Without Police, you would be getting robbed, jumped, and mistreated daily.
They're the ones who put their lives on the line to take down those people that are out killing innocent men, women and children, unfortunately sometimes their lives are taken in doing so.
Have some respect.

respect isn't given it's earned. law enforcement needs to respect the badge and the communities their hired to protect and serve in order for them to earn the respect of the community.

they put their lives on the line KNOWING that's part of the job beforehand so they shouldn't be put on a pedestal for it. I don't see contruction workers that work on skyscrapers where they can easily fall being put on a pedestal when they know beforehand the job is dangerous so cops shouldn't be put on a pedestal either. if a cop dies in the line of duty it sucks for his family and my condolences but im not going to cry a river about it because he knew the job has the potential to be dangerous when he took it.

with police, this has been a common, continuing problem and that's when it becomes a serious issue. it's not limited to big towns or small towns but its been a problem nationwide and incidents like this appear on the news way more then they should, (who knows how many incidents involivng unnecessary police force go unreported because they weren't caught on camera.)

the law enforcement system needs to be reviewed, looked at, and analyzed and areas where it has major flaws need to be fixed. too many violent, trigger happy cops are roaming the streets with a teflon untouchable mindset.

i respect officers who serve with integrity and try to do their job the right way, unfortunately the bad apples of the bunch end up being a reflection on law enforcement as a whole.

i can speak for los angeles on this one, but a big problem is that the officers are out of touch with the communities they serve, they have no real ties to the community which should be important with a job like a police officer. these cops patrol in streets in Los Angeles only to go back to a neighborhood far away. they don't work with or interact with the community which leads to the community not trusting or fearing the ones that are supposed to protect them. more officers from the actual area should be hired who can relate to what's going on instead of a bunch of out of touch people.

end of the day this cop needs to be arrested and locked up for assault. (it won't happen and that's a reason why there will continue to be tensions between people and the cops) because there's a stigma that cops are untouchable and nothings being done to hold cops accountable when they screw up. if a cop comes at me in a rude disrespectful manner and is physical with me in a situation where his behavior is unwarranted to begin with and i defend myself and beat him up i get the book thrown at me whereas if the roles are reversed he's not seeing the same charges i see.

with all that said i understand cops deal with grimey stuff on a regular basis and that they deal with a binch of disrespectful stuff but disrespectful behavior doesn't warrant assault. if someone on the streets is rude and disrespectful to me and i assault them i get in trouble, the same needs to apply to cops. sorry some hood dude hurt their ego by talking back but that doesn't justify them using force.
i respect officers who serve with integrity and try to do their job the right way, unfortunately the bad apples of the bunch end up being a reflection on law enforcement as a whole.

i can speak for los angeles on this one, but a big problem is that the officers are out of touch with the communities they serve, they have no real ties to the community which should be important with a job like a police officer. these cops patrol in streets in Los Angeles only to go back to a neighborhood far away. they don't work with or interact with the community which leads to the community not trusting or fearing the ones that are supposed to protect them. more officers from the actual area should be hired who can relate to what's going on instead of a bunch of out of touch people.

end of the day this cop needs to be arrested and locked up for assault. (it won't happen and that's a reason why there will continue to be tensions between people and the cops) because there's a stigma that cops are untouchable and nothings being done to hold cops accountable when they screw up. if a cop comes at me in a rude disrespectful manner and is physical with me in a situation where his behavior is unwarranted to begin with and i defend myself and beat him up i get the book thrown at me whereas if the roles are reversed he's not seeing the same charges i see.

with all that said i understand cops deal with grimey stuff on a regular basis and that they deal with a binch of disrespectful stuff but disrespectful behavior doesn't warrant assault. if someone on the streets is rude and disrespectful to me and i assault them i get in trouble, the same needs to apply to cops. sorry some hood dude hurt their ego by talking back but that doesn't justify them using force.

Got to disagree with some of these points you are trying to make. A lot of LAPD officers come from the inner city, believe it or not. Do they eventually move out? Yes, would you want to live in some of these neighborhoods? Some of these hoods are beyond saving, and that is because these hoods are rotting from the inside. No sense of community, why not take the first chance you get to take your family out.

Cops are not untouchable, especially nowadays with a lot of the dirty work they are doing getting caught on cell phone cameras and other electronic devices. They lose their jobs, their livelihood.

They do deal with a lot of grimey stuff and disrespect, and that street goes both ways. Their guard is extremely high, it's a vicious cycle that is not going to end any time soon.

It is what it is, unfortunately the bad apples they deal with ruins it for people that cause no trouble. No one holds those people accountable for actually ruining these neighborhoods in the first place.
In every goup (religion, color of the skin or just a group of people fightin for a cause), the bad apple is what Will be shown in the média and the entire groupe Will get the same treatment ( good or bad apple)

Sad reality of today's'media that contrôl information
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