As a black atheist, I like to address questions of why African Americans are so religious

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

There were times I was actually in tears thinking about the fact that there was no "afterlife" - and that those I had loved who had died - were really dead. They weren't watching me, or having some hand in guiding me. They didn't still "love me". That was pretty depressing.

As far as I know it and hold it to be true this was and has always been the basis of religion. The spirituality you speak of that was practiced by slaves did not originate from slave masters but from their homeland, but because of the practices of slavery in splitting up slaves from their offspring it was morphed into the various sects of christianity.

To give a simple example from my life ........... there are many things I have encountered in life that I've just known, knowledge that I've never encroached upon before yet when introduced to me I knew the end results. Now part of my belief is that of reincarnation, and a major basis of that is that each life span is unique in that I only live that time span once, only experience well the best way I can put it events that origin from this timeline once. In essence it's most similar to the modern definition of hell  or the story of Sisyphus.  That right now in this consciousness as "renk xedik" this is who I am, who I was, who I will be.  Within this lifespan I am still connected to a larger consciousness of self if I choose so, and if I do there is knowledge available to me that while I  will never know of any past present future time lines (well I believe all time happens concurrently) I am able to tap into the energy of it all ...... IDK how best to explain it to you guys.

But I will say this time and time again many bring up science claiming the believe in t's facts, it's theories, it's hypothoses when what they truly believe in is materialism. Further more there are those that will lead down this path when what they hold dearest is the very thing that you mock .\
No the scientific community is literally a culture of non-belief until you've provided enough evidence. We take the "we don't believe you, you need more people" approach to all data/ research presented. Please refrain from making absurd claims and read up on BASIC principles of scientific research and its process.

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

There were times I was actually in tears thinking about the fact that there was no "afterlife" - and that those I had loved who had died - were really dead. They weren't watching me, or having some hand in guiding me. They didn't still "love me". That was pretty depressing.

As far as I know it and hold it to be true this was and has always been the basis of religion. The spirituality you speak of that was practiced by slaves did not originate from slave masters but from their homeland, but because of the practices of slavery in splitting up slaves from their offspring it was morphed into the various sects of christianity.

To give a simple example from my life ........... there are many things I have encountered in life that I've just known, knowledge that I've never encroached upon before yet when introduced to me I knew the end results. Now part of my belief is that of reincarnation, and a major basis of that is that each life span is unique in that I only live that time span once, only experience well the best way I can put it events that origin from this timeline once. In essence it's most similar to the modern definition of hell  or the story of Sisyphus.  That right now in this consciousness as "renk xedik" this is who I am, who I was, who I will be.  Within this lifespan I am still connected to a larger consciousness of self if I choose so, and if I do there is knowledge available to me that while I  will never know of any past present future time lines (well I believe all time happens concurrently) I am able to tap into the energy of it all ...... IDK how best to explain it to you guys.

But I will say this time and time again many bring up science claiming the believe in t's facts, it's theories, it's hypothoses when what they truly believe in is materialism. Further more there are those that will lead down this path when what they hold dearest is the very thing that you mock .\
No the scientific community is literally a culture of non-belief until you've provided enough evidence. We take the "we don't believe you, you need more people" approach to all data/ research presented. Please refrain from making absurd claims and read up on BASIC principles of scientific research and its process.

I had hopes this thread would actually address the issue in the title as opposed to another religion bashing thread. Silly me....
I had hopes this thread would actually address the issue in the title as opposed to another religion bashing thread. Silly me....
Originally Posted by kix4kix

I had hopes this thread would actually address the issue in the title as opposed to another religion bashing thread. Silly me....

We started to...then things got crazy 
but hey check this out... in Pakistan there is rampant blasphemy going on over there:

Lahore (Agenzia Fides) – The Catholic Church in Punjab and throughout Pakistan is in shock by this latest case of injustice. Agnes Nuggo, a Catholic woman from Faisalabad, in Punjab has been unjustly accused of blasphemy (see Fides 22/2/2011). According to Fides sources in the local Church, who are closely following the case, Agnes is 50 years old, Catholic, married to Bashir (52 years old) and mother of five children: three boys, Shahzad (29), Imran (27), Amir (13), and two girls, Kiran (25) and Amber (23). She is accused of blasphemy by Muslim neighbours, who are claiming ownership of land. Agnes professes her innocence and says the accusations against her are fabricated.
Fides has gathered more details on the affair. Agnes is the victim of a vendetta, but she too has made mistakes: in fact in recent weeks, because of a private quarrel, she had falsely accused three Christians, telling the local imam that they had insulted the Prophet Muhammad. Verifying their innocence, Agnes made a public apology, admitting her mistake and apologising. However, now she is the victim being falsely accused of blasphemy and the same local imam has testified against her.
The Bishop and priests of Faisalabad have come together in the last few days for a week of spiritual retreat that will also give them the opportunity to examine the case and decide which strategy to follow. The assembly of diocesan clergy is engaged in fervent prayer for Agnes and her family, which is being assisted by the local Church through some priests and sisters, to protect the innocent victims of the blasphemy law, for peace and harmony in the country.
Archbishop Lawrence Saldanha of Lahore and President of the Episcopal Conference, expresses the concern of the Bishops of Pakistan to Fides after this new case: “It is deplorable that it has happened again. Accusations of blasphemy against Christians, members of other religious minorities and even against Muslims continue to occur. The law is open to abuse and this is what is continually happening: this causes us great concern. We must not stop our efforts and our mobilisation to change this law. We hope that Agnes' story can be clarified and resolved quickly. We continue to hope that the wise part of the country agrees on the urgency of eliminating or at least reviewing the law.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

I had hopes this thread would actually address the issue in the title as opposed to another religion bashing thread. Silly me....

We started to...then things got crazy 
but hey check this out... in Pakistan there is rampant blasphemy going on over there:

Lahore (Agenzia Fides) – The Catholic Church in Punjab and throughout Pakistan is in shock by this latest case of injustice. Agnes Nuggo, a Catholic woman from Faisalabad, in Punjab has been unjustly accused of blasphemy (see Fides 22/2/2011). According to Fides sources in the local Church, who are closely following the case, Agnes is 50 years old, Catholic, married to Bashir (52 years old) and mother of five children: three boys, Shahzad (29), Imran (27), Amir (13), and two girls, Kiran (25) and Amber (23). She is accused of blasphemy by Muslim neighbours, who are claiming ownership of land. Agnes professes her innocence and says the accusations against her are fabricated.
Fides has gathered more details on the affair. Agnes is the victim of a vendetta, but she too has made mistakes: in fact in recent weeks, because of a private quarrel, she had falsely accused three Christians, telling the local imam that they had insulted the Prophet Muhammad. Verifying their innocence, Agnes made a public apology, admitting her mistake and apologising. However, now she is the victim being falsely accused of blasphemy and the same local imam has testified against her.
The Bishop and priests of Faisalabad have come together in the last few days for a week of spiritual retreat that will also give them the opportunity to examine the case and decide which strategy to follow. The assembly of diocesan clergy is engaged in fervent prayer for Agnes and her family, which is being assisted by the local Church through some priests and sisters, to protect the innocent victims of the blasphemy law, for peace and harmony in the country.
Archbishop Lawrence Saldanha of Lahore and President of the Episcopal Conference, expresses the concern of the Bishops of Pakistan to Fides after this new case: “It is deplorable that it has happened again. Accusations of blasphemy against Christians, members of other religious minorities and even against Muslims continue to occur. The law is open to abuse and this is what is continually happening: this causes us great concern. We must not stop our efforts and our mobilisation to change this law. We hope that Agnes' story can be clarified and resolved quickly. We continue to hope that the wise part of the country agrees on the urgency of eliminating or at least reviewing the law.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

I had hopes this thread would actually address the issue in the title as opposed to another religion bashing thread. Silly me....

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I had hopes this thread would actually address the issue in the title as opposed to another religion bashing thread. Silly me....

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

You literally have to be black to understand why this thread needed to be made. Black people's unrelenting and unquestioned allegiance to the Judeochristian faith is insulting and utterly ridiculous. And even more insulting is Christianity somehow being a yard-stick for Afrocentricity. As a full blooded African this is downright disrespectful to my ancestors who had their roots, traditions and spirituality forcibly stripped away from them. People go to church every sunday and pray to a crucified idol with blonde hair and blue eyes tryna tell me I aint black for being non-religious. EFF OUTTA HERE.


If we're gonna believe in fairy tales, can it be fairy tales from our own culture? Why we do continue to follow a religion not native to us? Just because we turn gospel songs into R&B jamz and jump up and down and get the holy ghost doesn't make it our religion. The only reason we're Christian is because of slavery. We should have dropped that nonsense as soon as they let us free and made up our own God. But I guess it was easier to continue to be Christians.

And I'm not even an atheist, I just don't think man knows anything about God and to pretend we do is nonsense.

Smh… Why do people act like a large majority of the old testament didn’t take place in africa / asia?

   Word son, I think they spoke of Japanese and Ibo people in the bible. Knowledge!!!
For the record… where do you think egypt is?
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

You literally have to be black to understand why this thread needed to be made. Black people's unrelenting and unquestioned allegiance to the Judeochristian faith is insulting and utterly ridiculous. And even more insulting is Christianity somehow being a yard-stick for Afrocentricity. As a full blooded African this is downright disrespectful to my ancestors who had their roots, traditions and spirituality forcibly stripped away from them. People go to church every sunday and pray to a crucified idol with blonde hair and blue eyes tryna tell me I aint black for being non-religious. EFF OUTTA HERE.


If we're gonna believe in fairy tales, can it be fairy tales from our own culture? Why we do continue to follow a religion not native to us? Just because we turn gospel songs into R&B jamz and jump up and down and get the holy ghost doesn't make it our religion. The only reason we're Christian is because of slavery. We should have dropped that nonsense as soon as they let us free and made up our own God. But I guess it was easier to continue to be Christians.

And I'm not even an atheist, I just don't think man knows anything about God and to pretend we do is nonsense.

Smh… Why do people act like a large majority of the old testament didn’t take place in africa / asia?

   Word son, I think they spoke of Japanese and Ibo people in the bible. Knowledge!!!
For the record… where do you think egypt is?
Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

You literally have to be black to understand why this thread needed to be made. Black people's unrelenting and unquestioned allegiance to the Judeochristian faith is insulting and utterly ridiculous. And even more insulting is Christianity somehow being a yard-stick for Afrocentricity. As a full blooded African this is downright disrespectful to my ancestors who had their roots, traditions and spirituality forcibly stripped away from them. People go to church every sunday and pray to a crucified idol with blonde hair and blue eyes tryna tell me I aint black for being non-religious. EFF OUTTA HERE.


If we're gonna believe in fairy tales, can it be fairy tales from our own culture? Why we do continue to follow a religion not native to us? Just because we turn gospel songs into R&B jamz and jump up and down and get the holy ghost doesn't make it our religion. The only reason we're Christian is because of slavery. We should have dropped that nonsense as soon as they let us free and made up our own God. But I guess it was easier to continue to be Christians.

And I'm not even an atheist, I just don't think man knows anything about God and to pretend we do is nonsense.

Smh… Why do people act like a large majority of the old testament didn’t take place in africa / asia?

   Word son, I think they spoke of Japanese and Ibo people in the bible. Knowledge!!!
For the record… where do you think egypt is?

West Africa
South America
Most of Europe
Most of Asia

Hence me bringing up Japan. Missionaries had to spread the word of God to other parts of the country. THINK
My people had nothing to do with judeochristianity till it was forced on them. Egypt is not the only society in Africa...but to dumb things down for you I was talking about West Africa, South Africa etc. Lemme hear some bible references. None of the Disciples is named Okonwo or Aledanoye.
Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

You literally have to be black to understand why this thread needed to be made. Black people's unrelenting and unquestioned allegiance to the Judeochristian faith is insulting and utterly ridiculous. And even more insulting is Christianity somehow being a yard-stick for Afrocentricity. As a full blooded African this is downright disrespectful to my ancestors who had their roots, traditions and spirituality forcibly stripped away from them. People go to church every sunday and pray to a crucified idol with blonde hair and blue eyes tryna tell me I aint black for being non-religious. EFF OUTTA HERE.


If we're gonna believe in fairy tales, can it be fairy tales from our own culture? Why we do continue to follow a religion not native to us? Just because we turn gospel songs into R&B jamz and jump up and down and get the holy ghost doesn't make it our religion. The only reason we're Christian is because of slavery. We should have dropped that nonsense as soon as they let us free and made up our own God. But I guess it was easier to continue to be Christians.

And I'm not even an atheist, I just don't think man knows anything about God and to pretend we do is nonsense.

Smh… Why do people act like a large majority of the old testament didn’t take place in africa / asia?

   Word son, I think they spoke of Japanese and Ibo people in the bible. Knowledge!!!
For the record… where do you think egypt is?

West Africa
South America
Most of Europe
Most of Asia

Hence me bringing up Japan. Missionaries had to spread the word of God to other parts of the country. THINK
My people had nothing to do with judeochristianity till it was forced on them. Egypt is not the only society in Africa...but to dumb things down for you I was talking about West Africa, South Africa etc. Lemme hear some bible references. None of the Disciples is named Okonwo or Aledanoye.
Originally Posted by BC2310

*takes a look at thread title, instantly realizes it's a troll thread*

Clicks thread-Oh they're discussing something I don't agree with or that doesn't interest me. Oh silly trolls.

Click Fat booty thread-ah yes indeed, they do indeed have some moist private parts. Would love to fornicate.
Originally Posted by BC2310

*takes a look at thread title, instantly realizes it's a troll thread*

Clicks thread-Oh they're discussing something I don't agree with or that doesn't interest me. Oh silly trolls.

Click Fat booty thread-ah yes indeed, they do indeed have some moist private parts. Would love to fornicate.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by BC2310

*takes a look at thread title, instantly realizes it's a troll thread*

Clicks thread-Oh they're discussing something I don't agree with or that doesn't interest me. Oh silly trolls.

Click Fat booty thread-ah yes indeed, they do indeed have some moist private parts. Would love to fornicate.

Oh my bad, thought i was pointing out the obvious, carry on with your "discussion"
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by BC2310

*takes a look at thread title, instantly realizes it's a troll thread*

Clicks thread-Oh they're discussing something I don't agree with or that doesn't interest me. Oh silly trolls.

Click Fat booty thread-ah yes indeed, they do indeed have some moist private parts. Would love to fornicate.

Oh my bad, thought i was pointing out the obvious, carry on with your "discussion"
Originally Posted by BC2310

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by BC2310

*takes a look at thread title, instantly realizes it's a troll thread*

Clicks thread-Oh they're discussing something I don't agree with or that doesn't interest me. Oh silly trolls.

Click Fat booty thread-ah yes indeed, they do indeed have some moist private parts. Would love to fornicate.

Oh my bad, thought i was pointing out the obvious, carry on with your "discussion"
and you move on if you have nothing to add.
Originally Posted by BC2310

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by BC2310

*takes a look at thread title, instantly realizes it's a troll thread*

Clicks thread-Oh they're discussing something I don't agree with or that doesn't interest me. Oh silly trolls.

Click Fat booty thread-ah yes indeed, they do indeed have some moist private parts. Would love to fornicate.

Oh my bad, thought i was pointing out the obvious, carry on with your "discussion"
and you move on if you have nothing to add.
Originally Posted by BC2310

^I resent the big-booty ASSumption
Edit: extra ironing with your avy NT standards that's not enough mass son. And I was clearly referring to the fat girl thread but that wasn't even the point. If you don't like what's being discussed you don't have to come in here. Simple as that. Don't call something trolling because you don't agree with it.
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