Arian Foster Let It Be Known That He Is A Non-Believer

The fact that Tebow is still on an NFL roster says a lot :lol:,so many people want to see him succeed. I do to but not because he's the prototypical all-american good 'ol christian boy
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[quote name="Tr1ll"][quote name="DarthSka"][quote name="OGMCMXCII"]Look how they slandered/treated Tim Tebow :smh: :smh: :smh: the only dude I respect in the league for being a true believer....[/quote]SLANDERED?!

Dude is one of the worst football players to ever be super famous... EVER.

Why do you think that is? He SURE wasn't plastered all over the place because he was good, because he wasn't.

Why was he so heralded? Because of...?[/quote]

...his college career?

Honestly, I dont remember anyone really giving him a chance. He came out of college with so much hype, he put it out there he was a holy roller and all of a sudden he's the worst football player ever. 75 qb rating isnt THAT bad, its not HOF(even though its better than Terry Bradshaw's), but its not the worst ever.[/quote]I can dig it. Makes sense.

Just rubs me wrong when I hear people try to talk like he was figuratively crucified when the opposite is what actually happened.

Just reminds me that to some, an ounce of contradiction counts for a world of persecution.
1. In the NFL college career doesn't mean much of anything. Many college stars don't even play

2. Ole boy was in college damn near 8 years ago and still getting chance.
@sckid20 because God wouldn't leave me in this world by myself.. anyone else would do that to me.
amen to that. Very truths[emoji]128588[/emoji][emoji]127995[/emoji][emoji]128588[/emoji][emoji]127995[/emoji][emoji]128588[/emoji][emoji]127995[/emoji] people come and go in your life but God is always there!!!
Even if he was, the irony is still there.

He wants people to celebrate according to his beliefs and not their own. He's being very hypocritical.

Not sure if you're serious. In NO WAY would I ever expecto someone to cater to my personal beliefs

I simply said it was refreshing to see someone speak against the opinion that has dominated sports for the last 50 years. Just making a point that it was nice to see somebody NOT "give god the glory" for a change. Nothing to do with what I believe
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The fact that Tebow is still on an NFL roster says a lot :lol:,so many people want to see him succeed. I do to but not because he's the prototypical all-american good 'ol christian boy
I can respect that [emoji]128076[/emoji][emoji]127995[/emoji][emoji]128076[/emoji][emoji]127995[/emoji][emoji]128076[/emoji][emoji]127995[/emoji][emoji]128076[/emoji][emoji]127995[/emoji]
Reminds me of the persecution complex so many conservative wasp's have when they literally have it better than everyone else :lol:

Very good comparison, many white, male Christians think there's a war against them because people are finally speaking out against privilege. Man Ssit cho dumb @$5 down. :lol:

The Fox propaganda machine would make Joseph Goebbels jealous man :lol:. Talking bbout "taking back" a country they already own :rofl:
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The reasoning for finding God is less important. Finding God is all that matters. I don't care how you get there, just get there.

Why do you care who finds god? That's what Atheists have going for them. There isn't an agenda. I've never tried converting anyone to atheism. Why? Because I don't care and those who are deeply religious obviously need god. A world without religion or god is too much for them to handle. It's easier to have a backup because it keeps you from ever really fully dealing with anything. If god has your back, no failures or faults are as terrifying. You'll still get your cloud condo and see your dead aunt. Glory is given to god, hardships are seen as tests of faith. "God doesn't give you anything you can't handle" loosely translates to "well, god didn't do me any favors there but I will keep believing because I'm afraid of what will happen if I don't."

I said maybe atheists are afraid because they have no backup. The initial comment was how its rare that we see atheists speak publicly about their beliefs, probably to avoid alienating people and repercussions. That's fear. People with faith have no fear of speaking on their faith, because they believe in something higher. They believe God protects them so they can do and say what they feel. Atheists typically keep their beliefs to themselves.

This is rubbish. Atheists don't speak about their beliefs? How many people here have mentioned being annoyed by in-your-face atheists? I don't speak on my atheism (unless there is a discussion) because I'm not trying to convert anyone. I'm not trying to subordinate anyone with my beliefs. I'm not trying to justify my contempt or refusal to accept people. I don't see anyone as a lost soul or lesser person because I don't have a book that subjugates people and calls them sinners. I never need anyone to fix themselves to see them as equals.
Even if he was, the irony is still there.

He wants people to celebrate according to his beliefs and not their own. He's being very hypocritical.

Not sure if you're serious. In NO WAY would I ever expecto someone to cater to my personal beliefs

I simply said it was refreshing to see someone speak against the opinion that has dominated sports for the last 50 years. Just making a point that it was nice to see somebody NOT "give god the glory" for a change. Nothing to do with what I believe

If that was the point you were making, then I apologize. My mistake, man.
1. In the NFL college career doesn't mean much of anything. Many college stars don't even play

2. Ole boy was in college damn near 8 years ago and still getting chance.

Outside of Payton Manning and Tom Brady, dude's numbers was better than everyone who has beat him out of a job.

Sam Bradford inches by a 79.3

Tim Tebow wasn't THAT bad, thats all I got to say.
You know what's weird? I remember the days when it was mainly Lionblood and me fighting the godless fight.
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I used to steer clear of religous threads because they used to be filled with chaos man :lol:. NT's grown a lot more tolerant/mature imo so these discussions can actually be informative now without bans/insults etc.
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[quote name="LIONBLOOD"]Dude said "back up plan".  I'm laughing so hard at that concept. It's his own way of saying, I'll be Christian.....just in case. [/quote]Dat after-life insurance policy. :smokin
I don't worry about being wrong. Depending on who you ask and what god they accept that day, god can be a forgiving guy.
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