Are teachers in bad public schools set up to fail? What would you do?

I'm worried about the schools my unborn children will attend, where they will live, their social environment. More people need to do planning BEFORE theyhave kids...I totally understand that people have babies unplanned all the time, but come on. These kids don't come to school and turn into "badkids", they act like that everywhere. Parents are becoming more and more unaccountable for their kids' actions and it disgusts me. That kid shoudlvenever hit that teacher cause he should've had the thought in his head that SEVERE consequences could happen. Its sad that people think of teachers as"babysitters", they do so much more for their students...end vent
The Wire.

Crappy parents leads to crappy children. Little+*#%!# that show no respect for anybody else. Hard to blame them though.
I feel there are many factors at play here.

When I was in high school, 99-03, the 'cool' thing to do was be a rebel and not pay attention in class. I knew several people who were smart, butdidn't listen to the teachers and do the assignments because they don't want to be the outcast among their peers.

Some people say that it's the parents fault for not raising better kids. Some say that you can not teach those who don't want to learn.

My high school wasn't the best or the worst, but if you just went to're guaranteed to get a C at least. The teachers have to lower theirstandard so much just to let the majority of the kids pass. I remember my English teacher would assign an essay every time we read a book. There were 3-4people who did the essay on time, and the teacher would flip out...and somehow that essay would turn into a final where if you turn it in, you'll pass theclass.

LAUSD made it a law for kids under 18 to be in school as well, and they had that high school exit exam where if you don't pass the don'tgraduate. They just recently remove the exam because it caused a clog in the system since more freshmen were coming in and the seniors weren't leavingsince they didn't pass the exam.

I absolutely have no idea how to treat this problem because everything is so touchy here.
its just a shame for the public school system but the kids need to be raised better by their parents
Originally Posted by newkidtadagame

I'm worried about the schools my unborn children will attend, where they will live, their social environment. More people need to do planning BEFORE they have kids...I totally understand that people have babies unplanned all the time, but come on. These kids don't come to school and turn into "bad kids", they act like that everywhere. Parents are becoming more and more unaccountable for their kids' actions and it disgusts me. That kid shoudlve never hit that teacher cause he should've had the thought in his head that SEVERE consequences could happen. Its sad that people think of teachers as "babysitters", they do so much more for their students...end vent

qft. lets keep this topic goin
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