Anyone have a REAL friend?

There's a few dudes that I TRUST about a 100%. Can I say completely 100%? I don't know but I've known these cats for over 10 years, so I know I cantrust them with about anything.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

real talk.... the only person i trust 100% is myself.
u serious? Not even your mom and pops? Or your brother or sister? I had to jump on this because I will trust 100% on 7 people including myself.Damn you really ain't lying when you say you think like a dude.
Originally Posted by YoungSole93

do to halfs make a whole?

Originally Posted by RATxAxTAT

Stop being so hardcore simply.

i'm not. i just learned it the hard way. at the end of the day, people only care about themselves, and act accordingly. had best friends and everything. itdoesn't matter.
Originally Posted by Hen Lin 32

Originally Posted by bns1201

i got a group of 4 friends who on the outside seem like we're hundred percent...but we really dont like the one fat kid in our group
South Park Crew.

lol the fat one isnt your wiz of Oz singing roomie?


naww but forreal this fat kid in our group is in love with this chick way out of his league, and he always is posting mad emo status' on FB like hesdesperate or something, and hes mad lazy...i ask him to ball and he just wants to sleep or "study" which is his rated G word for doin the sticky solo
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

real talk.... the only person i trust 100% is myself.
u serious? Not even your mom and pops? Or your brother or sister?
my brother comes close..... closer than anyone.... but not 100%
I was messing, Simply.
I know exactly what you're talking about and where you're coming from.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

real talk.... the only person i trust 100% is myself.
Word. I have been let down too many times by folks I thought would be there for me for whatever. I now know that NO ONE has my back 100%. I lovemy mom to death, but if all of her children were in a boat, drowning, and she could only save one, I wouldn't be that one. I KNOW this.
My only true friends are the three doods who I went to high school and community college with. I don't think anyone I've met once I transferred to theuniversity could be classified as anything more than an acquaintance. It's kinda sad thinking about it because I guess the generalization is that sinceI'm in college I should be enjoying myself and having fun, yet nothing is fun when you have no friends. I don't know, I'm probably some hideousogre in the eyes of these university kids, that's why I have no friends. Major L I took.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by FromThaTown


real talk.... the only person i trust 100% is myself.
u serious? Not even your mom and pops? Or your brother or sister?
my brother comes close..... closer than anyone.... but not 100%

id say my brother is closest to 100%

but dude drank my mountain dew the other day, refilled it with water and told me he didnt dew it

so i refilled his 2 $1 bills i took from him with paper that had a smiley face on it
To OP, if it's about the girl you trying to get on, you gotta get on her fast. Don't be saying tynna or anything, swoop her up. And if your homeboy tryto get on her than. You need to smash on him or let him go. Man this is why NT amazes me. Like why you gotta ask these questions when you already know fromyour own intuition. I never ran into homeboys like the OP, but if I did, he wouldn't be my homeboy from the start. Yall NT'ers need to have goodreading skills when you see a person upfront. Just remember if anybody you ever meet is too nice up front and promises you good friendship and riches, you needto watch out for that dude.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

real talk.... the only person i trust 100% is myself.
u serious? Not even your mom and pops? Or your brother or sister?
my brother comes close..... closer than anyone.... but not 100%
how you gonna trust a husband then???? Damn maybe I need to PM u or not reply to you cause you bringing bad vibes.
His name is Johnny Walker. He wears black mostly. He'll wear blue on special occasions.
Originally Posted by reigndrop

I got about 4-5 friends that are literally family.

Are you all related by blood?


Then you're not literally family.
I met all of mine in wife and 4 of my dudes...could call on either one of them anywhere at anytime for anything.
As a group we are forming the model for young black success as a result of friendship, dedication and a little blood, sweat and tears.
Wife-Dentist in May
Friend 1-M.D. doing surgery residency
Friend 2-Working on Ph.D. in Math Ed. @ UGA
Friend 3-MBA...up and comer in Fortune 500 company
Friend 4-Ph.D. and professor at U of L
Me-Teacher and Marine Biologist
And we are all under 30.
To all the rookies, pick who you surround yourself wisely. We had the best times of our life in college, but handled business first.
Not counting my brothers I have one friend who I can trust no matter what and thats all I need
Originally Posted by mco85

Not counting my brothers I have one friend who I can trust no matter what and thats all I need
Thank God, somebody has trust. NT be trippin. If you don't have trust in people at 100%, how can you be successful? The biggest decisions inyour life are about people you trust.
Friends are overrated to me. Just a bunch of people who expect favors from you based on your "friendship" and will still sell
you out for the highest bidder in the end. If you have them its cool, but I would never put too much weight on having friends.
yup i hang out with him all the time.


and i know he's gonna kill me but i had to do it

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