Anyone have a REAL friend?

Tonight was the first night that I actually realized that I don't really have a best/true friend that I trust 100%. One dude that I thought was my homie,keeps making comments about the girl I'm tryin to get on, like he's really fixin to put in work on her. He follows these statements with a "hahaI'm just f'in around", but really, are the comments necessary if he's really keepin it 100 with me? I just wouldn't think a real bruhwould open his mouth with that trash. Anyway, is it just me or do some of you feel like you have close friends but nothing 100? Also, any advice about dude? -should I just punch him in the mouth and tell him to find his own? Discuss
i got a group of 4 friends who on the outside seem like we're hundred percent...but we really dont like the one fat kid in our group
I made this thread a while back. I have about 3-4 total. The other folks who are on that "I got you anytime", but never returns a phone call arejust SMH.
I have one TRUE friend. That's all I need.
Known her since about 9th grade.
She's like a sister to me.
4 bros from HS. One of them is even the first person I met when I went to grammar school which is even funnier. Though we didn't become good friends tillwe both decided to go to the same HS and ended up on the same team at a neighborhood basketball league. I got 2 girls that I can say the same about as goodfriends who I can tell anything

It's hard to find friends who you can trust. But once you do, it's great. Just keep looking, if someone like me who's super suspicious of EVERYONEI meet can find true friends and a few of them at that. Then I'm sure everyone can atleast 1-2.
Idk.. my only real friends are my family. But my homeboys got love for each other though. I always hit up my boy N because he's always down to kick it andpicks me up. The rest have just faded away, but I can still kick it and have a chill time with them. A couple female friends back at home but probably forgotabout me. A few here but they don't seem to care anyways
i have true friends...bout 3-4 i don't expect them to die for me but they hold me down...
I have 2 bestfriends that are females. I tell them everything, they always have my back. I have 2 or 3 dudes that I really trust. Don't trust anyone else.
Stop being so hardcore simply.

But yes, I have a friend and they are awesome!
The best you could have.
We've been friends going on six years now.
I have about 6 good friends I can trust wholly but I have two dudes that are my go to bestfriends that no matter what, got my back and have held medown over the yrs.
Every cat I run with I've known since childhood (20 plus years). I only roll with fam, my wifey of 9 years, and got a couple of dudes who I trust 110%. ButI know how you feel, sometimes I still feel like it's me against the world.
I've had the same best friend for 10 years now, but I don't think I could trust to tell her anything and EVERYTHING because she's judgmental. So,that leaves me often wondering if I do have a TRUE best friend.
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