Any successful gf weight loss stories?

Similar situation with me. My girl was always thick, but she got comfortable being thick and thought she could put on a few pounds.. but now she has a gut. Doesnt like to work out and cant really control her eating habits. Normally im always in good shape, but i hit some depression around november and i put some weight on, so i cant really criticize her now. I plan on letting her know when ever I start hitting the gym so she can start as well on her own schedule. Or I hope that she notices how all the shorties love me when im in shape and gets on her game.. tough s*** but w.e
Similar situation with me. My girl was always thick, but she got comfortable being thick and thought she could put on a few pounds.. but now she has a gut. Doesnt like to work out and cant really control her eating habits. Normally im always in good shape, but i hit some depression around november and i put some weight on, so i cant really criticize her now. I plan on letting her know when ever I start hitting the gym so she can start as well on her own schedule. Or I hope that she notices how all the shorties love me when im in shape and gets on her game.. tough s*** but w.e

First mistake. I always tell fellas. Lock down POTENTIAL thickness :lol: cause once she gets comfortable, she'll thicken up a bit. Now if you plan it right, you'll get the balance juuuuuust right. But some fellas go for that Straight Stuntin look, and hope she can stay that way forever. :smh:
When I met my woman, she was kinda slender. Over time she's picked up a bit of weight and is now the exact size I'd like (without working out at all).
From the very beginning of our(wife and I) relationship, I told her that I don't like fat chicks.

What has worked for us is working out together.  But of course this requires a chick/guy that is willing to take stock in their health.

My prayers are with you OP. Doesn't like to sweat...Da fuark!!
Smh I don't know how to tell my bf this...I know it hurts his feelings when I say small things like hey why didn't you go workout etc...

Nobody is gonna react positively to that :lol: I'm sure he's aware that he's fat. Maybe volunteer to go with him or find a coworker/acquaintance that is experienced and can show him the ropes because that's why most guys don't go, they don't REALLY know what they are doin
Nobody is gonna react positively to that :lol: I'm sure he's aware that he's fat. Maybe volunteer to go with him or find a coworker/acquaintance that is experienced and can show him the ropes because that's why most guys don't go, they don't REALLY know what they are doin

The thing is he has all that. He's just lazy smh. He knows how I feel but just dosent take it serious IMO. I've always been upfront about what I'm attracted to but I still feel bad that its kinda a deal breaker for me.
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The thing is he has all that. He's just lazy smh. He knows how I feel but just dosent take it serious IMO. I've always been upfront about what I'm attracted to but I still feel bad that its kinda a deal breaker for me.

Sounds like homie is just lazy.

You tried cooking healthy meals for him, so he can at least get started on the right foot?
Sounds like homie is just lazy.
You tried cooking healthy meals for him, so he can at least get started on the right foot?
see sometimes, you really can't force some people to go out and exercise, ya know? Change has to happen from within in order to take full throttle. If she tries to do all this work for him and fam doesn't feel like actually repaying her in some way and repaying his own damn body with some respect, how is he gonna get out that couch?

Honestly, I feel that if you're involved with someone and you want them to start getting fit, you should also be getting fit to encourage that type of behavior. If they don't want to change, then leave em?
You should never feel bad for holding your mate to high standards. If you do't like big dudes/girls, don't feel bad about it. You can't help what you like.

SoleWoman, just tell the dude. His feelings will be hurt temporarily, he will get over it man. Seriously, f*** his feelings.
Or do what I do. From the jump I always (once comfortable) call them "big girl." So they don't know if I am joking or not. But it is in the back of their mind so they stay on task. Try it. It works.
Led by example is great advice. I was in a similar situation with my ex and she started to take note of my habits with exercise and diet and soon was following along.
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Led by example is great advice. I was in a similar situation with my ex and she started to take note of my habits with exercise and diet and soon was following along.
Man that doesn't work MOST of the time. I know so many dudes that work out and are in shape and have girls that won't follow.

And remember, if we are talking about black girls........ :smh:

When they get in shape, you will see comments like this when they post new pics on FB. "Girl you better stop losing all that weight."
For those of you going into long term/committed relationships remember chances are if a girl's mother is fat, she'll end up fat too.

I'm just looking at chicks who used to be smaller and all the ones that have fat moms are slowly, but surely, blowing up.

Man that doesn't work MOST of the time. I know so many dudes that work out and are in shape and have girls that won't follow.
And remember, if we are talking about black girls........ :smh:
When they get in shape, you will see comments like this when they post new pics on FB. "Girl you better stop losing all that weight."

Man, no mo, but I stay seeing dudes who look like they work out 24/7 with chicks who look like they hit Popeyes 24/7

Maybe it's just me but if I was in shape like that I wouldn't be accepting NO out of shape biddies. I'm convinced a good number of gym rat type cats, really do it because they got low self-esteem. That's the only explanation.
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see sometimes, you really can't force some people to go out and exercise, ya know? Change has to happen from within in order to take full throttle. If she tries to do all this work for him and fam doesn't feel like actually repaying her in some way and repaying his own damn body with some respect, how is he gonna get out that couch?
Honestly, I feel that if you're involved with someone and you want them to start getting fit, you should also be getting fit to encourage that type of behavior. If they don't want to change, then leave em?

Yes to the cooking. I cook healthy for myself so If he wants to eat he will eat what I cook. I go running and ask him to join me and he chooses not to. I also go to a boxing gym so I'm in pretty decent shape (of course we all could use work) it has gotten to a point where I don't even ask anymore to workout with me.
^ I feel for you man. I hate situations like this because no matter what, the person that wants the other person to lose weight looks like a jerk.

I mean the whole KSteezy, "You are supposed to love someone regardless" BS is used so often it is like you are supposed to just accept BS from someone just because you are with them. That is BULL.
People talk about hating complacency yet accept it in many facets of their life. Love someone regardless- pffft. What happened to making your partner the best they can be.

A good recipe for a long lasting relationship is bringing out the best in each other, wether it takes harsh blunt honesty, as Lin as you do it with the right intentions, your partner will later thank you and appreciate that you actually have a **** it with fitness, school, money, etc.
^ I feel for you man. I hate situations like this because no matter what, the person that wants the other person to lose weight looks like a jerk.
I mean the whole KSteezy, "You are supposed to love someone regardless" BS is used so often it is like you are supposed to just accept BS from someone just because you are with them. That is BULL.

Son when do I say that?...

Yes you love through thick and thin...well at least when you are married or fully committed to someone, that doesn't mean you can't sit your girl and down an be bluntly honest with her like "yo, you getting fat...lets hit the gym" "yo, learn how to stay broke" "yo son, I'm paying the bills, why are you not cleaning the house?"

My wife knows by now that I'll love her in all her shape and forms, but she also knows that I'm gonna be on her *** and I WILL make her feel like ****, if I see something is getting out of hand.
holy **** I thought i was a **** for thinking this

i could see my girl gradually declining with the **** she be eatin

she's mexican if that matters...and you know how that goes
If it were only that easy. As much as you drop hints, hit the gym or flat out tell your girl that's she's getting to fat, until she's ready she's never gonna want to lose weight. Being a black woman with weight issues I feel like Im pretty knowledgeable on this situation. The pic you posted, that's her right?? She's cute, and as long as she feels like she's cute, and other men make her feel cute (even when you dont) why would she have any motivation to lose weight?? It's sad but true that what you don't like about her someone else will. It's gotta be something in you that makes her choose to lose weight and stay with you.
If it were only that easy. As much as you drop hints, hit the gym or flat out tell your girl that's she's getting to fat, until she's ready she's never gonna want to lose weight. Being a black woman with weight issues I feel like Im pretty knowledgeable on this situation. The pic you posted, that's her right?? She's cute, and as long as she feels like she's cute, and other men make her feel cute (even when you dont) why would she have any motivation to lose weight?? It's sad but true that what you don't like about her someone else will. It's gotta be something in you that makes her choose to lose weight and stay with you.

Very true.

Not to sound like a ***, but this is partially the reason why there's so many fat black women :smh:. Fools be out here gassing up these 5'5 250 pound girls and they legit feel like it's okay to be that big because somebody still wants them.

It's sad how many overweight and obese early 20's black women I see on a daily basis, a lot of whom don't have any kids.

And I like medium to thick women (word to the Black Woman Appreciation thread) but these chicks out here be Precious sized :smh:

End Rant
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