Any successful gf weight loss stories?

Very true.
Not to sound like a ***, but this is partially the reason why there's so many fat black women :smh:. Fools be out here gassing up these 5'5 250 pound girls and they legit feel like it's okay to be that big because somebody still wants them.
It's sad how many overweight and obese early 20's black women I see on a daily basis, a lot of whom don't have any kids.
And I like medium to thick women (word to the Black Woman Appreciation thread) but these chicks out here be Precious sized :smh:
End Rant

Exactly. We all joke around about never seeing black woman in the gym, But most of the time you don't. I had an great shape a few years ago, but didn't think so cuz all I'd hear from males and females alike were things about "thick" women. So hell I wanted to be thick, nobody wanted the tall skinny girl. So now everybody who was thick is now super fat, and it's cool cuz they still getting the same amount of play. Fat doesn't necessarily mean unattractive and neither does skinny, but like I said why work out If you don't have too. My husband doesn't think I'm fat at allllll. He likes me the way I am, but I myself don't like it, I wanted to change, never was it from pressure from him. In my head I was ready and so I started taking steps toward that change. All you can do if you really love her is stay be her side thru -thick and thin-
No joke I was reading this thread and was gonna post that asking if anyone remembers whose quote that was? That dude Nelson Bros or one of his 32 SNs?

:lol: I've told this line to my girl..thanks to NT

At one point i kept hinting that she needs to start working out until one day she just told me to shut up about it and she gets what im trying to hint at...i felt like such a jerk :lol:...she's def toned it down, and doesn't eat out as much (that's the main problem, not fast food, but at restaurants).

ehh she's trying...but she def has a lot going on as well
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As long as SO is healthy, I dont think I would mind.

But he has to have traps and lats bigger than mine so he must lift, but he doesnt have to be forever lean
If she can't take care of herself how is she going to take care of your and your kids if you have them
I brought that up to my last bit, didnt end well. The ***** is a junior in college; gained 45 pounds her freshman year, then she got introduced to Cookout. Its like shooting yourself in the face in slow motion man
Simple solution OP

And get yourself a girl that is worth your time. Lazy people will just hold you back. Why waste your time on this girl, when you can be investing your time on a 10 who fits your "ideal woman" standards?
This ^^^^, yolo have the woman u want dont settle for less. You'll end up regretting it when your in to Deep
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Pic for beasts
she must have a great personality
im pretty shallow (who isnt?) and im not into blk girls....if my girl does not want to lose weight, im leavin. I've never been with a chick who's more than 115 lbs and I would like to keep it that way...unless we are married or have a kid together, then that's a different story. If I can maintain a 6', 170-175 lb athletic body, then I would want my girl to maintain her figure, as well. Plus it's WAAAAAY harder for a guy to maintain his body.
if my woman ever got fat and didnt want to get into shape once the situation has been made clear, id leave her. I dont care.
A :lol: @ I don't like to sweat.

My ex lost weight and I don't find her attractive anymore.

Helped the healing process...

Passive aggressive is the way to go... start talking about how you were attracted to her a lot more when y'all first started
I wish more people would be as open with their partners about this, one of my biggest fears in life is ending up with a fat wife. That's why I like my women extra slim so if they gain a little weight it doesn't show as much.
I wish more people would be as open with their partners about this, one of my biggest fears in life is ending up with a fat wife. That's why I like my women extra slim so if they gain a little weight it doesn't show as much.

But didn't you just say..

My gay friend had a strong father figure, he sucks penis on the regular and is proud of it. I wish I were as bold as he is cause I love penis.
I wish more people like you would worry less about what your fathers have to day, and maybe open a book every now and then. From what I understand there isn't a shortage of fathers in the gay community, the ignorant, hateful ones just disown their sons after they find out.
Shrugs :\

Forget to switch screen names?
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I wish more people would be as open with their partners about this, one of my biggest fears in life is ending up with a fat wife. That's why I like my women extra slim so if they gain a little weight it doesn't show as much.

I fully understand this :lol:. I know weight gain is natural, but man, I know chicks who were super fine in high school, and now 8 years later it's like their food pyramid starts with Frenchie's and ends with Chili's. And these chicks can't use the "I had kids" excuse either, cause most of them don't have any.

:lol: "I don't really like to workout"


I did mention this story way back, but I dated this chick back in 07/08 that gradually started picking up weight, a total of 25 pounds. She wasn't fat before, and wasn't even fat with those extra pounds, but I wasn't having that ****, and I basically had her running/walking with me around that time. I forgot exactly how, but I wanna say I made her think that it would be "something to do" and that I "needed to get a second workout in". This went on for awhile and she lost somewhere between 18-20 pounds. It did help that she did sports a bit before that, so there wasn't any teeth pulling.
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im pretty shallow (who isnt?) and im not into blk girls....if my girl does not want to lose weight, im leavin. I've never been with a chick who's more than 115 lbs and I would like to keep it that way...unless we are married or have a kid together, then that's a different story. If I can maintain a 6', 170-175 lb athletic body, then I would want my girl to maintain her figure, as well. Plus it's WAAAAAY harder for a guy to maintain his body.

not sure if serious
all a woman has to do is not eat like a whale and she'll be fine. guys have to put in hard work in order to get real changes in their body

Not eem slightly true.

Women naturally have a higher body fat content, plus their hormonal changes screw with everything also. Not even considering if they've had kids or not.

As much as I despise fat women, I'm not gonna act like it's easier for them to drop weight. Forreal if you're a fat dude under 30 you should be ashamed.
all a woman has to do is not eat like a whale and she'll be fine. guys have to put in hard work in order to get real changes in their body

It is harder to maintain muscle, but trust it is way harder for a women to lose fat and maintain based on their body type.

And a guy can still look good if he is muscle-less
Most girls dont look good fat
It is harder to maintain muscle, but trust it is way harder for a women to lose fat and maintain based on their body type.
And a guy can still look good if he is muscle-less
Most girls dont look good fat
Well considering how many fat girls get offered penis on a daily basis you can't convince them that they don't look good.
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all a woman has to do is not eat like a whale and she'll be fine. guys have to put in hard work in order to get real changes in their body
Not eem slightly true.

Women naturally have a higher body fat content, plus their hormonal changes screw with everything also. Not even considering if they've had kids or not.

As much as I despise fat women, I'm not gonna act like it's easier for them to drop weight. Forreal if you're a fat dude under 30 you should be ashamed.
lol you're right about the higher body percentage, but you're terribly wrong about the difficulty of maintenance of their body. Women pack on more fat in specific areas like the breast (adipose) and hips/butt. But even if they do pack on more fat in these areas, this is still an ideal image of the female body for some men at least. Women store fat in order for their reproductive organs to work properly and it doesn't require a surplus of 'fat'. Women generally gain weight when they are pregnant and this is just a normal way of keeping the body safe during pregnancy. Like I said before, I have no problem if my gf or wife gains weight during pregnancy. It's a given.

That being said, it is much harder for a guy to get a nice body and maintain it. Heavy lifting, strict dieting, cardio during cutting, taking supplements for those who cant gain weight (ectos), and working out at least 3 days a week is what it takes to build a male body. Women can watch what they eat with minor lifting (5-10 lb dumbbells) and cardio is all it takes to lose weight. May take awhile, but that's all it takes. In fact, they don't even have to go to a gym....just step outside and run for 45 min and come back in and watch what they eat.
I dealt with this before, to say it didn't end well is an understatement...made a thread about it 2 years ago :lol: just be careful on how you communicate, women are delicate
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