Any advice on popping "the question"

I'm glad this is a new thread on popping the question. I've been reading the old ones on here for good advice.

Would love to read more NTers stories on this.
I proposed to my girl this July. I had asked her fathers approval months before because I initially had wanted to do it after she had her white coat ceremony at dental school. It didnt work out how I wanted and i had to wait til she came back from her school break. We knew we wanted to get married so I knew what type of ring she wanted. She would have been happy with anything, but I made sure it was something that she would love. Good luck to you op. We plan on getting married in the summer. Good luck to you sir.
I proposed 3 weeks ago. Got a hotel room decorated it with flowers and candles. Told her one of our high society friends was having a fundraiser there. She came upstairs to change and I proposed. We then went out to eat and when we came back to the hotel the fund raiser was actually a surprise engagement party with our close family an friends. It was a good time. But if you feel you are BOTH ready then do it bro.
Awwww its always great to hear things like this. Does she have any idea your going to propose?

My advice is to be genuine and just say how you feel and do it somewhere meaningful/romantic. I'm sure it'll all come natural to you. Good luck! :smile:
But if you do, just keep it simple. Look her in the eye, be sincere, and give her a ring. As long as she is a good woman who is understanding and all about you, the cost shouldn't matter.

Good luck

DO NOT POP THE QUESTION IN PUBLIC. other than that you should be good.

I just came back from my honeymoon in Jamaica. I could have called you with pops next to me haha

I took the leap shortly after getting my first full time job after graduating college. I needed that financial stability before making a big commitment like that. I asked her flat out what she wanted. She ended up getting the exact ring she wanted. A bit pricey, but I'm only doing this once so I didn't mind. We bought a house and were about I have our first Christmas there. She is big on Christmas so I thought it would be memorable to propose on our front doorstep of our first house near here favorite holiday. A few days before Christmas I got the chance and got on one knee. Told her how I felt about her and she said yes.

I agree with franc, do not pop the question in public or in front of family. That moment is meant for the two of you only and you want to cherish that and have it be memorable until all is settled down afterwards. You don't want to get on one knee, have her say yes, and immediately have people bombard you. Loses some of the meaning I think.

Good luck, op. I've been married for a little over a week and it's one of the greatest feelings in the world.

Yep, yep and yep.

I hate those things. Just ask her. You can throw a party after - but doing at a family dinner or something is for chumps.

My sister's was even worse. They arranged where they were going to go - some spot down by the sea - then went and came back and told everyone on Christmas Day.

Sure, think about it and put some effort in but make it spontaneous and personal too.
I'm happy for you buddy. Best wishes. Good luck with the proposal. I love 'LOVE', so I can definitely appreciate your situation.

I can't wait to be married and start a family.
I just came back from my honeymoon in Jamaica. I could have called you with pops next to me haha

I took the leap shortly after getting my first full time job after graduating college. I needed that financial stability before making a big commitment like that. I asked her flat out what she wanted. She ended up getting the exact ring she wanted. A bit pricey, but I'm only doing this once so I didn't mind. We bought a house and were about I have our first Christmas there. She is big on Christmas so I thought it would be memorable to propose on our front doorstep of our first house near here favorite holiday. A few days before Christmas I got the chance and got on one knee. Told her how I felt about her and she said yes.

I agree with franc, do not pop the question in public or in front of family. That moment is meant for the two of you only and you want to cherish that and have it be memorable until all is settled down afterwards. You don't want to get on one knee, have her say yes, and immediately have people bombard you. Loses some of the meaning I think.

Good luck, op. I've been married for a little over a week and it's one of the greatest feelings in the world.

first thing I thought of when I saw this line was...

I'll tell you what I did, maybe that will shed some light. I was open with her about it from maybe a month or two after I decided I was going to do it. We went to the diamond district and I got all the information I needed. What her ring size was, how she would rank diamond cuts and what bands went with what cuts. I also let her send me some websites/stores that she would like me to look into. I knew all the big ones like Zales and Jared and so forth but sometimes you can find the perfect ring at a smaller store and also get more in depth help and personal assistance than you would at a big distributor, you know? Don't worry too much about the price (as long as you're not really cheap with it) because if you guys love each other that much to make this kind of commitment (and she's not the *****y/high maintenance type), I don't want to say it won't matter but she'll appreciate the gesture more than the ring.

As far as asking the father, my girl's father lived in Florida so I made a phone call. I think that might be the route for you to go if 1 - he'll appreciate that and not get bent out of shape that you didn't do it face to face and 2 - it'll help keep some of the secrecy.

Hope that helps. I can post up some diamond stores a little later.
I proposed back in May. I got pinned on Friday and graduated from college on Sunday, so I sandwiched the proposal in for Saturday. I was going to do it during pinning, but my dean wasn't trying to let it fly.
Anyway, we knew we were gonna plan on getting married within a year of me graduating and she knew the ring setting she wanted because she saw it in an ad from Smythes that came in the mail. I knew her ring size due to buying her jewelry over the years.
I had two of my best friends come in for the weekend to help me celebrate, so I set up this elaborate plan where we'd go tandem skydiving on Saturday morning. The plan was to have my two friends go first so that they'd get on the ground and be able to take pictures of when I proposed. I had my mom and her boyfriend record the whole thing, but had them hiding while my girl and I were still on the ground. I made a 40' X 6' sign big enough for her to see from her descent/free fall that said "Stephanie Marie, will you marry me?" and dropped it off with my mom to unravel at the landing zone once we went up in the air. She was terrified of skydiving, but curious about it, so I convinced her to go by saying my mom got her and I a voucher to go skydiving as my graduation present. I coordinated with the skydive place long in advance and they rigged up her tandem pack with a parachute that took longer to float down so I could be ready. I also convinced her to spend extra money to get the tandem video of her jump because I said she'd probably never do it again (this turned out to be excellent because the guy on her back got her initial reaction to her seeing the sign and he got the video and audio of my proposal).
Once she hit the ground and unlatched from the jumper guy, she met me at the sign I made and I did this tiny speech and ended it with "Now that I'll be taking care of people the rest of my career, I'd like to take care of you the rest of my life. Will you marry me?" She said yes and we kissed and embraced, and my mom and my friends congratulated us after we separated. After we left the skydiving place, I had already purchased tickets to Wine in the Woods and we spent the rest of the day drinking wine, listening to music and being around each other. My two friends that skydived with us came along and it was a really great day. She was basically on the phone for most of the car ride down to Wine in the Woods and while at the place, but that was cool. She was totally surprised and I think the fear of skydiving and the fact the weekend was all about me made her 100% not think I was going to do it then.
I did ask her father for her hand a few months in advance, but didn't tell him how I was going to do it because I don't think he would have agreed with the method of choice. I spoke to her mom and her mom gave me a 1.5 carat vs1 diamond ring that was my girlfriend's grandmother's 25th anniversary ring. I took it to Smythes and had them take the diamond off and I purchased that setting she wanted in the ad book from earlier in the year. It was the perfect blend of heirloom/new ring that I think she wanted, not to mention, the diamond itself saved me over $13K.
I also did it in May because she is a teacher and I wanted her to have all of the summer to be able to plan the wedding out how she wanted and not have to be doing the prep during the school year.
im married and my advice would be to wait to get married. Yu can propose but id say wait til ur comfy after college to actually get married. And wait to have kids too lol
I'm happily married, but it's tough man. You got to have discipline to get married. Meaning that you have to give up a lot of things and take in the ups and downs. But seriously, when most of the females you've been with were always causing trouble, cheating and causing you stress, and one finally comes around that seems really good, caring and makes you happy, then you just have to pop the question.
i talked to her dad before i popped the question and i was nervous as hell. i don't get scared of much but that was nerve-wracking. glad i did though.
i guess my only advice (didn't read the whole thread) is to not shop for a ring at a mall store or a wedding ring store. you'll get ripped off. check blue nile.
came in to say this

why??....OP is not asking for advice on wether he should or shouldnt get married....btw you married bruh?...divorced?... was said half jokingly :lol:

i'm not against marriage or anything. after a couple more posts from OP...sounds like he's almost sure, but not SURE sure about. being serious about the topic, i would say wait if you're not 100% sure. no need to rush into marriage. that's why divorce rates are so high. people rush into it because they feel like they need to get married to fit into society (not saying that's OP's MO behind this, just speaking generally).

take some time, get settled in your job/career, live together, and then go for it once you're 100% sure.
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i talked it over with her, made sure we on the same page, then we went to tiffany's and she picked out a ring.

not hating on anyone else's proposal's; from what i've seen, seems like the the more elaborate the proposal, the shorter the marriage.

spoke to her pops about it afterwards, but i don't need another man's permission to do something.

been married almost 5 years.
Getting married as soon as you finished college?

Wait brah. Please...

You never even lived that grown man life yet...

Life at 24 is VASTLY different at 30...

But don't Listen to me. I honestly think in MOST CASES, a man does not gain much when getting married ...
Getting married as soon as you finished college?

Wait brah. Please...

You never even lived that grown man life yet...

Life at 24 is VASTLY different at 30...

But don't Listen to me. I honestly think in MOST CASES, a man does not gain much when getting married ...

im married and i think this is sound advice.

granted, me and my now wife were dating while in our mid 20's but i wouldnt have even considered gettin married back then. no need to rush things. i proposed at 28 and got married at 29.
I never said we were going to walk down the aisle the day after I graduated. :lol:

I said I was considering proposing to her seeing as I think she's a person I could be happy with for the rest of my days. I don't believe in "the one" any more, so for those saying "how do you know she's the one", I don't. I know that right now, at this point in time, she makes me happy, she makes me want to make her happy, she make me want to be a better man. So why not make an honest woman out of her?

I know all the statistics are there to tell me there's a 50% chance it won't work. But there's also a 50% chance that it will. She's worth that chance. If it doesn't work, then I can at least say I tried and enjoyed the ride. Word to Nas.
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I never said we were going to walk down the aisle the day after I graduated. :lol:
I said I was considering proposing to her seeing as I think she's a person I could be happy with for the rest of my days. I don't believe in "the one" any more, so for those saying "how do you know she's the one", I don't. I know that right now, at this point in time, she makes me happy, she makes me want to make her happy, she make me want to be a better man. So why not make an honest woman out of her?
I know all the statistics are there to tell me there's a 50% chance it won't work. But there's also a 50% chance that it will. She's worth that chance. If it doesn't work, then I can at least say I tried and enjoyed the ride. Word to Nas.
maaaaan you ain't even have to explain yourself.
shoulda just hit the naysayers w/ the
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A little of her back story:

She's from a family that's pretty well off back in the Caribbean. Her pops came from little to nothing and worked his way into becoming something. So she's been pampered all her life. But she's humble about it. Doesn't walk around looking down on others or with her nose in the air. That's one of the reasons I fell for her.

So as far as a ring, I know for an undisputable fact that I can get a $0.25 toy out of one of those kiddie machines at a grocery store, and she'd light up like the 4th of July.

My primary concern with marrying her would be the fact that I can't give her that pampered lifestyle she's used to. Not saying that she's all about that kind of stuff, but I worry about the transition she'd be making from being able to call her pops and get whatever she wants at the drop of a dime, and working within our means as a couple. If that makes sense.
And my story is simple. I graduate in May. If all goes well, I'll be joining the military as a officer. She says she's down to travel the world to be with me, but even if she doesn't up and move every time for the next 6 or so years, I trust her to hold it down and not step out. And I always said I'd never cheat on the woman I call my wife.
And my story is simple. I graduate in May. If all goes well, I'll be joining the military as a officer. She says she's down to travel the world to be with me, but even if she doesn't up and move every time for the next 6 or so years, I trust her to hold it down and not step out. And I always said I'd never cheat on the woman I call my wife.


sorry iblink

but military relationships are the worse

men lie, women lie
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