Another Girl Problem: Mature NTers Welcome - Update Page 7 (10/20) PICS - Story up on Page 9

My man, you are getting clowned. And you are only 19, i already told you last night what you need to do. You are painfully showing your age in this situation.You guys are having a long distance relationship, your chick is probably 18 years old, maybe 19. This stuff is GOING to happen. There is nothing you can do,you either man up or keep getting your heart trampled on.
didnt deserve that. get over it.

shorty is
Originally Posted by JT AIR JT

Well, you can critique me on my Mobb sig, but...

This is pretty harsh.

And maybe I am 19 in mind - but I know that if I wasn't mature I'd take a ride over to her house.

And probably knock the **$% out this cat - if he even exists.
This just proves how young and immature you are.

She cheated and you wanna knock HIM out? Son, get over yourself and this chick. Your 19, you can't be serious b, you fresh out of what... highschool from ayear ago? You got a lot of life and females ahead of you in the future, don't throw all your eggs in one basket. Life over time builds character, you stillon novice status, give it a few more years and than you'll be expert mode.
I'm not going to lie, I'm not thinking straight right now.

But like every guy when they get cheated on, I wanted to knock this guy out.

Then I read muscle's response. He's right.

But putting a fist in his face wouldn't make me feel guilty.

I don't know. I'm about to go to the beach again - get a little somethin' going.

This weekend %+!@+*$ sucks.
I told you, I have no access to her pictures from Myspace.

And I'm busy at the moment, trying to pack up stuff for school. So maybe I'll add pictures for the next update - but my laptop is down, so I'llprobably hook it up with a video whenever I find my damn SD card...

This is really hard on me right now y'all...
Just try to get out and do somethin with your boys...don't chill at the house on the computer or you will never get over her. If her story sounds too goodto be true, then it prolly is. Its hard to find a bad one and be able to trust her 24/7. Maybe you not ready for a bad chick yet, they will come when u getyour swag right. Just keep your head up my dude.
Stuff her in the truck next to the spare tire.

I know it hurts now, but there are other fish in the sea.
I'm here trying to put myself in your position. The going back and forth, the debating, etc.

I agree that since you are airing the business out, pics must be provided.

Most of these cats here are saying things without realizing that after such a long time, it is NEVER easy to let go. You had no idea, and this is undoubtedly alow blow.

Just remember, time heals all wounds. Whatever you do though, don't you effin' cry over her.
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