Ann Coulter says the US doesn't have a gun problem but has a problem with Blacks and Muslims using g


What makes this sadder is that people actually believe this stupidity.
She says these things because she's influenced by the numbers, but she doesn't understand the numbers.
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There comes a point where we can't excuse people and say 'she's not racist'. If she spews racist and jingoistic ideology, even if only for shock factor, I see no problem with labeling such a person a racist... they might just be slick about it but their words have weight, and they should be held accountable for those words.

Woah there I'm not excusing her. Just rationalizing her actions. I personally could not make money in that way

I think it might be even worse than racism. She makes a conscious choice to make money off of bigots.

Maybe she's racist. Maybe she's evil and not racist.

I just meant that we shouldn't be surprised at this. It's for shock value. it's "entertainment" for a certain part of the population.

The way that fox news riles people up and plays on their fears and hatred is despicable, offensive, and it should be illegal to have "news" in their slogan.
Woah there I'm not excusing her. Just rationalizing her actions. I personally could not make money in that way

I think it might be even worse than racism. She makes a conscious choice to make money off of bigots.

Maybe she's racist. Maybe she's evil and not racist.

I just meant that we shouldn't be surprised at this. It's for shock value. it's "entertainment" for a certain part of the population.

The way that fox news riles people up and plays on their fears and hatred is despicable, offensive, and it should be illegal to have "news" in their slogan.
Lol.  Like the New York Times and NBC are not just as bad? 
Lol.  Like the New York Times and NBC are not just as bad? 

No, They aren't. Not in the same ball park if you wanna talk about race baiting and fear mongering

Obama gave someone a pound and they called it a terrorist fist jab

They went crazy when the first lady wanted to curb childhood obesity, claiming she was indoctrinating the youth

They called Obama a Marxist and claimed he isn't even American. he's as centrist as you can get. Obama is FAR from the liberal they portray.

Glen beck called Obama a racist.

I'm sure if I did research I could come up with dozens of more examples. This is off my head
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No she is not right. She is saying that race, or as she puts it "diversity", is what causes gun violence. Just because minorities are more likely to commit violent crimes doesn't mean that race is the cause. Correlation =/= Causation. You can't make such a conclusion because there are many underlying factors to that statistic, like economic and educational factors. If she was arguing that there needs to be some change in minority communities and even government policies so that the statistic could drop, I would agree, but she is not. She is clearly taking a stance against minorities and doesn't want to help minorities.

FOHWTBS "it's a [racial] demographics problem"
Lol.  Like the New York Times and NBC are not just as bad? 
No, They aren't. Not in the same ball park if you wanna talk about race baiting and fear mongering

Obama gave someone a pound and they called it a terrorist fist jab

They went crazy when the first lady wanted to curb childhood obesity, claiming she was indoctrinating the youth

They called Obama a Marxist and claimed he isn't even American. he's as centrist as you can get. Obama is FAR from the liberal they portray.

Glen beck called Obama a racist.

I'm sure if I did research I could come up with dozens of more examples. This is off my head
NBC promotes emotional knee jerk reactions all the time without apology. The only difference is that they're a lot more coy about it and don't use the angry yelling person approach.

I know you're pretty far left, but Obama being a centrist? Socially, he's liberal. Economically, he's Keynesian.
NBC promotes emotional knee jerk reactions all the time without apology. The only difference is that they're a lot more coy about it and don't use the angry yelling person approach.

I know you're pretty far left, but Obama being a centrist? Socially, he's liberal. Economically, he's Keynesian.

He went after weed dispensers even after he said he wouldn't

He hasn't done anything to change the underlying problems that led to the economy crashing. Those bailouts were basically free money to banks with no strings attached.

Nothing liberal about geithner

He didn't fight for tort reform. He invited big pharmacy to the table. He basically let health care insurers write his new legislation

He continued the patriot act. Continued spying on Americans without warrants being nessesary.

didn't close Guantanamo bay. That's a pretty big one

Wall street seeing record profits and he still bends over when they complain about how bad Obama has been

He was ready to give in on social security in the fiscal cliff deal. Only reason that didn't happen is the GOP was too incompetent and failed with their plan B bill

He is all for Drone strikes and a large footprint over the globe

Ended don't ask don't tell but didn't attempt to legalize gay marriage.

Hasn't fought oil subsidies.

I think he's a very good president so far. But he's no liberal. The universal mandate was a republican idea!

Reagan was for gun restrictions (yes I know the black panthers were the reason. He still was)

The republicans just went so far right over the last 30 years that they perceive Obama to be liberal.

Reagan couldn't even get through a republican primary today. And that's their king
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Anyone who takes this sad sack of life seriously shouldn't be allowed to have guns in the first place....................

Her trolling has become so sad its pathetic, shes desensitized people with common sense and only shocks people who have been under a rock for the past 10 years.......:smh:
When in doubt, blame the blacc man.

Even if it has nothing, N O T H I N G, to involve us. ****, just leave us alone. :smh:
earth to mr. coulter, overmedicated, depressed, angry-at-mom-and-dad white kids are the ones shooting up the schools.
she entitled to her opinion ... but... she can Go to Hell with that !
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Obama is a Centrist?! Bush was a Conservative?! Take a step back and look at the big picture here. These "puppets" have no real power and are simply for theatrics. They work for the same master just like Clinton and daddy Bush before them. Barry takes a pic with Jay Z and you think he's different? They playin all of us! On the topic I can't take anything this giraffe says seriously after I read an article of hers about how great a President W. was. She's a plant.
No, she's famous because she's controversial. She says what she needs to in order to get people riled up on both sides. It's the same with Fox news. I'm convinced that half of its ratings are from people looking to point out its flaws and say how horrible it is. As a result, it gets higher ratings and gets to charge higher prices to advertisers.
it gets to charge those rates because its just plain more entertaining, fact is I'm sure I lean toward the liberal side, but I'd much rather watch oreilly than any other cable news show. the ratings don't reflect ideology, as the past election showed.
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