Ann Coulter says the US doesn't have a gun problem but has a problem with Blacks and Muslims using g

Maybe we should separate these minorities off from mainstream (White) Americans and let them deal with their problems on their own?

Sadly, this is already happening.

The gun control debate only comes up when there's a shooting in white communities (Aurora, Sandy Hook, Columbine, etc), but nothing is done in urban communities like Chicago (ironically in President Obama's home city and state).

Since Jan. 1(2012), Chicago police have recorded 2,364 shooting incidents and 487 homicides, 87 percent of them gun-related. Shootings have increased 12 percent this year and homicides are up 19 percent.

Young people are often targets. In the school year that ended in June, 319 Chicago public school students were shot, 24 of them fatally. The total does not include school-age children who had dropped out or were enrolled elsewhere.

Who's fault is this? The community for not being more vocal and making this an issue? The President? White America? Black America? Who?
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Maybe we should separate these minorities off from mainstream (White) Americans and let them deal with their problems on their own?

Sadly, this is already happening.

The gun control debate only comes up when there's a shooting in white communities (Aurora, Sandy Hook, Columbine, etc), but nothing is done in urban communities like Chicago (ironically in President Obama's home city and state).

Since Jan. 1(2012), Chicago police have recorded 2,364 shooting incidents and 487 homicides, 87 percent of them gun-related. Shootings have increased 12 percent this year and homicides are up 19 percent.

Young people are often targets. In the school year that ended in June, 319 Chicago public school students were shot, 24 of them fatally. The total does not include school-age children who had dropped out or were enrolled elsewhere.

Who's fault is this? The community for not being more vocal and making this an issue? The President? White America? Black America? Who?

Honestly, its everyone's fault. the problem is multi-faceted. The government local and federal for not providing and ensuring adequate education programs for poorer areas, schools closing leading to overcrowding. Family structure deteriorating, how many of these deaths result from people coming from broken homes? I'd bet a majority of them do, people just flat out being stupid. I can't tell you how many times people say things like "no snitching, blah blah blah" when a little kid (like 3-4 yrs old) is caught in crossfire of morons shooting off for no reason. The imprisonment of a lot of minority young men for minor drug offenses plays into it as well. The mentality in those areas is to do whatever you can to make it out, and when they don't see opportunity or have adequate resources as kids in other areas? Im not surprised by it and don't even blame them, there's a limited number of role models around that they see who came from their area who are doing well the legal way.

Oh and Horse Face Ann Coulter can go play in traffic on Roosevelt Blvd as far as that goes. :smh:
She could've atleast use better examples Colin Furgeson LIRR massacre was 20 years ago, between now and then we've had a plethora of mass murders by the hands of caucasian Americans.
She could've atleast use better examples Colin Furgeson LIRR massacre was 20 years ago, between now and then we've had a plethora of mass murders by the hands of caucasian Americans.

I remember that. Very very sad day here in L.I
Honestly, its everyone's fault. the problem is multi-faceted. The government local and federal for not providing and ensuring adequate education programs for poorer areas, schools closing leading to overcrowding. Family structure deteriorating, how many of these deaths result from people coming from broken homes? I'd bet a majority of them do, people just flat out being stupid. I can't tell you how many times people say things like "no snitching, blah blah blah" when a little kid (like 3-4 yrs old) is caught in crossfire of morons shooting off for no reason. The imprisonment of a lot of minority young men for minor drug offenses plays into it as well. The mentality in those areas is to do whatever you can to make it out, and when they don't see opportunity or have adequate resources as kids in other areas? Im not surprised by it and don't even blame them, there's a limited number of role models around that they see who came from their area who are doing well the legal way.

Oh and Horse Face Ann Coulter can go play in traffic on Roosevelt Blvd as far as that goes. :smh:


Sorry inside joke.
Ann Coulter's actions and physical apperance remind me of Marilyn Manson circa 1990s. She's laughing all the way to the proverbial bank because she got a bunch of social misfits and fringe characters (in this case a bunch of hee-haws and other assorted racists) to beat their chests to the sound of her obnoxious voice. Just let her burn out like he did.

She is not thread worthy.
@ OP: where is the rest of the video though? It seems that you've come to your own conclusions on some of this if thats all she said

The demographics comment was clearly ignorant and irrelevant to her argument, Idk how some of you are saying its not racist. She made a really solid point about single women then she ruined her argument yet again by referencing an incident that occurred 20 years ago.
you guys realize she is the equivalent to a shock jock radio personality, right?

complete with adam's apple
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