and we're done

Rebounding is the biggest problem I see. Going to be hard to beat and tea with big men. Philly was pounding us inside.
I don't foresee a problem with the rebounding.

But what's up with Crazy Eyes' jumpshot?
rebounding should improve since Camby is expected to play friday, I'm sure sheed will get more minutes like in the 76ers game too :smokin
Why again do we not play until Friday? I mean had we started the season with 2 back to backs would that warrant a 3 day break?
The New York Knicks might be 3-0 for the first time since 1999, but the network that broadcasts its games, the MSG Network, isn't off to the same hot start.

On Tuesday, the company said it would take down all posters associated with its recent advertising campaign, which generated buzz but also was considered controversial.

After contacted the MSG Network about an ad seen in the New York area on Tuesday morning, the network confirmed that that ad, as well as what is believed to be at least three other similar type ads, would be completely removed from all its locations.

"It's Friday Night," the ad said. "You can either go out and attempt to pick up sixes and sevens or stay home and watch (Knicks guard Jason) Kidd dish out dimes."'

Earlier this week, the New York Post reported that the network, which is under the same business umbrella that includes the Knicks, would pull a particular ad after a representative admitted it was "bad judgment" and apologized to anyone who was offended.

"It's Friday night," the ad said. "You can either see a Broadway harness malfunctioning or you can watch real men fly."

The ad was referring to the Broadway show "Spiderman: Turn Off The Dark," in which actors have been injured, including Christopher Tierney, who fell 30 feet from the air into the orchestra pit in December 2010. Tierney , who sustained four broken ribs and fractured three of his vertebrae, returned to the show four months later.

The ironic part of the ad, which the Post pointed out, was that it featured Knicks forward Amar'e Stoudemire, who is actually out at least a month and a half after having a procedure done on his much-maligned knee.

tina cervasio, anyone else a fan? She doesn't look GOOD to me but there is something sexy about her. She ain't ugly by far but it is something. I am turned on by her big nose.

yo chill DC thats my woman.

yoooo.look at the final score....we are that good lol


Imagine if we had Pau.
Imagine if we had LeBron and KD.:



Imagine if Prince played for the shirts. :x
I let out a healthy chuckle all alone in my office.:lol:

Imagine if we had Jesus and his 12 disciples?


Mike Breen: OMG! It looks like JR thew 3 punches at Ivey!

If Melo's arms could talk underneath those armbands they'd be begging for mercy.

ronnie already made more 3s than fields did all year

But the Nets are better

Or a disrespectful JR dunk. 1 of the 2



there's something in my eye. i think its just dust or something you guys

allergies, thats' it

Ima start by saying that I was at the Heat game, and it was to date BY FAR the best Knicks game ive ever been to. After the amount of times ive personally witnessed Bron Bron make the Garden his personal playhouse I have been waiting YEARS for him to walk off the court like a little ***** being heckled by the NY fan base. Words cannot even describe.

Next thing. **** D'Antoni. **** Jeremy Lin. **** Landry Fields.

While Lin and Fields were out getting theirs" this summer for god knows what reason, marketing, cool handshakes, whatever the ****. The Knicks avoided Lin's $15 a year ridiculous **** contract and Landry Field's $20 how the **** did he get that kinda money deal with Felton for $4 mil and Brewer for just over 1, for 2 players who fill each role MUCH more effectively, a move ive been applauding since day 1.

Fields showed up to camp last season admittedly out of shape but he is a much better PG than Lin. Hes more experienced, more agile, a better shooter, better defender and less turnover prone, plus i think he is the quarterback this team needs going forward now that it is known he is not just our stop gap PG, He loves playing in NY and I personally love having him.

Brewer's J is suspect as **** (although it looked nice tonight) but in no dimension of the universe can it be worse than Field's broke *** ****. Adding on to that he does nothing worse than Landry. He is the much better defender, he is more athletic, and is a better finisher at the rim, and as far as i know he doesnt play like a scared little *****. Considering that Brewer has been a starter on a better team for the past couple of seasons and Landry's own fanbase (who once worshiped him) couldnt want to get rid of him any quicker, it is unbelievable to me how Fields came away with that contract and we got Brewer at such a steal. Another move i loved this summer.

Lastly **** you Mike D'Antoni. Woodson is an underrated coach who has the respect of the players. They love him, they want to play hard for him, AND he STILL gets them to play ******g defense, You dont need to throw $ down the ******g drain for Mike D'Antoni who essential;ly coaches the way weve been ******g playing anyway with the pick and rolls, fast ball movement, and 3 point shots. Except with D'Antoni it is live and die by the 3 and no D, PEACE mother ******.

Last but certainly not least is the argument i have been making all ******g offseason even if you go back and look at my first post from just before the preseason. All i hear this summer is how the Knicks didnt get better, just got older, and i was always on the **** that ****. Cause you say we got older i say that the Kbicks got some SAVVY VETERAN  ******* who know their role and most importantly KNOW HOW TO WIN. These dudes are battle tested leaders who know where they stand with the team.

If you tell me were going out and starting Jason Kidd/Prigioni, Kurt Thomas, and Marcus Camby/Rasheed Wallace as 3/5 of the starting lineup expecting 25+ minutes a night from each then maybe  get a little worried. But as i have said all summer long there is nothing wrong with getting some experienced veterans if they are for the right role on the team. We are not the celtics who are asking 3 35+ year olds to carry their team throughout the season. We got a bunch of guys, who yes are 35+, but to come in and play a role they are all WELL capable of for 20 minutes a night MAXIMUM while leading these young guys mentally. Notice how we have not blown a lead yet. Extra passes. Help defense. Boxing out. Drawing fouls when nothing is available. These are all savvy veteran moves brought to this team by some great offseason aquisitions regardless what ******g beat writers want to say about our average age because the majority of our players playing big minutes are not 31+ years old. As long as these dudes stay healthy we should be alright.

Anyway im all about this team right now. Not even so worried about shooting so well every night, because unlike with D'Antoni when we are blowing teams out it is NOT because we are hitting every 3 we take and dropping 120+ on opponents. Yes we are shooting well, and yes we are scoring well into our 100s but we are not winning BECAUSE of that. With the way this team is playing I can still be confident that even when we have the occasional off night we can still keep it close with defense limiting opponents under 90 a game, which is the way it should be. Blow teams out when we shoot hot, but even if we dont grind out those 81-77 games like we did back in the mother ******g day. When the old dudes on this team were back in their prime. And were doing this all without 2 of our best defenders.

Obviously it is still early and Im not ready to start making plans for the ECF yet but great ******g start, lets keep it up. Only thing that worries me is working Amare back in because we work so well without him and we have not proven to work well with him. But for me it is like last April. We may play better without Amare and dominate regular season games and pull off maybe the occasional victory over a team like the Heat. But lets be real this team cannot and will not hang with the big boys like Miami in a 7 game playoff series UNLESS we can work our 2nd best scorer into the mix AND work together/play defense as good as we have as a unit and we have not proven we can do so. So yeah, still a long road ahead of us but good ******g start men. Been waiting years for a team like this and i know most of yall have also, so lets get pumped cause we should, but lets also stay realistic cause weve all seen runs before.

What do you mean I'm kidding proph.
We still could have signed Tyson if we never picked up Chauncy's player option and kept our amnesty.
Did I not make that clear? Was that not the better way to go about it?

no, stop trolling :lol:

Dude is the ultimate troll, disguising himself as a Knicks fan. We wont talk about the whole please let Lin go to a different team so I dont have to follow this franchise comment again.

But as for Billups, we had to decide whether to pick up the option a week after the finals concluded that season. Obviously we are gonna pick that up. We had no other PG at the time and a lockout was looming, for them to not pick up that option would have been absolutely ******ed. Chandler didnt even come into the picture till December because of the lockout. No way in hell they could have played that any better than they did considering the circumstances.

#Knicks were down 12-2 and 14-4 early on, but Mike Woodson didn't use a timeout. Instead, he waited. Why? #fb
"I almost took a timeout," Woodson admitted, "but I backed off to see if we would settle in."

What he saw was a veteran team stay the course. Jason Kidd, Carmelo Anthony and others kept repeating a mantra: "Stick to the plan! Stick to the plan!"

Woodson allowed the group to adjust and find it's groove.

"He understands we're a different team," Tyson Chandler said. "We've got vets out on the floor and we're not going to get rattled."

Woodson did make a lineup change and inserted JR Smith for Ronnie Brewer. The Knicks turned the 14-4 deficit into a 25-21 lead by the end of the first quarter.

:wow: :wow: :wow:

Knicks are getting barbershop respect

Thats how you know its real :pimp:

yes sir. and as far as da amare hate, he's got his security blanket wit kidd and felton..he's gonna be WAY better then last year.

Just caught up on the guys. :lol: :smokin Wish I wasn't outta reps from Obama.

I was real skeptical after game 1, but just us not blowing defensive assignments, showing resilience, consistency from the starters to the bench and the will to step on their necks and close it out. My favorite Knick team since Spree got dismissed, and to be honest...the first time I've felt the Melo trade was worth it.
People are so damn sensitive. Those were awesome ads

Hopla -The Knicks' new shooting coach, whose website says he routinely hits 495 out of 500 jumpers.In 2005, Hopla says he hit 35,332 out of 35,979 shots (98.2 percent), and this past summer, he set a world record by sinking 18 straight 3-pointers in one minute during a clinic in Portugal.

Chris Copeland-"(Dave's) been incredible," Chris Copeland told

Mike Woodson-"He's put a lot of time in," Mike Woodson said. "He shoots the ball extremely well, so when you've got your coach making shots, you damn sure better make them."

Felton-"He's been in our ear off and on all the time, 'Keep your left hand up, hold your follow through.' Just little things that you may not think help, but they really do."

Brewer-"He allows you to get your rhythm, your confidence back in your shot," said Brewer, who tied his career-high for most 3s in a game (three) Monday night

Melo-"He's very positive, always going to tell you about your mechanics and what you're doing wrong
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Finally, I have posted here. Still no power from my home. Fuse-box got burned. :smh: I hope everything goes well for y'all fellow Knicks fans. It's great to see Knicks playing well. Rasheed Wallace is that dude. Looking forward to seeing Knicks game this Friday.
damnit man, the snow is making the tree branches slowly fall on my power lines....if i'm not posting tomorrow, i have no electricity :smh:
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It'll be great to see once all those ppl that were choosing the Nets to be the higher seed than the Knicks and were saying the Nets were a better team than the Knicks start using that excuse. You know, the Nets need time to gel. They need more time together to play to their full potential, they're better than their roster, etc.

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yes sir. and as far as da amare hate, he's got his security blanket wit kidd and felton..he's gonna be WAY better then last year.
these dudes be saying "OMGAWDDDDD u see how good we play without amare, we dont need him ever again" and im just like :stoneface: so we dont need shump either right? we can just trade him for a second round pic right?"
:wow: :wow: :wow:

Knicks are getting barbershop respect

Thats how you know its real :pimp:

yes sir. and as far as da amare hate, he's got his security blanket wit kidd and felton..he's gonna be WAY better then last year.

If Stat doesn't get his jumpshot back, he is useless. No jimmy, pause, means defenders will fall back. Defenders falling back mean he can't drive (also effects the pick and roll because they will force him to shoot)
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