and we're done

What happens when we don't get him though? All that cap space with an aging star and nothing to show for it other than another hopeful draft pick that doesn't have the same potential of the guy we originally wanted.

Dolan aint doing that. No need to delude yourself about it.

Yea, well emotions are high right now.

We're the biggest, most important, and richest city in the country but what do we have to show for it when it comes to basketball? Which free agents have we landed throughout the years that have revived this franchise? 40 god damn years no championship and we're the most valuable franchise in the NBA.

God damn man, forgive me for this rant. But this is just brutal. We haven't built from the ground up thru the drafts since Ewing. Maybe its time, cause this FA "plan" hasn't worked. Or maybe being mediocre is all that matters to Jimmy.

God damn I love being a Knicks fan.
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I love Tyson Chandler.
Well that goes without saying.


ed: YOU Novak?! :wow:
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