and we're done

Someone is going to have to teach this team how to keep their composure. They get punched in the mouth and it's game over pretty much. Chandler is in a funk, Amare isn't out there, Woodson can't be on the court playing, Felton isn't a big enough voice and player to do it.. it has to be Melo. Yeah.. the refs don't seem to give him the calls, but you have to rise above it. Drive hard and score even when it's a foul, start hitting jumpers, slow the game down if we're chucking and getting frustrated... he's the superstar.. he's the man, it's his job.

I know he got his points tonight, but it's more than that. When the team looks lost, isn't playing hard, is losing focus, someone has to step up and lead the team, and who else but Melo can do it?
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Someone is going to have to teach this team how to keep their composure. They get punched in the mouth and it's game over pretty much. Chandler is in a funk, Amare isn't out there, Woodson can't be on the court playing, Felton isn't a big enough voice and player to do it.. it has to be Melo. Yeah.. the refs don't seem to give him the calls, but you have to rise above it. Drive hard and score even when it's a foul, start hitting jumpers, slow the game down if we're chucking and getting frustrated... he's the superstar.. he's the man, it's his job.

I know he got his points tonight, but it's more than that. When the team looks lost, isn't playing hard, is losing focus, someone has to step up and lead the team, and who else but Melo can do it?

That's not who Melo is tho. He may be one of the best players in the league and our best player but Melo's never been that type of dude.

I would think Jason Kidd or Tyson, but Tyson looks lost.
The curse of Robert Randolph.


That's not who Melo is tho. He may be one of the best players in the league and our best player but Melo's never been that type of dude.

I would think Jason Kidd or Tyson, but Tyson looks lost.
I know that's not who he is, that's why I don't think we ever win with him unless they go on an insane run and they get lucky in the playoffs.
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Wow. Good thing I was at that Nets/Clippers game because I dont know how I'd feel if I actually watched Chandler Parsons drop 31 on us on 13-17 shooting.

Straight ridiculous. If we lose on Monday the media will not let us catch a break for the foreseeable future.

Judging on the posts in here it looks like Camby needs to cut into Chandlers playing time pronto.
Wow. Good thing I was at that Nets/Clippers game because I dont know how I'd feel if I actually watched Chandler Parsons drop 31 on us on 13-17 shooting.
Straight ridiculous. If we lose on Monday the media will not let us catch a break for the foreseeable future.
Judging on the posts in here it looks like Camby needs to cut into Chandlers playing time pronto.

We have to win Sunday first, but yea, I could see the Media going crazy. Especially after the Nets beat the Clippers.
The Media will DEFINITELY go crazy if the Knicks have any struggle.  The key is for YALL not to freak out and start turning on your team at the first sight of adversity.  Gotta stick together this season...
Even when Melo tries to ignore the non calls he just gets called for phantom offensive fouls which take him out the game and limits or completely negates any chance of him changing his personality leadership wise and leading the team to a win or at least a change in play.
Even when Melo tries to ignore the non calls he just gets called for phantom offensive fouls which take him out the game and limits or completely negates any chance of him changing his personality leadership wise and leading the team to a win or at least a change in play.

He'll push through this...

But we have to continue to support, and not in 3 games start the whole "Melo sucks, he's trash...shoulda never gave up all those players for him" chants 
Don't feel any differently today about the team than I did before the last 2 games...matter of fact, my overall stance hasn't really changed much since the pre-season.

Too early in the year to get super low or high after a W/L. Just don't let the negative **** linger and cause a snowball affect.
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That was an abomination of a game if I've ever seen one. Let's just hope they don't drag on like that tomorrow vs Detroit.
I think Mike Woodson should say something about the non-calls. Melo needs to just keep it moving however. The main reason as to why he doesn't get any calls in my opinion is just perception. People don't like if he speaks out on it it's only gonna fall on deaf ears. Woodson or whoever has that type of reach should put something together. Melo's style of play should have him up in the top 5 FTA year in and year out and would also help his overall efficiency.
Even when I was watching the Nets game, Humphries show signs of aloofness or lacking intensity, he's taken out ASAP and Reggie Evans is subbed in to provide some hustle and spark if Humphries isnt going to be the one to do it.

Maybe theres some secret about Camby we dont know :nerd:
ever since the Lin injury and the Knicks organization covering it up, everyone brings up conspiracies for all of our players when they're hurt.

Camby just lacks conditioning right now. Doubt he's injured. Except i still have no idea why he doesnt play in garbage minutes.
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ever since the Lin injury and the Knicks organization covering it up, everyone brings up conspiracies for all of our players when they're hurt.
Camby just lacks conditioning right now. Doubt he's injured. Except i still have no idea why he doesnt play in garbage minutes.

maybe they're saving him >D
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