and we're done

Damn those Rockets
Haven't followed the thread today and I'm missing the game right now, but just looking at the score got me depressed.
We have to address this Tyson Chandler situation. He's getting by on reputation only at this point. With Melo at the 4 that can't happen. If he's not locking down the paint we're gonna be in trouble.
I'm very worried about Tyson. He seems lazy and lost.

And I'm very worried that this team just won't have the composure to truly compete for a ring. Complaining during the game about calls wont help. This team gets so easily rattled. The only smart player on the court most of the time is Kidd.

We been playing west coast ball for tw games. Not good. Woodson's quotations confuse me but I'm assuming Camby is injured.
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