and we're done

I'm very worried about Tyson. He seems lazy and lost.

And I'm very worried that this team just won't have the composure to truly compete for a ring. Complaining during the game about calls wont help. This team gets so easily rattled. The only smart player on the court most of the time is Kidd.

We been playing west coast ball for tw games. Not good. Woodson's quotations confuse me but I'm assuming Camby is injured.
I don't blame them for complaining. I really don't understand why we haven't been getting any calls. Like none. It's like the standard for a foul isn't the same for both teams.
All subjectivity aside, it's obvious that the refs. are not giving Melo his due calls. I wonder if they've been given "orders" from higher up to act this way.

I mean, no one expected the team to start of this hot. Perhaps certain parties are starting to pull strings in an attempt to both slow the team down and refocus attention on the NBA "favorites", see Miami, Lakers, San Antonio, OKC, etc.

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Yea, I usually don't like complaining about officiating but something is seriously up with the way that Melo is being officiated...our team as a whole doesn't seem to get a fair shake from the refs.
I don't like Melo complaining either but I honestly can't blame him. It's not isolated incidents. Its EVERY night. That wears on your psyche. You're one of the best offensive players in the world and you can't get a call but James Harden can shoot 15 FT's in a half? It's not right. I'm frustrated for him. The Knicks will be ok. But I don't want ok. I want great. And to be great you have to have the respect of the refs. It changes the entire dynamic of a team when you can't expect a game to be officiated squarely. Look at what Wade was able to do to Dallas in 06. Took the rug right out from under them. And that's what this feels like. It feels like the rug is constantly pulled out from under us and our momentum is killed. F'n sucks.
I don't blame them for complaining. I really don't understand why we haven't been getting any calls. Like none. It's like the standard for a foul isn't the same for both teams.

I don't blame them either. It's apparent he doesn't get any respect. But a true leader needs to ride above it

These things get chaned when coaches speak to the media about refs and when game tape is sent to the league.

Melo argues mid play and gets rattled. The rest of the team follows and things deteriorate very fast
prig's lost the game for us in the 2nd qtr, after those 3 chucks he put up we never recovered...

oh well...
Foul calls or not, there was zero ball movement tonight.
Yeah don't get it twisted we got our *** whooped. Defense was nonexistent tonight. Our D starts and ends with Tyson Chandler and this needs to be addressed openly. I don't think I've seen him block or alter a shot in the last 3 games. He barely gets off the ground if at all. Not taking any charges. Not helping. Nothing.
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