And this is why people get shot by the police....

And that's all I'm sayin. Reduce the chances of a cop killing you. Be proactive.

In EGs case his frustrations betrayed him. He was trying to be cool the whole time and he did right. He kept as calm as he could given the situation. But at the point when they start tryin to detain him you can hear him saying 'please get off me please get off me', and start sidestepping and pushing the cops away.

At that point, the debate of whether or not he was breaking the law was over. It was clear at that point that they were gonna arrest him. This is where you weigh your options. I can either keep fighting and risk bodily harm or worse or just stop fighting, let them arrest you and have a significantly higher chance of surviving.

And this is all before the chokehold that killed him was put on him.
Now of course you can't control the next person(like the coward who did the chokehold) but there are situations you can control.

As the Merovingian would say. Its causality. Cause and Effect
Look, you can spin it anyway you like. If you'rehu more worried about the fact that someone was ALLEGEDLY selling loosies instead of the fact that a cop decided to choke him to death - then it's obvious what you're really thinking. Selling cigarettes like that happens every single day. Jaywalking happens every single day. I literally can't think of two crimes that would bother me less if cops decided to stop worrying about it.

And yes - the fact that you keep bringing up this nonsense is proof that you're more worried about the actions of the victim than the actions of the murderers. Unless your goal here is to just deflect from the real issue: cops not being held accountable for their actions. Which one is it?

In a perfect world, every single black person would keep their head down, stay in their house as much as possible, smile when they're harassed, and never break the law. The world isn't perfect. A small percentage of people are like this. So bringing up the fact that they chose to break the law or chose to jaywalk and that's why they died - is just beyond stupid. People break laws every day. We should have higher standards for our cops.
like I said a very simple concepts. So apparently you fall into one of those categories.

And to answer your question of what is the point? The point is to help others who may be in the same situation live instead of being another victim. Because 'resisting' is the number 1 excuse they use to kill and brutalize us.
So regardless if you think the cop is wrong or right resisting ain't gone do nothing but increase the chances that they murk you for being stupid enough to give them an excuse.

They are looking for ANY excuse and you want to give it to them. Good luck with that and RIP when they murk you.

Also I NEVER said breaking the law gives them a reason to KILL you, that's what YOU and your illiterate buddy keep saying. I said he made it easy for the cops to **** with him in the first place. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE.
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But people don't bring that up or if they do they just charge it to "well the cop knows what he signed up for"

There was a story like 1-2 years ago where a guy in So Cal went on a high speed chase and basically told cops he wasn't going out like that and had the intent to shoot them if they didn't stop the police pursuit. Dude either crashes or pulls over on the freeway, runs out the car and points his phone as if he has a gun towards the officers. Sure enough, they shoot and kill him. The family had a lawsuit out vs the cops. What are cops supposed to do? Wait to see if it's a real weapon before they pull theirs out? Excuse me sir, is that a real gun? :lol:

I'm not saying some of these dudes deserve to die, but there are repercussions to certain actions. Some people are just asking for things to escalate by not listening

Lol please link me to the article explaining this.

Did he have a megaphone? How did he communicate that he was going to shoot them if he kept chasing them? He was in a car, they were in cars - with sirens on I presume. They were in a busy freeway? Pointed a PHONE at a cop?

Sounds like you're mixing up this story with another story where the guy was actually a murderer and actually fired 10 shots from his car while being chased.

You're welcome.

LOS ANGELES — Los Angeles police say a motorist shot to death after a wild auto chase had called 911 during the pursuit, claimed he had a gun and threatened to shoot officers.

A police statement Thursday says that the man did not actually have a gun during the Wednesday night pursuit.

According to the statement, the man had a lengthy conversation with the 911 operator, stated he had a gun, had been arrested previously and would pull his gun if police pulled out their weapons.

The pursuit ended on the U.S. 101 freeway when 19-year-old Abdul Arian attempted a U-turn and was rammed by a police car.

TV news helicopters showed Arian jump out of the car and repeatedly make movements with his arms as if taking a shooting stance. He was shot as he ran near a car that had pulled over.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

A wild police chase of a reckless motorist in the Los Angeles area ended with the freeway shooting death of the suspect as he ran from the car and spun around menacingly, using both hands to simulate a weapon.

News helicopter footage showed the suspect repeatedly spinning around in a combative stance just before he was shot on U.S. 101 in Woodland Hills.

"You can see the suspect doing something with something in his hands," Lt. Andy Neiman said Thursday.

Neiman said more than three police officers fired at the suspect, but he didn't know how many bullets hit the man.

KNX radio identified the suspect as 19-year-old Abdul Arian, but Neiman said the name would be released later Thursday. Arian's uncle, Hamed Arian, told reporters that his nephew wanted to be a police officer and drove a dark Ford Crown Victoria, a car model used for police vehicles.

But he added: "He was always afraid of the cops."

Hamed Arian said his nephew did not have a gun at the time of his death. "He didn't own a gun," the uncle said, adding he felt nonlethal weapons should have been used to stop his nephew. He said the shooting was unjustified.

Neiman said the uncle's reaction to the shooting was not unusual.

"It's not unrealistic for family members to feel that their family member is victimized," Neiman said, who added that authorities had no motive for the teen's actions.

The pursuit started when the driver refused to pull over for officers. It led to a high-speed chase through the west San Fernando Valley. The car was then chased onto the freeway, where the suspect jumped out after he attempted a U-turn and the driver's side door was rammed by a squad car, Neiman said.

The driver then jumped out of the passenger side and began running.

TV video showed him turning and pointing something in a threatening manner toward an officer, who was running toward him. The suspect kept running and turned again in a threatening manner a few feet from a car stopped on the freeway, and police then opened fire and shot the man.

A couple in the car weren't hurt, police said.

The freeway was closed in the area overnight and for most of the morning commute, with the suspect's body covered with a sheet remaining in lanes until after dawn Thursday.Footage from NBC LA shows the suspect being shot to death by police. WARNING: Graphic footage.
like I said a very simple concepts. So apparently you fall into one of those categories.

And to answer your question of what is the point? The point is to help others who may be in the same situation live instead of being another victim. Because 'resisting' is the number 1 excuse they use to kill and brutalize us.
So regardless if you think the cop is wrong or right resisting ain't gone do nothing but increase the chances that they murk you for being stupid enough to give them an excuse.

They are looking for ANY excuse and you want to give it to them. Good luck with that and RIP when they murk you.

Also I NEVER said breaking the law gives them a reason to KILL you

Still don't understand the point of steering the discussion in the direction that blames the victim. It avoids talking about the real person at fault - the cop sworn to "protect and serve" - who not only faces no consequences but isn't even put on trial like every other person would.

It makes no sense and it's the mentality that lets murderers off the hook - but keep doing you.
The ONE COMMON DENOMINATOR in every single one of these wrongful death cases is the fact that the cops used some kind of excuse to justify his actions. And a lot of times that excuse leads to justice NOT being served. Whether it be resisting or fearing for their life or he reached for my gun. Whatever it is.


Maybe then when they commit these aggregious act and don't have an excuse to lean on, they might actually have to answer for their crimes. But as long as they have an excuse they will keep using them.

Is that simple enough to understand?
Stop giving prejudice cops excuses because we have to cater to them for being prejudice. It's our fault that they're prejudice yet they sign up to protect and serve.

Be obedient black man because if not I can use lethal force and kill your unarmed ***.

It's ashame good white people have to be associated with yall pathetic racist *************.
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Mr. Marcus by all means, you go ahead and keep giving cops excuses.
All my other black brothers and sisters use common sense.
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The ONE COMMON DENOMINATOR in every single one of these wrongful death cases is the fact that the cops used some kind of excuse to justify his actions. And a lot of times that excuse leads to justice NOT being served. Whether it be resisting or fearing for their life or he reached for my gun. Whatever it is.


Maybe then when they commit these aggregious act and don't have an excuse to lean on, they might actually have to answer for their crimes. But as long as they have an excuse they will keep using them.

Is that simple enough to understand?

Your problem is that you're giving the system too much credit.

There's PLENTY of cases where the cops just make up excuses. PLENTY.

Is that simple enough for you to understand? You're being naive. They won't answer for their crimes because people like you are going to assume that the dead person did something to provoke it.
Why do we always give policemen the benefit of the doubt?

Like they are incapable of lying?

Workers lie in all sorts of professions but policemen are immune to it? :lol:
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But there aren't "PLENTY" of cases where those excuses lead to a person being killed. And that's the point. How to survive these encounters.

You look at it like itts placing blame on the victim. I'm not "placing" blame anywhere. Garner is responsible for his actions just like the cop is. His death doesn't erase the fact that he is to blame for what he did just as the cop is to blame for what he did. I'm not the mf blame police. I don't decide who's and who is not to blame.

I'm simply learning from EGs mistakes and will be mindful not to repeat them.
That's what wise people do they learn from the mistakes of others. Because if you don't then you are doomed to repeat them.

In other words if I'm ever out selling loose cigarettes and cops approach ME, and try to arrest me, I'm gonna lay down, put my hands behind my back and whatever else they tell me to do. That way I don't have to worry about getting killed by being choked out. At least about 99% of the time.

You tough guys go ahead and resist and see where that gets you. And when you get murked, tell God how YOU are the victim and shouldn't be responsible for the choices YOU made.

Good luck to you
But there aren't "PLENTY" of cases where those excuses lead to a person being killed. And that's the point. How to survive these encounters.

You look at it like itts placing blame on the victim. I'm not "placing" blame anywhere. Garner is responsible for his actions just like the cop is. His death doesn't erase the fact that he is to blame for what he did just as the cop is to blame for what he did. I'm not the mf blame police. I don't decide who's and who is not to blame.

I'm simply learning from EGs mistakes and will be mindful not to repeat them.
That's what wise people do they learn from the mistakes of others. Because if you don't then you are doomed to repeat them.

In other words if I'm ever out selling loose cigarettes and cops approach ME, and try to arrest me, I'm gonna lay down, put my hands behind my back and whatever else they tell me to do. That way I don't have to worry about getting killed by being choked out. At least about 99% of the time.

You tough guys go ahead and resist and see where that gets you. And when you get murked, tell God how YOU are the victim and shouldn't be responsible for the choices YOU made.

Good luck to you

Yeah, there are plenty of encounters where unarmed, non-resisting people are shot and killed. When you go to lay down and they shoot you because your sudden movement looked like you were reaching for a weapon - or because while pulling out your ID, your wallet looked like a gun - you can tell God how you are the victim.
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No there aren't. Police have hundreds of thousands of interactions with civilians every day. EVERY DAY. 99.9999999% DO NOT end with someone being killed wrongfully

Also if I'm on the ground I'm not making any sudden movements or reaching for anything. I'm not giving the cop ANY excuses. Try again
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No there aren't. Police have hundreds of thousands of interactions with civilians every day. EVERY DAY. 99.9999999% DO NOT end with someone being killed wrongfully

Also if I'm on the ground I'm not making any sudden movements or reaching for anything. I'm not giving the cop ANY excuses. Try again
I'm sure that hasn't stopped some officers in the past.

But keep pretending the issue of our people being killed on a regular basis is our fault somehow. Maybe next time I get stopped I'll do a little dance to keep the officers calm and happy.

**** that train of thought. Thats what they want. Be subsurviant and submissive, even if your rights are being infringed upon.

This is the problem. Everyone sees this ****, but no one is willing to say something. And when someone does day something, everyone so strongly agrees in silence in an effort to not disrupt whatever ******** balance they want us to think there is.

I couldn't care less what you're wearing. What your job is, the color of your skin, religion, gender. If you're carrying a pistol. If I feel my rights are being disrespected I'm going to address it. Too many of the time we wanna shuck and jive and go out of our way to make white folks feel comfortable. **** that.
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This is why more cops should be ex marines, no hood ***** could **** with a marine.
This is why more cops should be ex marines, no hood ***** could **** with a marine.
If you want to have a real discussion on the requirements of joining the NYPD, we can take a look at the fact that you're only required to have 60 credits to join the force.

Take that, and take a look at some of the young men coming down here from places where prejudice runs rampant in their own little microcosm, and you can see where some of these issues arise.

And these are all such obvious flaws of the system, but those in power don't feel the effects of it, so it doesn't really matter.

The NYPD is broken, and run by brats who are stubborn and unwilling to look at any countering opinions. They've showed that much so far with their 'I Can Breathe' t-shirts and turning their back on the mayor. I'm all for taking a stance on something, but is this it? Once again we lose focus of the real issue and they take their first chance to distract and misdirect.
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Marines busying committing murder-suicides after they come back from the Middle East

Every time you hear about one involving a military guy it's always a marine :smh:

Black men would get killed at a higher level with them dudes

They can't even adjust to regular life like other military guys and you want them to be police? Lmaoooo child please
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The bigger problem is you making it a bigger problem and buying into the race war the media is building up to. When you look at all the interactions between police and citizens there's an extremely minute few that have violent interactions with police, and even far less that weren't provoked by resisting arrest, or violence.
At what point in anything that I said did I mention race? I mentioned demographics, which covers a group of people who meet criteria not limited to race. Minute, by definition, is a hyperbole in this issue. If they were infact "minute" then there'd be no issue, but they're not minute they are "less common". Meaning they occur but they are not the general way things happen. The problem with your viewpoint is that you cannot prove that these are minute situations because you'd have to know EVERY SINGLE CASE EVER and know that the cop that was involved was not profiling the suspect/victim. I on the other hand can prove that these situations do exist.

The fact that you can even acknowledge that these cases happen, means that you know that the problem that we are all discussing is real.
And that's all I'm sayin. Reduce the chances of a cop killing you. Be proactive.

In EGs case his frustrations betrayed him. He was trying to be cool the whole time and he did right. He kept as calm as he could given the situation. But at the point when they start tryin to detain him you can hear him saying 'please get off me please get off me', and start sidestepping and pushing the cops away.

At that point, the debate of whether or not he was breaking the law was over. It was clear at that point that they were gonna arrest him. This is where you weigh your options. I can either keep fighting and risk bodily harm or worse or just stop fighting, let them arrest you and have a significantly higher chance of surviving.

And this is all before the chokehold that killed him was put on him.
Now of course you can't control the next person(like the coward who did the chokehold) but there are situations you can control.

As the Merovingian would say. Its causality. Cause and Effect
I'd label it as manslaughter, but your point here is understood
The ONE COMMON DENOMINATOR in every single one of these wrongful death cases is the fact that the cops used some kind of excuse to justify his actions. And a lot of times that excuse leads to justice NOT being served. Whether it be resisting or fearing for their life or he reached for my gun. Whatever it is.


Maybe then when they commit these aggregious act and don't have an excuse to lean on, they might actually have to answer for their crimes. But as long as they have an excuse they will keep using them.

Is that simple enough to understand?
No there aren't. Police have hundreds of thousands of interactions with civilians every day. EVERY DAY. 99.9999999% DO NOT end with someone being killed wrongfully

Also if I'm on the ground I'm not making any sudden movements or reaching for anything. I'm not giving the cop ANY excuses. Try again
Bro where do you get that percentage from??? SMH If these incidents were that insignificant then people would understand, but they occur much more than that amount you giving.

There's two issues being dabated at this time and I don't think people see them seperately.

Theres the issue of police abusing their power which lead to deaths of unarmed men and women

And the issue of if you resist arrest you are opening the door to an officer pulling the "He resisted and I feared for my life" card

First things first, I am a firm believer of if a cop requests that you do something, do it. Take the road less confrontational. The reason being is there has been no situation that I am aware of that starts with a cop harassing someone but that person talking back and the cop just walking away. I take that back, there are videos of the "I don't answer questions" guy and there's at least two instances where a cop asks like 2-3 questions, they guy responds with "I don't answer questions" and the cop walks away. Whether its a coincidence that he was a older white male and they left him alone is debatable. BUT the typical response to resisting in any manner is likely followed by an agressive response by the officer because the has the authority to do so.

NOW we come into where a lot of people are getting tired of, that being a police officer abusing his power. Yes, we understand that "most" police officers don't abuse their power. Yes, we understand that this does not happen "every/all the time". But if it happens at all that means that there is a problem worth adressing. Many situations start out with a police officer being petty in being critical over a "minor" crime (ie selling untaxed cigarettes) sometimes over long periods of time which would irritate any normal person. We have to address the fact that there are these officers messing with people because they fit in the "dislike" catagory for whatever reason.
They both said they didn't deserve to be killed. Stop reaching :lol:

It's not a reach at all. It's exactly what they're saying - just in a "PC" way.

Anyone that says you won't be killed by the police if you don't jaywalk or sell looseys - is justifying why they were killed. Instead of blaming the cop, they're blaming the victim. Deflecting it by bringing up minor laws being broken is a pretty common tactic. It's this nonsense idea that if you don't do anything wrong - you'll be fine. It's just not true. There are a ton of examples that prove otherwise.

Exactly :lol:

I was alone dealing with these trolls last night lol still had em looking foolish! :pimp:
I saw it too but I just can't deal with all that extra bull **** from ppl purposely being thick headed. Want to be foul as **** in a roundabout way. Just come out and be direct if you want to say selling loose cigs and trying not get killed by a cop warrants the police having a reason to murder you.

I know yall be seeing me argue with ppl for pgs in other threads but I can't be dealing with all this coded insensitive racist **** ppl are trying to pass off as reasonable and just when we're talking about the unjust taking of lives.
These frail *** dudes need to reevaluate their career choices.
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