And this is why people get shot by the police....

Only ex military that should be cops is officers that have a bachelors degree

Too many losers enlisted cause they had nothing else going on in life. Nothing wrong with that but they shouldn't be a police officer. They be the same ones struggling to find work when they come home. They never had ****.

I appreciate what they did but you gotta draw a line somewhere

Cops go through extensive psychological assessments. Hell my friend had all his social media examined, they investigated what type of people he hangs out with. People are assuming dudes just sign a sheet of paper and are automatically hired to the police force.

Some marines are unstable, trust me I know a few. But those guys get weeded out. The really unstable ones are too busy drowning out their pain in substances to even hold a job  as an officer to begin with.
You know where I stand on this.

I couldn't pass a polygraph cause they asked me if I ever cheated on a test, or defied a superior in the workforce. I said "no" and failed. 

You shouldn't hire people who have never made a mistake in their lives. Why? Because they're bound to make one. 

Let's not act like unstable cops dont get hired.
Actually doctors DO NOT go to jail for malpractice. Especially if it's unintentional, I mean it one thing killing people on the table on purpose. Most surgeons have been to court at least once in their life time for malpractice, some that have led to death. THEY DO NOT GO TO JAIL.

The technique is banned in the same way a doctor could be doing something that isn't the standard of care unknowingly. Dude probably didn't know what he was doing in the heat of the moment. Same way a doctor may give a patient a drug that is contraindicated leading to his death.
an additional difference in these situations is still that in the act of these moments, the doctor is performing a task that is risky and its a case of given the course of events did this surgeon act in accordance to their training and schooling. They don't go to jail because they went to court and it was proven that they did what they could.

at least those doctors when to court with their deaths, this officer didn't even get to that part

That example doesn't quite fit. And the excuse of "he didn't know what he was doing in the heat of the moment" describes a lot of manslaughters between husbands who kill their wives in crimes of passion
Example of a pharmacist going to jail for his mistake
On February 26, 2006, Emily Jerry was undergoing her last scheduled round of chemotherapy with Etoposide to treat a yolk-sac tumor which was diagnosed 6 months earlier. According to physicians responsible for her care, her prognosis was "excellent" and she was expected to be medically discharged following the completion of her last infusion. The pharmacy where Emily was receiving her care was short staffed due to being a weekend, and the pharmacy computer system was down for maintenance. Furthermore, Emily's chemotherapy was entered incorrectly as a stat order, and the pharmacist and technician were behind on other hospital orders and unable to take their scheduled lunch break.[sup][2][/sup]

The pharmacist, Eric Cropp, was terminated from Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital on March 3, 2006, later stripped of his license by the Ohio Board of Pharmacy, and indicted for reckless homicide and involuntary manslaughter by an Ohio grand jury. On May 13, 2009 as a result of a plea bargain, Cropp plead no contest to involuntary manslaughter in exchange for dismissal of the charge of reckless homicide. Eric Cropp was sentenced to six months in prison, six months of house arrest, 400 hours of community service, and $5000 in court costs.[sup][3][/sup]
You keep saying he died from the chokehold. He died from his own medical complications, not the chokehold. 

Did the chokehold assist? Sure. Do I condone using a move that is supposedly banned? No. 

You guys don't seem to understand murder, and how hard (or impossible) it is to get a conviction is a case like this. 

You just want each cop thrown in a jail cell forever without trial. Please separate your emotions for once.
Reread my last reply to you and stop making stuff up.

You keep leaping before you look with this ****. When did I say anything about a conviction. You're way too transparent. Going from semantics to semantics refusing to address anything that's actually being said.

You seem to not understand murder and why it's wrong apparently or perhaps manslaughter? gross negligence as a police officer? Seems you don't want to discuss this for real just deflect and rebuff any post as quickly as you can so it can be out of your mind quicker so you give it no actual thought.

Now you're assuming things I've never said or even implied. I mean I know your reputation of being a clown when it comes to anything regarding race but you have to do better than this. Stop posting just to post. We get your gimmick already.

Like I ******* asked you what you condoned or not.
Reread my last reply to you and stop making stuff up.

You keep leaping before you look with this ****. When did I say anything about a conviction. You're way too transparent. Going from semantics to semantics refusing to address anything that's actually being said.

You seem to not understand murder and why it's wrong apparently or perhaps manslaughter? gross negligence as a police officer? Seems you don't want to discuss this for real just deflect and rebuff any post as quickly as you can so it can be out of your mind quicker so you give it no actual thought.

Now you're assuming things I've never said or even implied. I mean I know your reputation of being a clown when it comes to anything regarding race but you have to do better than this. Stop posting just to post. We get your gimmick already.

Like I ******* asked you what you condoned or not.
It isn't about race. The people who make it about race, when it's irrelevant are the racists, like YOU. Gross negligence? They didn't know he'd die, the chokehold didn't kill him, so if your argument is that certain people shouldn't be apprehended based on weight, health, race etc then you're full of it. They were just apprehending a man who was doing something illegal and then resisted arrest, and he died from his OWN medical complications. Was it an unfortunate situation? Yes. Were the police wrong for doing their job? No.

Why should they pay for his awful medical condition? I'll wait. 
Reread my last reply to you and stop making stuff up.

You keep leaping before you look with this ****. When did I say anything about a conviction. You're way too transparent. Going from semantics to semantics refusing to address anything that's actually being said.

You seem to not understand murder and why it's wrong apparently or perhaps manslaughter? gross negligence as a police officer? Seems you don't want to discuss this for real just deflect and rebuff any post as quickly as you can so it can be out of your mind quicker so you give it no actual thought.

Now you're assuming things I've never said or even implied. I mean I know your reputation of being a clown when it comes to anything regarding race but you have to do better than this. Stop posting just to post. We get your gimmick already.

Like I ******* asked you what you condoned or not.

It isn't about race. The people who make it about race, when it's irrelevant are the racists, like YOU.
Exactly what I said when I was airing grievances. I'm the racist? How so? You talk as if I've ever addressed you directly prior to this.

How convenient it is that you claim this isn't about race yet you're in every thread related to race being a closet racist? Veiled discriminatory offensive and highly inflammatory posts time after time like clockwork? It must be a coincidence that you're in these threads with the same old song and dance without fail yet you're never in these other threads with the same routine and agenda when the issue doesn't involve race as a factor. Perhaps you simply aren't aware of how racially charged your views are, refuse to see it another way so you just keep banging your head against the wall since you don't want to admit what everyone else can clearly see.

Gross negligence? They didn't know he'd die
They didn't know an illegal choke hold could kill?

the chokehold didn't kill him
They didn't know the illegal choke hold could induce death? That an illegal choke could play a major part in causing death?

so if your argument is that certain people shouldn't be apprehended based on weight, health, race etc then you're full of it.
That isn't my argument and you know. You're being ridiculous for even suggesting that.

This is another transparent attempt by you to distort facts and any sound reasoning for what happened and the just consequences and repercussions for what occurred. Everybody seeing you're a clown here when you do this. I await your next reply filled with the same bull ****.

They were just apprehending a man who was doing something illegal and then resisted arrest
You don't know apprehend ppl with illegal choke holds. What the **** is wrong with you? Keep omitting this glaring fact. A key part of events that led to his death.

and he died from his OWN medical complications.
This is how I know you don't know what negligence is or manslaughter involuntary or otherwise or murder or any other term I could mention for obvious crime committed here.

What caused the cardiac arrest? What led up to Garner's medical complications that he died from? :smh:

Was it an unfortunate situation? Yes. Were the police wrong for doing their job? No.
So this is you saying the police were right for using an illegal choke hold right? There can't be other interpretation even if you want to keep omitting facts. You believe that the police should use illegal choke holds to do their jobs. You think that is them doing their job. That's you're problem

Why should they pay for his awful medical condition?


I'll wait. 
I know I won't be waiting for you to stop faking the funk and just admit you're a contrarian police get the benefit of the doubt even after it's proved they're in the wrong racist.
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So you post an example of a pharmacist from 2006 that went to jail for malpractice, when I have countless of other examples of worse mistakes than this of doctors NOT going to jail. I guarantee I know more doctors than you do, my mother and several family members included.

Doctors have something called malpractice insurance, I'm sure you've heard of it. Many law suits involving doctors have led to a patient's death. I feel like you're leaving something out of this story that made them deem is "reckless endangerment". Most of these cases are not criminal cases unless it's proven that the doctor did it on purpose.

"Some pharmacy trade groups contest that Cuyahoga County, the State of Ohio, and the Ohio Board of Pharmacy took excessive action against the supervising pharmacist. They contest that making Cropp out to be a pariah discourages pharmacists and hospitals to report medication-related errors, and actually increases the chances for patient harm.[sup][6][/sup]

This case is unusual, people do not go to jail for medically related errors. It sounds like they just wanted to make an example of him which could backfire cause people don't hold up to a code of honor and honesty. I may be wrong but do pharmacists have to pay malpractice insurance or is it a different system? Doctors get punished for stuff like this by having to pay a higher premium and getting sued.
not debating whether there are worst cases, just citing that it does happen. not looking to have a competition of who knows more doctors man, but my lack of friends or fam who are doctors is a moot point. i left nothing out of that story, i posted the parts including the instance and the sentencing, and posted the link to the full site for those who wanted to follow it can read up on it

and you bring up a great point, the cases aren't criminal cases unless they can prove that the doctor did it on purpose. in the scenario of EG we didn't get to even get a case to review whether or not he used that chokehold with the intent to kill or seriously injure and hide it as an accident. it went right into, no fault without any further review 
LOL you don't think a cop is performing a task that is risky? So the doctor gets the benefit of the doubt but a cop doesn't? You serious chief?

A doctor goes to court not to be tried as a criminal case but to be sued. People in here are advocating sending cops to be tried as CRIMINALS which I don't agree with. I believe they should be tried the same way doctors are, and the state or police department should have to compensate families for wrongful deaths and injury.

Husband and wife, is not the same relationship as a cop vs a perp. A cop has the legal right to kill and use deadly force when provoked. Same way a doctor can operate on a patient but if an unlicensed person does and there's an adverse effect they go straight to jail. These 2 professions have defined roles and privileges, stop comparing it to 2 civilians in an altercation.
perhaps risky wasn't the best word to use.

don't take my example so  literal man, when you said he did it and wasn't aware of what he was doing that describes the motives and storylines of many crimes of passions. honestly comparing a doctor to a cop is a stretch because thinking of a doctor 'killing' someone during an operation or clerical error or miscommunication of dosage or perscription is unfathomable
What caused the cardiac arrest? What led up to Garner's medical complications that he died from?
Being obese and in extremely bad shape, period. 

Way to call me racist too. Really shows how low class you really are. This case and the MB case were never about race.

You wish it was about race because it's easier to play the victim than to man up to the cultures these men were brought up in.
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Being obese and in extremely bad shape, period. 

Way to call me racist too. Really shows how low class you really are. This case and the MB case were never about race.

You wish it was about race because it's easier to play the victim than to man up to the cultures these men were brought up in.'re saying that had he just got cuffed he would have died anyway?
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What caused the cardiac arrest? What led up to Garner's medical complications that he died from? :smh:

Being obese and in extremely bad shape, period. 

Way to call me racist too. Really shows how low class you really are. This case and the MB case were never about race.

You wish it was about race because it's easier to play the victim than to man up to the cultures these men were brought up in.

That's like telling someone who got pushed on the train tracks that they ended up there because of their poor balance. Stop it B.
why is only a certain culture used as a basis for why things happen? :nerd:

how come no one talks about the ills of the corrupted policing culture causing trouble? :nerd:

how do we even know the certain culture was the problem? what if the murderer officer was raised by a family that perpetrated an idea that a certain type of person was not be valued, or was even to be thought of as a target? :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
why is only a certain culture used as a basis for why things happen?

how come no one talks about the ills of the corrupted policing culture causing trouble?

how do we even know the certain culture was the problem? what if the murderer officer was raised by a family that perpetrated an idea that a certain type of person was not be valued, or was even to be thought of as a target?
because we live in an america where racism no longer exist....or so they say
What caused the cardiac arrest? What led up to Garner's medical complications that he died from? :smh:

Being obese and in extremely bad shape, period. 
So Garner would've went in to cardiac arrest that day even if several cops didn't tackle him to the ground and perform an illegal choke hold on him in order to apprehend him. Gotcha.
Way to call me racist too. Really shows how low class you really are. This case and the MB case were never about race.
I'm calling a spade a spade. It's not my fault you don't like it. Also a racist can't tell me anything about "class". Your warped concept of it doesn't apply to me.

Nice dodge on the rest of my post. Can't wait until I see you do it again, you know just so you reaffirm everything I said.
You wish it was about race because it's easier to play the victim than to man up to the cultures these men were brought up in.
I'm sorry what now? What culture is it that you're speaking about? Then you want to tell me about playing the victim :smh: Easy rhetoric to spout from someone siding with those who do the victimizing.
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What caused the cardiac arrest? What led up to Garner's medical complications that he died from? :smh:

Being obese and in extremely bad shape, period.

Way to call me racist too. Really shows how low class you really are. This case and the MB case were never about race.

You wish it was about race because it's easier to play the victim than to man up to the cultures these men were brought up in.

That's like telling someone who got pushed on the train tracks that they ended up there because of their poor balance. Stop it B.
I've said it before but son is purposely throwing any logic or reasoning out the window in order to needle in the falsehood that the cops were just doing their job and did nothing wrong.

According to him, it's Garner's own fault he couldn't survive that illegal choke hold and that he later succumbed to that murder technique.

He's a clearly a bigot using semantics and other bull **** to veil his hatred. It's seething through though, don't know who he thinks he's fooling. Guess he doesn't want to admit on a matter of principle cuz admitting would simply mean everyone would ignore him and not take anything he said seriously.
So Garner would've went in to cardiac arrest that day even if several cops didn't tackle him to the ground and perform an illegal choke hold on him in order to 
Questions like this don't further the discussion at all. Neither of us is all knowing, so there is no right answer to that question. 

Done arguing with you. You're a pathetic racist and there's no saving you from your ignorance. 

One cop apprehends a man (or attempts to) and your first concern is their races, because all you want to do is scream racist without any proof or reason. 

Get over yourself. The only lesson to be learned here is to not do illegal things, and the police will have no reason to mess with you. 
So Garner would've went in to cardiac arrest that day even if several cops didn't tackle him to the ground and perform an illegal choke hold on him in order to 

Questions like this don't further the discussion at all.
What discussion are we having exactly?

This is not a discussion to me. People make points including everything that happens, all the factors. You choose to consistently overlook key points to hammer home your bull ****. When you do address what's important it's dismissive in order for you to return to the same repetitive drivel you've been spewing.

You have never furthered the discussion with any post in this thread or the other one or the other one or the other one.

Neither of us is all knowing, so there is no right answer to that question. 
Statements like this make me question whether or not your dumb on top of being a racist. I'm not all the way sure yet. You're either completely unaware or just continuing to not see anything but your own points and ideas. Everything else is just some weak insult you can muster up to deflect from the truth of the matter.

Done arguing with you.
You never were.

Of course you're done replying to me though. Can't keep up the same act for too long.

You're a pathetic racist and there's no saving you from your ignorance. 
:lol: Racist against who? What group? It must be racists like yourself. Isn't that an odd contradiction/paradox.

The way you're using the word makes me wonder if you're capable of understanding it's definition. It basically seems like because I disagree with you and I can acknowledge that it was the cops fault Garner is dead that I'm racist whether it makes sense or not.
One cop apprehends a man (or attempts to)
Wasn't one cop

and your first concern is their races, because all you want to do is scream racist without any proof or reason. 
This is you simply going back to your white supremacist handbook to regurgitate the same garbage. If you had any idea of my stance on this you'd realize who was truly ignorant here.

I haven't even brought up the races of Garner or the cops that murdered him. I have brought up your racism though. That's where you're obviously confused.

Get over yourself.
Right after you stop being a racist.

The only lesson to be learned here is to not do illegal things
Like illegal choke holds? Hold on you may actually be learning here.

and the police will have no reason to mess with you. 
Oh wait, never mind :smh: Still banging your head against the wall with the same lack of reasoning skills or logic.
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**** the police... Black, white, brown, yellow, green, blue I don't seem care
The discussion of whether or not the police did anything wrong obviously. You want to sit here and cry like a baby about police force (even though the chokehold wasn't what killed him) and completely neglect that little thing Americans seem to forget about. What it called you ask?... Personal responsibility. If he wasn't doing anything illegal none of this would have ever happened, and you know it. The only thing more pathetic than ignoring his wrongdoing, and the fact that he didn't die from the chokehold, is how you want to cry racism with no proof.  Game. 
Lionblood and this other guy are dripping with privilege. Arguing with the blind and hateful is pointless.
The discussion of whether or not the police did anything wrong obviously.
I'm not having that discussion with you. They did.

Illegal choke holds are wrong. Cops performed that. They were wrong. All that played a part are murderers.
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You keep saying he died from the chokehold. He died from his own medical complications, not the chokehold. 

Did the chokehold assist? Sure. Do I condone using a move that is supposedly banned? No. 

You guys don't seem to understand murder, and how hard (or impossible) it is to get a conviction is a case like this. 

You just want each cop thrown in a jail cell forever without trial. Please separate your emotions for once.
Are you by any chance a police officer? Because I was having this very same conversation with good a friend of mine who's a cop, and he said pretty much this verbatim.
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