And this is why people get shot by the police....

[quot that atte name="Mr Marcus" url="/t/614579/and-this-is-why-people-get-shot-by-the-police/210#post_22281054"]Know the history of racist cops and be mindful?

So basically bend over and be a ***** for white supremacy? I'll pass[/quote]

With that attitude hopefully you don't run into one of these racist cops because then it will be 2 racists and we will be reading about you.
jaysRcrak is making some valid points though.

obviously when a cop overreacts and uses violent force they are completely in the wrong and they should be held accountable for their actions.  even if the person they used unwarranted force on committed a crime, that doesn't justify the violent reaction. the cops job is to arrest them and let the courts determine the punishment.

i don't see it as victim blaming to say that people should try to minimize their encounters with law enforcement and not give them reason to mess with you in the first place though.  aside from the fact that you might get a ticket or a summons or whatever, its just unnecessary interaction which can be avoided.  if your doing something minor like drinking outside or whatever, it sets up an interaction which could've been avoided.    obviously the cop shouldn't use any type of unnecessary force unless the other person tries to put hands on them.  the other person can talk back to the cop and be rude but that shouldn't warrant a physical response.  those encounters should be avoided at all costs though. don't put yourself in a position where these cops have a reason to harass you in the first place. 

now if your doing nothing wrong, don't have anything on you and a cop is harassing you for no reason and you know your rights, let it be known respectfully and if they get out of line and keep being the unwarranted aggressor then take their badge number and go to their superiors.

sometimes you have to pick your battles in life.  we know how law enforcement can be, why make it easier for them to do something crazy and hide behind that blue wall of silence and that brotherhood. at the end of the day, if a trigger happy cop kills you, your name will be on the news, there will be some protests and memorials for you, some celebs may even pay tribute to you, but at the end of the day your still dead and not coming back to life.   some may see it as being weak, but I rather take that L when dealing with a cop who isn't playing fair,  file necessary charges later while being alive to do so.  

the power the cops have and the ways it can be manipulated isn't right and hopefully the end result of all these protests and the awareness being raised is accountability towards cops that makes them think twice before doing things they shouldn't do.    but for the time being, people need to pick their battles. it sucks seeing young kids killed by the cops, or adults getting killed by the cops in situations where the cops are clearly in the wrong. for the time being, if you gotta stroke some cop on a power trips ego and make an encounter brief, it doesn't make you a weenie or weak given the power dynamics at hand.  if you have children at home or a family that loves you, why risk a situation where a trigger happy cop "fears for his life"  until the system changes, and by all means its an unfair system, your better suited taking a L at times and swallowing your pride during an encounter and be alive to file a complaint, contact the local media if the encounter was filmed etc.     this may not be the popular opinion but considering the power dynamics, encounters with law enforcement should be a case where you pick your battles for the time being.  
now if your doing nothing wrong, don't have anything on you and a cop is harassing you for no reason and you know your rights, let it be known respectfully and if they get out of line and keep being the unwarranted aggressor then take their badge number and go to their superiors.

now if your doing nothing wrong, don't have anything on you and a cop is harassing you for no reason and you know your rights, let it be known respectfully and if they get out of line and keep being the unwarranted aggressor then take their badge number and go to their superiors.



Garner got choked on camera for the whole world to see and nothing happened. even them Isis ****** got to see that ****

Going to their superior will not do a god damn thing. These fools started *****ing cause the mayor didn't support that murder
That's all you got out of everything I posted. This dude AEA is a remedial selective reader.

Where did I ever say going to their superior guarantees success. If you got your encounter on film, go to the media. More complaints and negative publicity will let them expose themselves. The cops foolish act of disrespect towards deblasio showed how petty they were for the world to see.

Its getting close to **** hitting the fan but for the meantime people need to understand power dynamics and the concept of picking your battles.

It doesn't make you a weenie to bite your tongue when dealing with a cop on a power trip considering the power he has. Take that L gracefully and if you feel they crossed the line contact a lawyer, the media etc whatever it may be but your alive to do so.

Until its an even level playing field its better to do that then risk some tragic **** happening.

This isn't a video game where you get extra lives if you die and come back tomorrow. All the outrage and protests towards a cop "who feared for his life" won't bring you back.

That's an inconvenient truth. Until there's more accountability towards law enforcement its best to avoid and minimize encounters with them at all costs.
Stupid as ****

At the end of the day....

Officers, the idiot fighting them, and the dumb *** recording it being ignorant as ****.

This whole situation is/was stupid.

Looking like a damn scenario out of GTA San Andreas.
That's an inconvenient truth. Until there's more accountability towards law enforcement its best to avoid and minimize encounters with them at all costs.
this is so horrifyingly funny. because cops can get away with whatever try not to interact with them

Don't get me wrong, i understand what you meant but reading it is a trip
That's all you got out of everything I posted. This dude AEA is a remedial selective reader.

Where did I ever say going to their superior guarantees success. If you got your encounter on film, go to the media. More complaints and negative publicity will let them expose themselves. The cops foolish act of disrespect towards deblasio showed how petty they were for the world to see.

Its getting close to **** hitting the fan but for the meantime people need to understand power dynamics and the concept of picking your battles.

It doesn't make you a weenie to bite your tongue when dealing with a cop on a power trip considering the power he has. Take that L gracefully and if you feel they crossed the line contact a lawyer, the media etc whatever it may be but your alive to do so.

Until its an even level playing field its better to do that then risk some tragic **** happening.

This isn't a video game where you get extra lives if you die and come back tomorrow. All the outrage and protests towards a cop "who feared for his life" won't bring you back.

That's an inconvenient truth. Until there's more accountability towards law enforcement its best to avoid and minimize encounters with them at all costs.

How do you take down a cops badge number? Do you reach for a pen or your cell phone? Nah you might get beat or shot. Okay option number 2: "If you got your encounter on film"

What if no one is recording? Do you dare reach for your phone to record the altercation and risk being beat or shot?

I just avoid cops altogether. It's pretty F'd up WE have to think about what WE can and can't do in the presence of a cop.

Even if we aren't do anything we still have to worry about ending up dead.
This is why more cops should be ex marines, no hood ***** could **** with a marine.

A lot of cops I know are ex-military, I dunno if that changes anything.

That's the problem now.

Most of these cops are trained KILLERS.

Ex military dudes who may be veterans of war, or just some *** hole who is power tripping off that 'Merica.

It's a double edged sword because a ton of military/ex military soldiers are very noble and the types you would want protecting our streets.

But then you have the percentage who think kill first ask later.

And then you got the rest of the mixed bag of crazies who find their way into the police force.

The thought process of an officer should be assess, protect, and maintain/control.

But it's hardly like that in many places.

I'd want way more ex military protecting my community, but not everyone is suited for the job. Everyone in the military ain't right in the head and adding that to more cops who aren't right in the head either doesn't make things any better
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i prefer cops who actually know the community. the cop that chills in the walmart down the street from my house knows people in the neighborhood by name and they have conversations and that makes me feel like this dude is not about to reach for his gun first if something pops off. These cops gotta remember that they are SERVING a community not just patroling

this is so horrifyingly funny. because cops can get away with whatever try not to interact with them

Don't get me wrong, i understand what you meant but reading it is a trip

They can and knowing that, individuals should be more responsible towards doing what they can to avoid encounters. Something small like drinking outside will get you a ticket but it creates an encounter you could've avoided. Alot of us got friends who got warrants or what have you but still do minor harmless but risky stuff given their circumstances which increase the possibility of a police encounter for them.

There's certain situations you can't avoid, walking home from work and some bored cop stops you, hoping you have something on you and they get lucky with the random stop. If you know your rights then flex em, but its a situation where at times you unfortunately have to pick your battles. Better to be alive and inconvienced for a few minutes then locked up or dead from trying the wrong cop.

Its unfortunate its like that but until the power dynamics change that picking your battles mindset is a reasonable approach when dealing with the cops.
i prefer cops who actually know the community. the cop that chills in the walmart down the street from my house knows people in the neighborhood by name and they have conversations and that makes me feel like this dude is not about to reach for his gun first if something pops off. These cops gotta remember that they are SERVING a community not just patroling

That's true.

I grew up next to an AFB so the ex military cop was the guy who lived down the street and was at Walmart buying groceries and who knew the community.
There's certain situations you can't avoid, walking home from work and some bored cop stops you, hoping you have something on you and they get lucky with the random stop. If you know your rights then flex em, but its a situation where at times you unfortunately have to pick your battles. Better to be alive and inconvienced for a few minutes then locked up or dead from trying the wrong cop.
nah, even knowing your rights can land you in trouble. there's a few videos where guys know they don't have to show id or have to identify themselves and they get arrested and get resisting arrest gets tagged on top of it. these days man it would seem that once cops see you have that 'i know my rights' attitude it bugs them and agitates them so they start actin' up
Choking them to death for it is murder though.

He had no neck damage, and didn't die on the scene from choking as you would love to believe. 

He died of cardiac arrest, in the ambulance, on the way to the hospital. 
The choking and closing of his throat led to his cardiac arrest.

I didn't say they broke his neck. The **** you talking about neck damage? I didn't say he died on the scene so what the **** are you on about?

Dude choked him until he couldn't breath with an illegal choke hold and dude died because of it.

That is murder.
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You keep saying he died from the chokehold. He died from his own medical complications, not the chokehold. 

Did the chokehold assist? Sure. Do I condone using a move that is supposedly banned? No. 

You guys don't seem to understand murder, and how hard (or impossible) it is to get a conviction is a case like this. 

You just want each cop thrown in a jail cell forever without trial. Please separate your emotions for once.
Only ex military that should be cops is officers that have a bachelors degree

Too many losers enlisted cause they had nothing else going on in life. Nothing wrong with that but they shouldn't be a police officer. They be the same ones struggling to find work when they come home. They never had ****.

I appreciate what they did but you gotta draw a line somewhere
You keep saying he died from the chokehold. He died from his own medical complications, not the chokehold.

Did the chokehold assist? Sure. Do I condone using a move that is supposedly banned? No.

You guys don't seem to understand murder, and how hard (or impossible) it is to get a conviction is a case like this.

You just want each cop thrown in a jail cell forever without trial. Please separate your emotions for once.
it shouldn't be this hard to get an indictment on a case where you see the use of an illegal/banned mannuever that, as you agree, assisted to his death?

it is 'impossible' to get a conviction because the system appears to give police and other government workers an extra allowance on law

you can't tell me that that officer did not at least need to be charged with manslaughter
Should doctors go to jail for malpractice? Doctors probably kill more people than the police. I believe there should be a punishment but I wouldn't convict a cop for choking someone resisting arrest.
doctors do go to jail for malpractice. if you speaking of a surgeory going wrong or someone dying due to an allergic reaction as far as doctors 'killing' people, then you are comparing two completely different things.

The difference is that this cop used a technique that his banned. Now if a doctor uses an old technique or tactic that is noted and known to be prohibited they are punished for those actions and can suffer jail time and can lose their license
Only ex military that should be cops is officers that have a bachelors degree

Too many losers enlisted cause they had nothing else going on in life. Nothing wrong with that but they shouldn't be a police officer. They be the same ones struggling to find work when they come home. They never had ****.

I appreciate what they did but you gotta draw a line somewhere

All my friends who are cops have bachelors degrees, some actually have advanced degrees from prestigious colleges. That being said, if you're a blood thirsty racist cop I fail to see how getting a bachelors will fix that. Racist people go to school too. It's a poor assumption that being in the military means you're desperate or uneducated. Many ex-military guys are very bright, but being bright doesn't mean you won't shoot someone you have deemed a threat.

Being a cop is also not rocket science, maybe being a detective or in a position of leadership. I consider myself very well educated and I won't hesitate to shoot someone if they charge at me if I were the police.

My argument is solely aimed at marines. They are trained killers and if they did time over in the craziness of the Middle East then they don't need to be police officers. Personally don't think they can come back on that level mentally to protect and serve.

Thanks but no thanks. Like I said every time I hear about an ex military guy committing a murder suicide 9 times outta 10 they were a marine. Them dudes are ******* nuts
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