And people wonder why the World hates the United States....

Originally Posted by LDJ

   I did a tour back in the sadaam days. I will say this tho it isnt just the military acts that make ppl not like americans. Its our overall cultures, the way we treat one another, things displayed in the media etc. I was at the time 21E construction engineer. Just being over there i notice how america kinda forces it beliefs and way of life on others, that and treat ppl of other cultures etc like foreigners. Some of the guys I was with acted like the ppl are wrong in the way they live life, and should adjust to our ways. Or even call them foreigners. Like how you gonna be the minority, and treat the majority like minority?

Originally Posted by LDJ

   I did a tour back in the sadaam days. I will say this tho it isnt just the military acts that make ppl not like americans. Its our overall cultures, the way we treat one another, things displayed in the media etc. I was at the time 21E construction engineer. Just being over there i notice how america kinda forces it beliefs and way of life on others, that and treat ppl of other cultures etc like foreigners. Some of the guys I was with acted like the ppl are wrong in the way they live life, and should adjust to our ways. Or even call them foreigners. Like how you gonna be the minority, and treat the majority like minority?

Originally Posted by Jehul

Originally Posted by LDJ

   I did a tour back in the sadaam days. I will say this tho it isnt just the military acts that make ppl not like americans. Its our overall cultures, the way we treat one another, things displayed in the media etc. I was at the time 21E construction engineer. Just being over there i notice how america kinda forces it beliefs and way of life on others, that and treat ppl of other cultures etc like foreigners. Some of the guys I was with acted like the ppl are wrong in the way they live life, and should adjust to our ways. Or even call them foreigners. Like how you gonna be the minority, and treat the majority like minority?


Im just saying it maybe hard to fathom. but ppl comming to america shooting innocent ppl, the only thing you really know about them is what you see on tv, and they said your ways are wack/wrong we know whats best for you. Then forced their beliefs cultures on you. And got kicks and joys/giggles from tormenting you and killing you. I mean if i was overseas and all i saw was jersey shore, dwb footage, news of crimes, ppl worshipping idolizing loose tramps, aka talentedless reality stars, racism, etc all the other crazy !*! that goes on here then you said hey i know you arent materialistic etc and all the faults we have in the usa, but our way is white right your wrong. I mean if you ever get a chance to go overseas do a tour etc i mean alot of ppl only see what we put out via our media etc. Then to come and say its our way or the highway aka kill you. I mean what do you expect ppl to think/view it as.

I mean i seen dudes just for kicks lure dudes to ied's just for hell iuno. See innocent patrons and use their power etc to rape misstreat them. Not to mention the history this country and the majority has, What do you expect ppl to think.
Originally Posted by Jehul

Originally Posted by LDJ

   I did a tour back in the sadaam days. I will say this tho it isnt just the military acts that make ppl not like americans. Its our overall cultures, the way we treat one another, things displayed in the media etc. I was at the time 21E construction engineer. Just being over there i notice how america kinda forces it beliefs and way of life on others, that and treat ppl of other cultures etc like foreigners. Some of the guys I was with acted like the ppl are wrong in the way they live life, and should adjust to our ways. Or even call them foreigners. Like how you gonna be the minority, and treat the majority like minority?


Im just saying it maybe hard to fathom. but ppl comming to america shooting innocent ppl, the only thing you really know about them is what you see on tv, and they said your ways are wack/wrong we know whats best for you. Then forced their beliefs cultures on you. And got kicks and joys/giggles from tormenting you and killing you. I mean if i was overseas and all i saw was jersey shore, dwb footage, news of crimes, ppl worshipping idolizing loose tramps, aka talentedless reality stars, racism, etc all the other crazy !*! that goes on here then you said hey i know you arent materialistic etc and all the faults we have in the usa, but our way is white right your wrong. I mean if you ever get a chance to go overseas do a tour etc i mean alot of ppl only see what we put out via our media etc. Then to come and say its our way or the highway aka kill you. I mean what do you expect ppl to think/view it as.

I mean i seen dudes just for kicks lure dudes to ied's just for hell iuno. See innocent patrons and use their power etc to rape misstreat them. Not to mention the history this country and the majority has, What do you expect ppl to think.
Originally Posted by proper english

the entire world hates America? word? 

yea man.

all 7 billion of us.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

i'll say one thing here, i really have no opinion
And you're telling me to leave? For believing in true democracy? Lets gets these opinionated people outta here..

This country was FOUNDED on revolutionary principles. Too bad your precious fore fathers didn't heed to their own constitution, and learn from the mistakes of the people who oppressed them.

good job twisting my words around,  you seem to be an expert at exaggerating things so that's natural to you.  like i said  your the one complaining and reaching about the most pettiest stuff, then why live you here, you have the freedom to pack up and go wherever you wanna go whenever you want.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

i'll say one thing here, i really have no opinion
And you're telling me to leave? For believing in true democracy? Lets gets these opinionated people outta here..

This country was FOUNDED on revolutionary principles. Too bad your precious fore fathers didn't heed to their own constitution, and learn from the mistakes of the people who oppressed them.

good job twisting my words around,  you seem to be an expert at exaggerating things so that's natural to you.  like i said  your the one complaining and reaching about the most pettiest stuff, then why live you here, you have the freedom to pack up and go wherever you wanna go whenever you want.
My problem with America is its' quite hypocritical approach to foreign policy. We don't keep it 100.
At least with these European countries (France, Great Britain, etc) we KNOW they were--and still are--- imperialist a-holes (or at least we should know that).
The U.S. has so many foreign policy skeletons laying in its' closet it's not even funny. We sittin' here actin like one of Gaddafi's son wasn't chillin with Hilary Clinton having tea up in the White House just a few months ago.Yet, we turn around and talk about "fighting for freedom" of the Libyan people. Please. The groupthink in this country is phenomenal.
My problem with America is its' quite hypocritical approach to foreign policy. We don't keep it 100.
At least with these European countries (France, Great Britain, etc) we KNOW they were--and still are--- imperialist a-holes (or at least we should know that).
The U.S. has so many foreign policy skeletons laying in its' closet it's not even funny. We sittin' here actin like one of Gaddafi's son wasn't chillin with Hilary Clinton having tea up in the White House just a few months ago.Yet, we turn around and talk about "fighting for freedom" of the Libyan people. Please. The groupthink in this country is phenomenal.
i agree with the comment that most people join the army as a last resort or because they have nothing going for them
i agree with the comment that most people join the army as a last resort or because they have nothing going for them
Originally Posted by bboy1827

Originally Posted by heirjordan15

I'm not familiar with the statistics, but every person that I know of that has chosen to go into the military, let's say, aren't anywhere near the top 25% of their class....

They offer incentives, the biggest one being paying for your education once you return. Propaganda is rampant and often so obvious and corny (i.e. "Battle: LA"). I can see why all these men are so easily

Statistics on Military Personal

Article on Military Demographics
Just going to quote this again so everyone can see.
Originally Posted by bboy1827

Originally Posted by heirjordan15

I'm not familiar with the statistics, but every person that I know of that has chosen to go into the military, let's say, aren't anywhere near the top 25% of their class....

They offer incentives, the biggest one being paying for your education once you return. Propaganda is rampant and often so obvious and corny (i.e. "Battle: LA"). I can see why all these men are so easily

Statistics on Military Personal

Article on Military Demographics
Just going to quote this again so everyone can see.
Originally Posted by Clevereddie

i agree with the comment that most people join the army as a last resort or because they have nothing going for them

I dont wanna bash my brotherhood but i will speak on behalf of hotel company Most dudes i have passed through the meps have been ignorant elitest who i wanna fight the so call bad guys the minorities etc, redneck etc meth heads no other choice, assimilated asians, poor inner city youth blacks/single parenst no other options. I in the april 10th will be my 18 yrs cant really remember a stable normal i got my life together and just wanna serve my country etc came in and signed up just cause. Outside myself and hell i even did it for the 15,000 grand bonus school and free housing.
Originally Posted by Clevereddie

i agree with the comment that most people join the army as a last resort or because they have nothing going for them

I dont wanna bash my brotherhood but i will speak on behalf of hotel company Most dudes i have passed through the meps have been ignorant elitest who i wanna fight the so call bad guys the minorities etc, redneck etc meth heads no other choice, assimilated asians, poor inner city youth blacks/single parenst no other options. I in the april 10th will be my 18 yrs cant really remember a stable normal i got my life together and just wanna serve my country etc came in and signed up just cause. Outside myself and hell i even did it for the 15,000 grand bonus school and free housing.
It's a sad story.

People don't realize how much of an impact this kind of thing has on the society in Afghanistan.

These people completely rely on personal relationships for info. Recent polls have even showed a vast majority of Afghans don't know what 9/11 is. They don't know about global politics and international affairs; they know about their homes.

It's important to understand the significance of the failure on our part to gain the support of the Afghan population.
It's a sad story.

People don't realize how much of an impact this kind of thing has on the society in Afghanistan.

These people completely rely on personal relationships for info. Recent polls have even showed a vast majority of Afghans don't know what 9/11 is. They don't know about global politics and international affairs; they know about their homes.

It's important to understand the significance of the failure on our part to gain the support of the Afghan population.
Originally Posted by AR Guy

Originally Posted by bboy1827

Originally Posted by heirjordan15

I'm not familiar with the statistics, but every person that I know of that has chosen to go into the military, let's say, aren't anywhere near the top 25% of their class....

They offer incentives, the biggest one being paying for your education once you return. Propaganda is rampant and often so obvious and corny (i.e. "Battle: LA"). I can see why all these men are so easily

Statistics on Military Personal

Article on Military Demographics
Just going to quote this again so everyone can see.

Why bother? People will have their opinions regardless of facts.
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