I havent read through the whoke thread ao forgive me if these game soundtracks have been mentioned but ones that popped in my head were.
Otogi-Xbox- incredibly ambient and haunting soundtrack. The title and pause screen music was ******g fire.
Shadow.of colossus-ps2- the homie called me over literally to show me this game and the soundtrack was incredible.
Chronic trigger-Snes- back when squaresoft was putting together some of their best work sonically.
Zelda ocarina of time-n64- I mean music was one of.the main themes...
F-zero-snes- this soundtrack baannnggss
GTA vice city and san andreas- 80s music is incredible. San Andreas in my opinion to this day had the most well.rounded GTA music and radio stations.
Final fantasy 7- :'(
Xenogears- :'''''(((
Final fantasy X- that ending music when everyone dies at the end and their souls go into the after life. I can't even front a ***** shed a tear. I shed a videogame tear yall