America's Best Dance Crew Season 2 Thread

Originally Posted by QuaniBoiXi

supreme soul should be champs!


i think it's time, bro
before SS got eliminated everyone was talking smack about them and how they never did anything over the top. then when they get eliminated everyone startswhining on how SS should have stayed and been in the final. people even started a petition for ABDC to bring SS back. i don't get you people sometimes.

im with aJ232Kb8 tho, TM > SS.....even TM > SRC.....
If So Real Cru's heads and ego's get any bigger, it will make Andrews ears look tiny.

They were quite humble at the beggining of the show, and i have noticed over the past couple of weeks that they are a bit full of themselves.

Imo, Shane called it when he said they can hit the 1's and 2's but there is no feeling or real emotion in the way they dance.

The show sucked this past week.

I hope SC wins, but it should have been Fanny Pack.
Originally Posted by GasBreakFlip707

still say Supreme Soul shouldve been the champs

the judges, ESPECIALLY lil mama, are idiots

The judges don't decide who stays and who goes.

the fans that vote decides who get to be in the bottom two

during the elimination round... the judges decides, from the bottom two teams, who "walks it out" and who stays for the next show
supreme soul is extremely wack.....SUPER CREW and FANNY PAK imo are the better teams....WESTCOAST ALL DAY!
i was dissapointed wit this year..i think kabbamodern or w/e from last yr couldve beat any of these teams from this yr..and jabawockeez could too....i betsupreme soul was frontin when they said they won..
heres an article from IGN w/ its interview with Shane Sparks.

he talks about the champs, JABBAWOCKEEZ, and season 2 crews like fanny pak and so real

[h1]Shane Sparks on the Best Dance Crews[/h1]

[h2]The ABDC judge talks about his favorite crews.[/h2]

August 6, 2008 - If I were to be thrown onto a desert island by a vengeful god who loved the first season of Scrubs, I would hope that that god would at least give me some kind of desert island companion and, barring a woman who can share a love of Sergio Leone movies and baseball with me, that it would be Shane Sparks, for a number of reasons.

One, he can teach me how to dance, and that's pretty cool.

Two, as I learned in the interview, he loves to talk and he thinks a lot about his topics of discussion, though he does it in a loving way. He gets passionate, but without any condescension or anger, which is oh so important when you only have one person to talk to for the rest of your life and you start arguing about the best way to get a coconut down from a tree for the one-millionth time.

Three, he was pretty chill when I talked to him. Some people don't like answering questions, some people put up a guard while answering; not Shane, he was himself through and through.

And the fourth and final reason, he's not afraid to speak his mind. He'll tell me, "Y'all are going insane," and I'll think about it for a bit and realize, "You know what, I am going insane."

This decision was made just shortly after I was on the set before the July 23 taping of America's Best Dance Crew. The choreographer-turned-dancing judge took some time out of his schedule to talk about the season so far.

IGN TV: Do you still do choreography during the ABDC season?

Shane Sparks: Yes sir.

IGN: When they're doing their thing on stage, do you see anything that inspires you?

Sparks: Every time I watch a [performance], every group inspires me to do something. I want to do something so bad on this show because that's what I do and to see seven, eight groups come out here and do something totally different, basically being inspired off their music and what their group does, it makes me want to get out there so bad. I hate to go back to the past, but [color= rgb(102, 0, 255)]Jabbawockeez[/color]; I wanted to work with them so bad. They're the dream group. They can do anything that comes out of your head and make it look good. There are some groups you'll dance with and you'll be like, "This isn't looking right; ah, OK, I can only do this style of dance with them." They [[color= rgb(102, 0, 255)]Jabbawockeez[/color]] look like they can do anything, that's why I love them.

IGN: Who's doing that to you this year?

Sparks: We got a lot of groups on the show this year that are very talented, but we got one group on here that's changing the whole vibe of what's going on in this dance world and that's Fanny Pak. They're doing something on this show that, me, as an LA dancer, living in LA right now, born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, didn't really see that. But now that I'm out here, there's a lot of it going on.
IGN: What is it they're bringing that's different?

Sparks: They're bringing a style of dance that's female-catered, you know what I mean?

IGN: Yeah.

Sparks: But males can do it. And it's more expressive.

IGN: Do you find that your female friends who watch the show comment more on Fanny Pak?

Sparks: They love Fanny Pak, because most of the girls dance like that-or want to dance like that. We got this world called hip-hop and everybody says "I can't do hip-hop." But hip-hop is universal. It's so many different styles of dance. People only knew of popping, locking, break-dancing; but there's a lot going on in this hip-hop world. So when they see Fanny Pak, they think, "I don't have to be popping, locking and breaking to be considered a hip-hop dancer."

This is a whole different style. I don't want to say it's hip-hop, but it's in the ballpark of hip-hop. Anything that's expressed emotionally and physically and it's coming from the heart, to me, that's hip-hop. We just put it in dance because, you know, dancers are hip-hop, rappers are hip-hop, because they're expressing something that's raw and in that moment, they can express whatever they want to. You don't have to worry about your lines; you don't have to worry about pointing your toes; you don't have to worry about any of that. But there is a technique to this world. Fanny Pak brought a whole different vibe to this world of hip-hop. This is the hip-hop show and they're top of the list. So going back to what you said, I think that the girls love this because it's something they can do, it's hot and it's very sexy. And it's very expressive, and they love that. And it's not that it's easy, but it's something they can learn and right away.

IGN: Going back to Fanny Pak, what is it they do exactly?

Sparks: When you watch them, you can't stop watching them. They hit so many rhythms in their choreography, it just kills me. The next time you watch the show, listen to the track and they'll match it in a way you haven't heard and you'll be thinking, "Where'd they find that rhythm?" but it's there! And I love that because they're doing something totally different. They're dancing to the chords, they're probably dancing to the piano, they're probably dancing to the lyrics, but it's not the baseline or the kick as much as …

IGN: …as much as it is the whole song.

Sparks: Exactly. They're going a little deeper. You'll hear a bell in a song, they'll hit that bell. You'll hear a horn or something like that and they'll hit that horn. They'll hit stuff a normal dancer would totally miss. They're totally dissecting new songs and bringing new life to them.

IGN: Have you seen stuff this year that makes you say, "I need to do that"?

Sparks: There aren't many times I feel that inspired, but there are times when I think, "I never would have thought of that," you know what I mean? [color= rgb(102, 0, 255)]Jabbawockeez[/color] did that a lot. They made me reconsider if I was a good choreographer sometimes. They were hot and we will always refer them because they were the first. And they are the best. And we'll always refer back to them until someone comes and blows them away.

IGN: You've been a little more vocal this year about your opinions on the groups, what's changed between last season and this season?

Sparks: Someone said something to me a couple months ago: "What you say about these dancers is so respected, it doesn't make sense. Be very careful of how you criticize out there." So, I feel like my job is to be straight honest. I'll play the game a little bit, but at the end of my comment, I'm going to tell you what's really going on.

IGN: Did you get in trouble for saying "s**t" on the air?

Sparks: No, they loved it! [laughter]

IGN: Really?

Sparks: Yeah!

IGN: Who's your favorite group going into tonight?

Sparks: Fanny Pak.

IGN: Who's going to surprise us in these last few weeks?

Sparks: So Real. So Real is where Fanny Pak was when the show started. They're still underrated and underestimated, but they're about to do something highly creative. Fanny Pak is already in there. Everybody knows they were smashing the show [from the start], but So Real is creeping up. Last week, they did a show that was out of here. Now they know their niche and know what they have to do. Hopefully, they capitalize and come out here and destroy.
Heads up SoCal! Jabbawockeez and Supercr3w are performing this weekend in Hollywood, CA this Saturday! Cop them tickets at for the singleday, 2-day, and VIP passes!!! All the way from Germany is the world famous Storm, doing a special exhibition!!! Salah is also on deck!!! And for a specialexhibition, the next gen battle of the 6-year olds, Lil Demon of Hawaii vs Jalen of Seattle!!!
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