Amazon's HQ2 Probably Headed to Northern Virginia (Crystal City)

Exactly. This kind of thinking is exactly what lead to the death of free enterprise. The greatest city in the US needing to give billions to a company instead of letting them just setting up on their own :lol:
Play fair or don't come at all

They weren’t getting anything tho.
Amazon building shop in NYC would not have netted us -$3 billion.

This is not a situation where we would have been taking 3 billion from one place to give to Amazon.
Movie filming tax breaks are huge too. Why else is now Georgia a second or third home to 'hollywood'? Incentives vs what they bring you over time has to favor the city, county, and state. Maybe amazon wanted too much?

Probably mentioned by me already. VA is home to many craft brewery second homes oo. So many incentives thrown their way. Some states just can't compete with going down to the bottom of the barrel. As they say, some areas sell themselves to the devil to get 'jobs' for their area.
They weren’t getting anything tho.
Amazon building shop in NYC would not have netted us -$3 billion.

This is not a situation where we would have been taking 3 billion from one place to give to Amazon.
That's exactly what it is. NYC was enough of a draw for them without the incentive, being the tech hub that it is. 2.5 B shouldn't be the reason to stop a trillion dollar company from building here. People are delusional thinking a company that pays zero fed tax would be contributing billions in tax rev.
Amazon was gonna pay 27 billion in taxes? Really? They don’t even pay taxes what are you talking about pa?

Amazon will pay $0 in taxes on $11,200,000,000 in profit for 2018
Kristin Myers 5 hours ago

According to a report from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), Amazon (AMZN) will pay nothing in federal income taxes for the second year in a row.

Thanks to the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), Amazon’s federal tax responsibility is 21% (down from 35% in previous years). But with the help of tax breaks, according to corporate filings, Amazon won’t be paying a dime to Uncle Sam despite posting more than $11.2 billion in profits in 2018.
Exactly. This kind of thinking is exactly what lead to the death of free enterprise. The greatest city in the US needing to give billions to a company instead of letting them just setting up on their own :lol:
Play fair or don't come at all
Amazon and jeff bezos only look at o finesse the system and the government. They are truly are vultristic with thier approaches on free market enterprise, this is why people were opposed cause they know/knee amzon won’t live up to their bargin when they fully move into nyc.

Also one of the reasons amazon failed to launch in ny is also because of nyc workforce having strong unions. Which amazon has downplayed and used tactics to prevent unions at their warehourse.

People are quick say oh but look at all the money amazon will bring to lic, that money isnt going to neighborhoods that the residents of lic will benefit from. Its going to a greedy gimme gimme money Jeff Bezos.
That's exactly what it is. NYC was enough of a draw for them without the incentive, being the tech hub that it is. 2.5 B shouldn't be the reason to stop a trillion dollar company from building here. People are delusional thinking a company that pays zero fed tax would be contributing billions in tax rev.
The Tax revenues is an argument that is factual, but intellectually dishonest. The tax revenues actually would come from Amazon employees. This is an argument a lot of NFL teams make about building stadiums that nobody wants. The tax revenues from our high income employees are worth X.

da dumpin on this broad is bipartisan :lol:

celebration is scaring away massive revenue to city/state coffers from a massive job opportunities from Amazon is beyond comical
Amazon would have drove the rent prices through the roof.

long island City is already hyper gentrified, as seen as massive luxury condos sprouting like mushrooms plis NYC rent lass are da strongest in nation so it wouldn't of gone sky high as morning joe said, all that economic development would've been fantastic for da neighborhood.

da vaaaaaaaaast majority of NY residents in da immediate area were for da deal, including minorities of all stripes.
She gonna be there for a while b. She’s wildly popular especially in the city.

naw, she only won because:

-Turn out was damn near record low for voting

-her incumbent opponent didn't even bother showing up to debate her because he thought (like everyone else) he had it in da bag.

this crashed amazon deal just made enemies of ALOT of local political people who gonna have da long knives for her in 2 years... let's not even talk about da boondoggle of da green new deal proposal basically embarrassing her party.
Oh, got it. So it’s an old industrial park getting gentrified?

We got a lot of that too going on right now.

We go 4 towers coming out of the ground this spring here. Between 40-80 stories. Started on one last week. Idk where these people are coming from. The country is guess since there is no work out there.
yeah da majority of long island city was old factories, and a very small residential area, that glowing pepsi sign on da east river used to adorn da old plant there, now its a ornament for shiny new luxury towers, etc.

Amazon would've made queens as a whole pop and brim with business.
long island City is already hyper gentrified, as seen as massive luxury condos sprouting like mushrooms plis NYC rent lass are da strongest in nation so it wouldn't of gone sky high as morning joe said, all that economic development would've been fantastic for da neighborhood.

da vaaaaaaaaast majority of NY residents in da immediate area were for da deal, including minorities of all stripes.

So you down with more gentrification, cool. Kinda had the feeling. Easy not to care when you have rent control/ section 8 paying most da rent.
So you down with more gentrification, cool. Kinda had the feeling. Easy not to care when you have rent control/ section 8 paying most da rent.

I think we at a crucial point in history where we can’t confuse progress for gentrification.

A neighborhood building jobs, businesses, overall appearance, etc can’t always be called a bad thing just cause rent goes up.

At some point we gotta want our neighborhoods to be more desirable places to live in.
I think we at a crucial point in history where we can’t confuse progress for gentrification.

A neighborhood building jobs, businesses, overall appearance, etc can’t always be called a bad thing just cause rent goes up.

At some point we gotta want our neighborhoods to be more desirable places to live in.

Yeah but not no 4-7k rent for a jail cell studio. A house mortgage maybe. I wanna see ya say the same thing when da bodegas become 7/11’s and Whole Foods and the landlords raise the rent in the heights even more cause of all da “hot spots” driving the businesses and people out the hood and replaced by trendy hipster junk.
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