Amanda Bynes Appreciation

Originally Posted by SwanginOn4z

she aint my type at all, im into thick nt'z version of a "hoodrat". but i'd mos def smash && wife that thang to get that $$$ up out her doe.
sooooo sexy

my girl watches her show every now and then on abc family and im like "just so you know... i've had a crush on this girl since i was 6... you justmight get left if she comes around"
I still see her as the girl from 'All That'. It's like seeing someone you grew up with as sexy, I can't do it!
Ive seen her n person and that experience makes me want to practice the fine art of child conception with her on the regular..
Ok she looks pretty good now, but is it me or is her face like... bloated lately or something, it looks pudgy. Dont get me wrong those legs..........
i was just at the supermarket for the last hour, and during that time period i saw at least 5 girls who look better than her (serious)

don't understand why NT hypes up average girls just bc they're celebrities...
Lil Beezy has a nice ample lil bod.. she def can get the Rear Naked choke.... Go raw on herall day
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