Amanda Bynes Appreciation

I'd don't know I think she is bad. Got a thing for cute girls. Did she get implants though? Her rack seems a lot bigger lately.
Originally Posted by HOLLAKID619

Im actually related to this chick
By marriage tho, no money for me
How so fam?
for some reason i always think of the annoying lil girl on the amanda show when i see her.

i'd smash now though.
not all that

and no, i'm not being picky like the avg nt'er is

she's alright but not "hot"
ive always thought she was kinda cute and a corny type of funny since ALL THAT

plus shes yeah, she would mos def get it..
she aint my type at all, im into thick nt'z version of a "hoodrat". but i'd mos def smash && wife that thang to get that $$$ up outher doe.
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