Alright, its on again.

i would probably take down a good 250-300
until that one over sized kid comes and has unlimited energy and his hits actually hurt!
tuff to say i dont have much stamina so im thinkn around 75 before my wrist is broke and im dead out of breath
tuff to say i dont have much stamina so im thinkn around 75 before my wrist is broke and im dead out of breath
tuff to say i dont have much stamina so im thinkn around 75 before my wrist is broke and im dead out of breath
Originally Posted by samness20

probably about 103..with just straight sweet chin music


if thats the case I think I can take out about 200 or so just by kicking em in their grill
Infyrno23 wrote:
i would probably take down a good 250-300
until that one over sized kid comes and has unlimited energy and his hits actually hurt!

How about you guys see if you can even throw at least 200 consecutive punches without getting tired.. Most of you guys would get tired before 100.

I doubt you'll have time to catch your breath in between punches when attacked.

I say I'll take down around 20.
hmmm, i highly doubt people can be taking out hundreds. yes, they are kids, but they are rushing you from all sides.

by the time you land a punch or kick to one of the kids, the other 6-7 will have already reached your body and have started biting, scratching, kicking, andpunching you. while the punches and kicks won't hurt, you can bet your !*% that a 1st graders bite is painful enough to cause you to slow down a bit. bythe time you throw off a few kids and throw a few more punches, you are pretty much done.

i'd say 5.
i use to tutor a 7 year old and a 5 year old. my first day of teaching, the 5 year old said "hey, can you give me a piggy back ride?" so i was like"sure". so he jumped on my back and starts choking me. i'm grabbing at his arms shocked as hell and his 7 year old brother started swinging formy nuts. MY FIRST DAY!

so if this is a serious question, and 1000 were coming at me, i'd snatch the first kid up and start eating him. probably go for the neck to get the mostblood. hopefully it'll scare the rest of them. yall kidding yourself if you think you have the endurance to throw 100 haymakers in a row at kids who are notaller than your hip.
I'm not a boxer or anything so swinging AT NOTHING for 30 min straight would tire me out. With 1000 1st graders, if I was on a roll and took out 1 kid ata rate of 7 seconds (I would strategically knock down two at a time in some instances)....1800 seconds / 7 = about 257 munchkins.

With a little adrenaline in me, I would take out a few more.
Like a customer told me today that hes gonna put a bomb in his pc and let yahoo have it.

In this case yahoo would take the place of the hall full of kids.
I can take about 1 hopefully because if you think about it, there is 1000 coming from front and the back so pretty sure my legs will be tied down in a mere 20seconds, I just hope I get to knock the hell out of 1 kid before I go down lol.
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