Air Jordan Retro III (3) True Blue - August 2009 ( ***[UPDATED 6/2]***

Originally Posted by Technique 317

Originally Posted by ehbball88

All a hype skeem by nike. As much as this stinks it makes complete sense for nike to do this from a business standpoint. People are going nuts because of this bull that nike is pulling, but the more contraversy and attention that can be drawn the better for the company in terms of brand awarenes and future sales.

As far as all these sites on line selling these as a pre relsease from asia. Its all a scam. Who knows how these people get them. They are not the final product chosen by nike to distrube officialy to accounts for the international release and hopefuly future us release, they are some how taken from the factory to sell. They are so non lagit. They are close to the real thinng but not the real thing. They were made by the same machines side by side, but they are stolen, or b grades, or batches grabbed off the machines by workers who then sell them to these sites in asia. They are not officialy chosen, inspected, or tagged, most of the sited dont even have the box to go with it because they were grabbed so early down the production line. On top of this the sites are selling for redicules prices.

Personaly in the future I know I would rather have not gotten my hands on a pair of these but known I looked as hard as I could to get a pair fianaly from a us release or from a legitamte seller internationaly after the official release date, rather knowing I didnt get the leget things and got some sketchy shoes from asia before the release without a box and different dates on the tags inside and struff.

As for a future release in the us. I am sure they will def show up at some official retailers and websites, but will most likely be very limited, would basicly be extra from overseas.

anybody who know anything about sneakers knows theres nothing "sketchy" about any of the III's we've received....and what does that even mean "they are close to the real thing but not the real thing"????

Seriously, do ya'll sit around all day and think these rediculous stories up?? You should really get your facts straight before posting in here, cause some of these kids will believe anything anyone types up
LOL "anybody who know anything about sneakers"... How can you say there is NOTHING sketchy about the IIIs... How is there nothingsketchy about sites selling these 3 months before official release... before the official versions are made and inspected... get the hell out of here
well i got my tru blu 3's today

vmvcinc sent me a perfect pair

and i got a sticker on the box

the only thing i noticed was there was no EU shoe sticker with the nike headquaters in holland on the shoe as most shoes out of europe have a sticker on theinsole

still if nike did the right thing and released the shoe state side i would have waited and NOT got them now

so lets hope a U.S. release will still happen




as you can see vmvcinc did right by me and sent me a prefect pair so order with confidence

my question is now did anyone else get an early pair without the sticker on the insole ?
Osneaker finally emailed my order confirmation and tracking number...I'm good to go after a week of nothing!
I got a pair of AM 95 Neons from that dude vmvcinc for 140 a few months pack, how much did u pay for those tb3s
im just wondering... out of how many people that are hating on these "early releases" sites, would've copped a pair if they were more affordable
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