Air Jordan 11 Retro Low "Concord" to Release in 2014

Stoneridge champs is already calling I got the call a lil bit ago
Luckily they leave messages. No signal at my work and got hit with that voicemail alert. Actually I'm not sure if it's Champs or FL since they didn't say what store, but since you got a call from Champs I'll assume it's them.
Damn...I struck out EVERYWHERE! looking at this thread thinking I'm the only one. Guess we'll see what happens online tomorrow!
Got my call too, one of the 7 raffles I entered. Very relieved. Would love to double up, but I'm not going to complain if I go 1 for 7.
Eastbaywon't ship til mid may . Weakkkkkkkk
I wouldn't too much about 'when' it'll ship. My wife and daughters black/crimson foams were stated to ship out on 5/17 but ended up arriving at the house early this week. So there's a possibility the these lows will get the same treatment.
yeah buddy received a victorious call from footaction while talkin to my coworker bout the concords. Almost didn't pick up, why the heck they usin blocked IDs? Also, I don't understand why they don't have my correct size when I wrote down 9. It's whatever though a 9.5 will just have to do.
I got a call from FTL won the raffie, Then i get 2 calls from FA i missed both because i was working, manager left a message so called back when i got home.. How bout dude told he didnt call and that they dont leave messages, they have to speak to the winner. I said so why did u call then, he said oh we called a lot of ppl. So i read my my ticket number to him and my sz, he said oh those are already taken im like. @@@#$$%@&&@@(((@*&&@&&&@**(... Then i hung up, so i called back later, talked to some jack wagon, who said he had no idea about the raffle and the manager is gone. Im like really, its that serious over some shoes... Dude said the raffle is over im like, can u tell if i won he said i cant, i know nothing about it
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