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Doesn't look like 3x as much to me...
same stores will have 3x as many pairs is my understanding. My local store manager has confirmed this to me and said he got "A LOT" this time around which doesn't actually mean 3x as much exactly but I will take the hint for what it's worth.
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just got a notification regarding the v2s but it went away before I could read it. Anyone know what it said? Doesnt show up on my app yet.
same stores will have 3x as many pairs is my understanding. My local store manager has confirmed this to me and said he got "A LOT" this time around which doesn't actually mean 3x as much exactly but I will take the hint for what it's worth.
Yeah, I'm thinking a lot more on confirmed too- seems like its been trending that direction. Sucks for people that aren't anywhere near a zone though
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App goes live Tuesday clears meetings. Get paid while doing check in and picking up raffle tixs

Yes yes yes
Its not 3x more jesus H christ! footstores getting the same quantities or maybe a handful more...
I hate to say it, but YM has been pretty accurate recently...

Wouldn't be surprised if it was part of the adidas marketing team trying to get even more hype for releases. I don't know though. Just a thought.
Yeah, I'm thinking a lot more on confirmed too- seems like its been trending that direction. Sucks for people that aren't anywhere near a zone though
Yep. I saw last year when Ye (or whoever it was) said they're going to triple the allocation, it didn't actually mean 3x as many stores will get. Just means those who got them in the past will get 3x as many. 
I don't give a damn about numbers. All I give a damn is about getting my Pairs

TBH a lot or a little pairs all you can do is enter the app or grab ur tix and wait. I'm not here for this false hope.

Been buying sneakers to long to believe half what you read on the internet or what some dude in a store says, which for all accounts is Anecdotal evidence.
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There are no facts just hear say. Some will win most will lose there will be crying [emoji]128557[/emoji]

All I know is L's will be had
Praying the FA Launch Locator holds it down lol no FTL or Champs getting them here. No adidas stores in the area.
Feel like a lot of pairs will be online

Just depends if the script works or not

Guess I'm hitting somerset tomorrow
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