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Not at all, but thanks to you I got in on Sole Snatcher though.

Cool man and no problems I got in with them too... time should tell come the AM... I'm going to try on YS if I'm up. Got a long day tomrrow and good looking on the PM..if goat flops I'll give them a try
Cool man and no problems I got in with them too... time should tell come the AM... I'm going to try on YS if I'm up. Got a long day tomrrow and good looking on the PM..if goat flops I'll give them a try
Sounds like a plan. I'm going to try my hand with YS as well. Good luck brother.
nah they were selling preorders for 1100 euros... was 1300 euros.. but the retail cost of the shoe is covered in that price... just that its not 100% guarantee.. i be damn if i gave him 1100 euros thinking they gonna secure my pair and they dont 
Supposedly on Twitter the new bots can bypass any password YS puts up smh [emoji]128532[/emoji]
Supposedly on Twitter the new bots can bypass any password YS puts up smh [emoji]128532[/emoji]
Doubt that 100000% How would they gain access to a site where the only way through is with the password, unless the bot brute forces its way in then I'm not buying it. Plus they havent even had a drop that allows them to test that crap
Just searched twitter and its like 5 accounts saying the exact same thing word for word about a "Yeezy supply password bypass" no way it's legit, it's just a company trying to get suckers to buy their bot by posting on twitter that it will supposedly "bypass"
I don't think there's an actual password we have to put in for YS. Once the shoe loads on the website, admin will let every one in the buffet and eat. Thats what I think...
Just searched twitter and its like 5 accounts saying the exact same thing word for word about a "Yeezy supply password bypass" no way it's legit, it's just a company trying to get suckers to buy their bot by posting on twitter that it will supposedly "bypass"

Notice that after I posted lol definitely a company trying to sell carts
Who else is excited to see HeatedSneaks fail tomorrow with their splash screen bypass and see tons of angry tweets at them 
i wrote that link joking around and i didnt notice someone actually owns that domain.  

my b 
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