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Lol you're not the only one living in that world of regret. There were a few members here who were swearing that TD's and PB's weren't going to go up and will drop to $500-$600 and unloaded them quick. Haven't heard from them since. 
i actually managed to get an extra pair of PBs on release date and wound up selling them when moonrocks dropped for like $650 i think. now it goes for double that 
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anyone got charts of yeezy resell?

wonder if i can do some analysis to tell yall when the time to buy is.

im gonna be like Jim Cramer of the shoe game.
For those who got lucky and copped the pirate black 350 on yeezy supply, was the style codes the same?
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anyone got charts of yeezy resell?

wonder if i can do some analysis to tell yall when the time to buy is.

im gonna be like Jim Cramer of the shoe game.
i mean if you buying them off the resell market, the best time to buy is like a week later. pairs everywhere, prices are lower cause everyone trying to sell theirs for slightly cheaper than the next dude to make a quick flip.
imma go flush my DS pair of PBs down the toilet, smh

they hadddd to retro the PB...

Damn.... There goes the resell on the pirate lacks
:rofl: yeezy threads are the best. Nikkas bout to dive out of windows because their portfolio crashed! LOL
If you failed before dont listen to the voices of negativity and try again in Feb or the next 6 months when they re re release...
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:rofl: yeezy threads are the best. Nikkas bout to dive out of windows because their portfolio crashed! LOL
If you failed before dont listen to the voices of negativity and try again in Feb or the next 6 months when they release again...

My portfolio crash? What?

I don't rely on shoes to make me my money
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It is entertaining to see folks act like they're gonna be readily available and then still strike out :lol:

Like the whack shoe game article that said stores getting 4x the amount :lol: we will see how that turns out
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