Adidas NMD thread

It's going to be Adidas or bust for me 
I can not get close on the smaller sites. 
I've only been following this thread sporadically but did Adidas raise the price for PK NMDs? I somewhat recall them being cheaper than UBs but they're €180 on ADC Germany.
Adidas EU just got killed by bots. The white OG's went from 'coming soon' to sold out in one refresh. I was refreshing every 3 seconds.
As usual, I had a pair in cart, got to the paypal checkout screen and got the "not available" message afterwards. Ridiculous.
I don't get why they don't produce mor of them in the middle size range. I get that they need to keep the hype up but if they sold out in 2 minutes rather than 15 seconds (that's what it took me from ATC to checkout on paypal) it wouldn't harm the hype much...
they can't bypass captcha so def not bots
How else can you explain a (maybe FSR, I didn't get to see) going in less than 3 seconds? It's not possible.

I'm not even exaggerating, I was sat there refreshing the page over and over.
How else can you explain a (maybe FSR, I didn't get to see) going in less than 3 seconds? It's not possible.

I'm not even exaggerating, I was sat there refreshing the page over and over.
dude I know their systems - only way is if it's the employees themselves or web devs lel
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