Adidas NMD thread

If they have issues with paypal, they shouldn't have it as an option. I got ghost charged twice and then removed from bag because it was taking so long. Secured my pair on sns, but it's frustrating when my friend asked me to get him a pair and I thought I had it checked out, but never got confirmation email and kept getting kicked back due to payment.
If they have issues with paypal, they shouldn't have it as an option. I got ghost charged twice and then removed from bag because it was taking so long. Secured my pair on sns, but it's frustrating when my friend asked me to get him a pair and I thought I had it checked out, but never got confirmation email and kept getting kicked back due to payment.
CC>PP on adidas website.
Got thru on frenzy for the BBC exclusive pair. Want that one way more but I’ll still be picking up the other pair from adidas soho today lol

Picked up a small size
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