Adidas NMD thread

The glitches are ugly to me, but that's just my opinion. But I also don't the XR1 model in general 
Yea, not illegal for them not to refund US customers VAT. sivas never has refunded, they wont start now :\
anybody have experience ordering from over kill? got the glich pack in 10.5 for around $190~ shipped. Ordered in different orders to avoid customs.
Sivas came thru 
SVD order went from Complete to Prepared. It's happening!
Mines did too and I got my order confirmation yesterday at 11:26 AM PST after placing the order at around 11:23 AM PST.

Edit: If you go to the bottom right corner of your order screen when logged into sivas, there is a "see" button with DHL tracking no. I somehow copped the Reds in 11.5 from them that late. LOL

As for the XR1 glitches that people are copping, I'm going with ADC or broke. Don't care for them enough since I have the blue tabs, which I think look better. I know Adidas SF is releasing them in store but not too bothered about copping. 
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this is also $180 ....hmmm...not worth it ??
basically paying $20 off retail if you count shipping. went ahead and ordered so no more stress tomorrow lol. and this was on #3 on my list. so thank for the link whoever post it 
I wonder if the stock of the reds was higher than people thought. Cause there were tons of pairs available on SVD 
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