Thank you for shopping at Unfortunately item(s) on your order are out of stock. Don't get us wrong—we want to get you the gear you want ASAP. That's why we ship backordered items as soon as it's humanly possible. When it does ship, we'll notify you via email. Items on your order that are in stock will ship within 24-48 hours. Backorders can happen for a number of reasons. Usually it's because an item is so popular that the manufacturer can't make them fast enough. That means at this very moment someone is working tirelessly to build the products you need to get it on your doorstep without further delays. Your patience is greatly appreciated. Not interested in waiting? We completely understand. Please contact us via email, live chat or at 636-680-8059 (M – F 9AM – 5PM CT). We will be happy to recommend an alternative style or simply refund your purchase. As always, we are happy to help!