A lot of people are going to lose their jobs.

why are so many on this doom and gloom steez when it comes to robots?

they will free us from being forced to work and increase automation to the point that we all can live the way we want...
stupidest thing ive heard in a while
Gotta agree fam.

With the current climate we live in, chances are in the future people will just be replaced and left **** outta luck.
Look at cars 50 years ago and look at cars now.

Hell, look at computers 20, 30 years ago.

If robotic technology advances the way everything else has, I wholeheartedly predict within 30 years it's gonna be I-Robot.

And ya'll need to watch the Animatrix if ya'll ain't worried.

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Gotta agree fam.

With the current climate we live in, chances are in the future people will just be replaced and left **** outta luck.
I  tend to side with the view that technology will supplement human output, not replace it. Robotics will allow us to grow our gdp at a very quick rate. AI/singularity is scary, but that is not what a lot of people are talking about in regard to robotics...
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Elon Musk is slightly worried, I think we all should be, haha  plus stephen hawkings.. Corporate greed is going to put middle class and poor people out of business. 

Elon Musk isn't helping the middle class much anyways, **** that guy.
this will not happen anytime soon.

maybe in 50 years they can perfect the working robot. you see how slow them things move? i could move 100 boxes in the time they move 20.

what happens when one breaks or need a repair? how much money it will cost? probably like 5 employees yearly salary. its a joke man. 
this will not happen anytime soon.

maybe in 50 years they can perfect the working robot. you see how slow them things move? i could move 100 boxes in the time they move 20.

what happens when one breaks or need a repair? how much money it will cost? probably like 5 employees yearly salary. its a joke man. 
Do you realize how fast technology is moving 
, it's only getting faster.
A lot of these companies are funded as proof of concept, they walk funny, are slow, bulky, currently inefficient, etc. but they're also machines and machines have min/max capacity and loads. People have ergonomic issues from repetitive motion that lead to huge cost, machines have "wear and tear" and they're capacity is 10 fold. You can lift more boxes at a quicker rate for a shorter time, and increase an injury, the machine can probably lift them consistently 24hours a day times x amount of days with no issues. Even if it costed the same as the physical employee, the cost savings of employee benefits, ergo programs, etc etc.. Is huge. They'll never replace all employees but the cost savings is there.. Theres also work ethic, that's a different topic though lol

A comparable human robot will be a minute, computers have gotten 100 x better, but there are still aspects of computing, mathematics, and engineering that need to be solved before they can "think", also materials and integration will take time and will mature as other technologies are developed.
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