A lot of people are going to lose their jobs.

It'll still be a while before they're efficient enough to work on they're own such as a human being. Currently most are dependent on some human input/output. Don't get me wrong they're super impressive, they're developing faster and faster, however that Google AI though.... could be smart enough to not even need a machine body... Future Terminator lol
Those McDonald's kiosk, "I'm lovin' it" ...no more difficult cashiers 
Not gonna lie I thought robot at the end was gonna beat up the dude with the stick :rofl:
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homie got bullied at the end and kept it moving, like ' eff it, Im outta here! pick up your own boxes!" :smokin
It's crazy this is how all the "Robot-ruled-future" movies start off like this :lol:
Wow. That's crazy what those robots can do already.
Only use I see for them is extreme climate, deep sea or space exploration. Using them for war is stupid.
War is stupid to begin with, but having robots attack other countries seems like it would end badly, especially in a arms race.
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Can they wait in line tho

Like...does that "count"
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robots will become the new creative class...they will write and produce music, draw and paint pictures, design clothing, choreograph dance routines, act in plays/TV shows/movies and the like better and with more precision than any human ever could...

also, they will become the new athlete...once an owner sees that they will not experience fatigue and dont have to be paid millions of dollars, the lebrons, bradys, kobes, steph curry's, mike trouts, and lionel messis will become obsolete...
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Only use I see for them is extreme climate, deep sea or space exploration. Using them for war is stupid.

War is stupid to begin with, but having robots attack other countries seems like it would end badly, especially in a arms race.

The Pentagon doesn't think so.

News from a week ago:


Pentagon officials have started talking openly about using the latest tools of artificial intelligence and machine learning to create robot weapons, “human-machine teams” and enhanced, super-powered soldiers.
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robots will become the new creative class...they will write and produce music, draw and paint pictures, design clothing, choreograph dance routines, act in plays/TV shows/movies and the like better and with more precision than any human ever could...

also, they will become the new athlete...once an owner sees that they will not experience fatigue and dont have to be paid millions of dollars, the lebrons, bradys, kobes, steph curry's, mike trouts, and lionel messis will become obsolete...

No sport would be fun to watch if it weren't real people out there performing
I'm not sure robots are programmed with emotional guidelines or rules of engagement though; that's where the sci-fi "human are a threat to themselves" scenario comes into play. We should really consider space exploration using these robots. War is stupid. 

Im not sure why your not seeing the obvious.

Man is obsessed with creation.

They are working to create AI.

You think there's gonna be a point in which they say "we've done enough"?

It wont be in our lifetime but some scary **** is on the way bleedat pleighboi
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