A Diamond is Forever...or is it?... DeBeers got ya'll again!

Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by 0cks

Do I like Diamonds? Yeah I like how they look but they are on the bottom of the totem pole as far as my priorities go... on a day to day they provide me no utility so I would not spend major bucks on them for myself. I also realize that $ isn't "real" so I have no problem using those numbers in my bank account to make my Gal smile (emotions are real deal Holyfield)
not tryin to send shots but you might want to get another girl if your bank account gives your girl a smile, and by the emphasis you put on emotions im assuming it makes her very happy, or if you make her smile by using the numbers in your bank account (buying her stuff)

but i feel both sides
Did I say it's the only thing that makes her smile? Which girl wouldn't smile if you bought her jewelry with diamonds? 
I may be wrong but I thought the issue in this thread was the overvaluation of Diamonds... I'm sayin money isn't real either it's just a means of taking care of our needs and helping us achieve/feel emotions we normally would/could not (live music, vacations, luxury goods etc.) Right or wrong that's just capitalism
This topic has been posted in the jewelry thread back in like 2006 when ninjahood started talking about da moissonites. With that being said, I'm wearing 8 Jesus pieces right now 
For those interested in learning more, I'd suggest Stefan Kanfer's The Last Empire: De Beers, Diamonds, and the World.  
It's assumed that the diamond engagement ring has existed since time immemorial, but it was really only popularized due to the "a diamond is forever" campaign begun in the late 1940s.  The repugnant history of diamonds notwithstanding, any sincere look at the current labor conditions associated with diamond mining is enough to much such baubles lose their luster.  (Though one could say much the same thing with respect to gold jewelry and the like as well.  De Beers just makes for a more convenient and obvious target.)  

And girls eat it up because society panders to them anyways...word to disney movies.

Not sure if specious... or just bitter.

"Society panders to [women]" because of Disney movies?  Yeah, and Soul Plane proves that society panders to people of color.  
I don't know everything, I just know what I don't know...we can't figure the real questions out if we're satisfied with answers that don't get us any closer to learning more. 

I'm not sure why you exempt yourself from the "hypocrites" you so gleefully target.  Your "search for meaning' is every bit as empty and, perhaps, narcissistic, is it not?  
Your faith in/search for some essentialist truth is, itself, stymied by nihilism.  You seem to think that your crusade against religion has value.  Is this not a form of self-delusion as well?  I have never and will never purchase a diamond in my life, but how is your fondness for meaningless Internet debates any "better" than the preference of someone who likes a diamond because it's shiny?

This is a "fake" belief on your part and has no basis in objective knowledge or reality.  

When most people have their existential crisis, they become more introspective.  You just seem to be venting outward and veiling your own subjective beliefs/values behind a false sense of objectivity to avoid confronting them.  This stubborn, dogmatic inconsistency is exactly why so many people believe you to be utterly lacking in humility.  You get off on ridiculing anything that anyone else values, on "exposing" this as unfounded/arbitrary/meaningless, yet hold your own beliefs to a different standard.  

The sooner you figure out (and admit the limitations of) what you believe the happier the rest of us will be. 
I agree with sillyputty here..
purpose exists because you exist, we don't exist out of purpose...or reason...light, god. Whatever you want to label it...they are all essentially synonymous once you boil it down/ let's not do this.


I don't think the flaw is providing meaning to the diamonds, but the inhumanity shown in the majority of the people in the jewelry culture - whether it be suppliers or buyers.

I know there have been efforts, futile or not, to clean up the "industry" but the majority of the game is still terribly dirty, just like in most aspects of life sadly. 

The majority of the people in not just this industry, but in most...just don't give a %@%%..it's unearthing when you see people invest so much energy into what returns so little energy.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by 0cks

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Do you like diamonds and why or why not? 

Do diamonds mean anything to you? 

What is a social norm practiced in another part of the world that you don't practice, and why do you not practice it?

-Yes, they are appealing to the eye.

-Besides their visual appeal, nothing physically. If it was a family heirloom passed down to me or simply a gift, yes but that is due to the action more than the actual object. But that object would signify the action so yes, the meaning would be transferred.  

- I never had a chance to place rings around my neck to elongate it. That's why I never did it. I have never been exposed to that culture nor I do find it appealing at all. But it is a cultural practice a certain people hold sacred. Who am I to say it is meaningless. That is a lot of physical alteration to go through for nothing. But I did not grow up in that environment and understand why those practices exist. Maybe if I did, I would choose to participate in them. Everyone grows up in a specific environment and makes choices from there. We don't have complete free will but we still make choices. We are all limited by our mere birth.

You want to talk about consistency? Why do you care what people believe in if everything means nothing? Serious question. Why does it matter that X believes in a God, if it doesn't mean anything? It affects your meaningless life? That sucks, I guess. But your life and everything you hold sacred, if anything at all, is meaningless so who the hell cares? We are all nothing right? Then let everyone be and believe in all forms of nothing. It all doesn't mean anything, right? Oh wait... 
Originally Posted by Yeah

Originally Posted by 0cks

That's really profound but what is your endgame in proving that this realm we live in means nothing? You have attacked almost every idea/belief that people hold dear in life, for what? You have no better alternative other than just existing...
In witnessing what often ensues when sillyputty posts, I have assumed that his main purpose is to challenge your thought process and your beliefs by providing factual evidence that sheds light on some of the lesser known realities about the world we live in. I've never seen him refute anything that had scientific and factual backing. I have, however, seen him refute the beliefs that many hold true and dear to their hearts, which has in turn caused a lot of turmoil between him and the General forum at large.

To be honest, I usually find myself siding with sillyputty, even though I choose not to post in his defense. Life has taught me that people like sillyputty don't need people to act in their defense, as they often take refuge in their own philosophy once society has exiled them for thinking differently. Many of you have to realize that you are all entitled to your own beliefs, but you are not entitled to your own facts, and thus stop taking it so personally when someone like sillyputty comes around and shares their beliefs about a subject that no one really knows the answers to... whether it be the meaning of life, the existence of a benevolent creator, or what have you...

You almost seem to be using "beliefs" and "facts" interchangeably here.

sillyputty is very much entitled to his own beliefs. Yet has little to no respect for others'.

But he seems to treat his beliefs as FACTS. And I think that is the issue people have with the manner in which he conveys said beliefs.

When someone says they like the way diamonds look, and his response is diamonds "don't intrinsically look good", is that a FACT, or a belief? If it's a fact, then what does intrinsically look good as a FACT?

I'm not saying he is not factually correct in some of his arguments. But so many of these debates are one opinion vs. another in which he refuses to accept that there MIGHT be a view contrary to his own.

EDIT: Standing ovation for Method Man! I wish I knew how to post gifs!
Originally Posted by illphillip

Originally Posted by Yeah

Originally Posted by 0cks

That's really profound but what is your endgame in proving that this realm we live in means nothing? You have attacked almost every idea/belief that people hold dear in life, for what? You have no better alternative other than just existing...
In witnessing what often ensues when sillyputty posts, I have assumed that his main purpose is to challenge your thought process and your beliefs by providing factual evidence that sheds light on some of the lesser known realities about the world we live in. I've never seen him refute anything that had scientific and factual backing. I have, however, seen him refute the beliefs that many hold true and dear to their hearts, which has in turn caused a lot of turmoil between him and the General forum at large.

To be honest, I usually find myself siding with sillyputty, even though I choose not to post in his defense. Life has taught me that people like sillyputty don't need people to act in their defense, as they often take refuge in their own philosophy once society has exiled them for thinking differently. Many of you have to realize that you are all entitled to your own beliefs, but you are not entitled to your own facts, and thus stop taking it so personally when someone like sillyputty comes around and shares their beliefs about a subject that no one really knows the answers to... whether it be the meaning of life, the existence of a benevolent creator, or what have you...

You almost seem to be using "beliefs" and "facts" interchangeably here.

sillyputty is very much entitled to his own beliefs. Yet has little to no respect for others'.

But he seems to treat his beliefs as FACTS. And I think that is the issue people have with the manner in which he conveys said beliefs.

When someone says they like the way diamonds look, and his response is diamonds "don't intrinsically look good", is that a FACT, or a belief? If it's a fact, then what does intrinsically look good as a FACT?

I'm not saying he is not factually correct in some of his arguments. But so many of these debates are one opinion vs. another in which he refuses to accept that there MIGHT be a view contrary to his own.

EDIT: Standing ovation for Method Man! I wish I knew how to post gifs!
I used beliefs and facts "interchangeably" in my post because many people choose to do so. In in the context of criticizing the way that sillyputty conveys his beliefs, the same can be said for many people who choose to dispute his beliefs using their own as a basis. Take any one of the many religious debates that ensue as an example. People, having no factual or evidential evidence, simply refuse to even entertain the idea of their religion being wrong. It makes sense that someone wouldn't want to make that conclusion, but it doesn't excuse their stubbornness in doing so. I think sillyputty just catches a lot of heat for it because his beliefs aren't within the mainstream spectrum, so instead of being backed by a different sect of beliefs, he is backed by nothing but his own revelation and what he uses as evidence; of which can be interpreted in many different ways.

Many of the things that you are accusing him of are things that people who choose to dispute his beliefs are guilty of themselves. Like I said before, I just think he catches more heat for it because his views aren't in the realm of popularity.

Originally Posted by Yeah

Originally Posted by illphillip

Originally Posted by Yeah

In witnessing what often ensues when sillyputty posts, I have assumed that his main purpose is to challenge your thought process and your beliefs by providing factual evidence that sheds light on some of the lesser known realities about the world we live in. I've never seen him refute anything that had scientific and factual backing. I have, however, seen him refute the beliefs that many hold true and dear to their hearts, which has in turn caused a lot of turmoil between him and the General forum at large.

To be honest, I usually find myself siding with sillyputty, even though I choose not to post in his defense. Life has taught me that people like sillyputty don't need people to act in their defense, as they often take refuge in their own philosophy once society has exiled them for thinking differently. Many of you have to realize that you are all entitled to your own beliefs, but you are not entitled to your own facts, and thus stop taking it so personally when someone like sillyputty comes around and shares their beliefs about a subject that no one really knows the answers to... whether it be the meaning of life, the existence of a benevolent creator, or what have you...

You almost seem to be using "beliefs" and "facts" interchangeably here.

sillyputty is very much entitled to his own beliefs. Yet has little to no respect for others'.

But he seems to treat his beliefs as FACTS. And I think that is the issue people have with the manner in which he conveys said beliefs.

When someone says they like the way diamonds look, and his response is diamonds "don't intrinsically look good", is that a FACT, or a belief? If it's a fact, then what does intrinsically look good as a FACT?

I'm not saying he is not factually correct in some of his arguments. But so many of these debates are one opinion vs. another in which he refuses to accept that there MIGHT be a view contrary to his own.

EDIT: Standing ovation for Method Man! I wish I knew how to post gifs!
I used beliefs and facts "interchangeably" in my post because many people choose to do so. In in the context of criticizing the way that sillyputty conveys his beliefs, the same can be said for many people who choose to dispute his beliefs using their own as a basis. Take any one of the many religious debates that ensue as an example. People, having no factual or evidential evidence, simply refuse to even entertain the idea of their religion being wrong. It makes sense that someone wouldn't want to make that conclusion, but it doesn't excuse their stubbornness in doing so. I think sillyputty just catches a lot of heat for it because his beliefs aren't within the mainstream spectrum, so instead of being backed by a different sect of beliefs, he is backed by nothing but his own revelation and what he uses as evidence; of which can be interpreted in many different ways.

Many of the things that you are accusing him of are things that people who choose to dispute his beliefs are guilty of themselves. Like I said before, I just think he catches more heat for it because his views aren't in the realm of popularity.

Thats not true

I hate that this thread has turned into this but Im not shocked.
Originally Posted by Method Man

Your faith in/search for some essentialist truth is, itself, stymied by nihilism.  You seem to think that your crusade against religion has value.  Is this not a form of self-delusion as well?  How is your fondness for meaningless Internet debates any "better" than the preference of someone who likes a diamond because it's shiny?

i gotta hear a response to this
Originally Posted by Yeah

Originally Posted by illphillip

Originally Posted by Yeah

In witnessing what often ensues when sillyputty posts, I have assumed that his main purpose is to challenge your thought process and your beliefs by providing factual evidence that sheds light on some of the lesser known realities about the world we live in. I've never seen him refute anything that had scientific and factual backing. I have, however, seen him refute the beliefs that many hold true and dear to their hearts, which has in turn caused a lot of turmoil between him and the General forum at large.

To be honest, I usually find myself siding with sillyputty, even though I choose not to post in his defense. Life has taught me that people like sillyputty don't need people to act in their defense, as they often take refuge in their own philosophy once society has exiled them for thinking differently. Many of you have to realize that you are all entitled to your own beliefs, but you are not entitled to your own facts, and thus stop taking it so personally when someone like sillyputty comes around and shares their beliefs about a subject that no one really knows the answers to... whether it be the meaning of life, the existence of a benevolent creator, or what have you...

You almost seem to be using "beliefs" and "facts" interchangeably here.

sillyputty is very much entitled to his own beliefs. Yet has little to no respect for others'.

But he seems to treat his beliefs as FACTS. And I think that is the issue people have with the manner in which he conveys said beliefs.

When someone says they like the way diamonds look, and his response is diamonds "don't intrinsically look good", is that a FACT, or a belief? If it's a fact, then what does intrinsically look good as a FACT?

I'm not saying he is not factually correct in some of his arguments. But so many of these debates are one opinion vs. another in which he refuses to accept that there MIGHT be a view contrary to his own.

EDIT: Standing ovation for Method Man! I wish I knew how to post gifs!
I used beliefs and facts "interchangeably" in my post because many people choose to do so. In in the context of criticizing the way that sillyputty conveys his beliefs, the same can be said for many people who choose to dispute his beliefs using their own as a basis. Take any one of the many religious debates that ensue as an example. People, having no factual or evidential evidence, simply refuse to even entertain the idea of their religion being wrong. It makes sense that someone wouldn't want to make that conclusion, but it doesn't excuse their stubbornness in doing so. I think sillyputty just catches a lot of heat for it because his beliefs aren't within the mainstream spectrum, so instead of being backed by a different sect of beliefs, he is backed by nothing but his own revelation and what he uses as evidence; of which can be interpreted in many different ways.

Many of the things that you are accusing him of are things that people who choose to dispute his beliefs are guilty of themselves. Like I said before, I just think he catches more heat for it because his views aren't in the realm of popularity.


Ok, well doing it because many people choose to doesn't make it right.

I can only speak from my own personal experiences in debating sillyputty, as I'm not keeping score for this entire message board.

He seems to treat his beliefs as absolutes, even as I openly ask him if it is completely implausible to him that there may just be another perspective. And even when you provide tangible counters to his beliefs, he chooses to ignore them and press forward. Says things to the effect of "I'm not going to believe that no matter what you say". How open minded is that?

There are few absolutes and we are not dealing in mathematics, science, historical facts etc. here.

Even I am able to say that he may be factually correct in some of his arguments. You bring up religion. There seems to have been some massive religious debate on here that I am not aware and don't care to be as I am not particularly religious.

But I have no problem with people believing what they want.

"Mainstream spectrum" and "popularity" aside, there are clearly some people who agree with him.

It's one thing to disagree with people. It's another thing to tell people what they think, what they believe, what is important to them and what isn't. My guess is THAT's why he "catches heat".

But you may not have seen the examples I'm thinking of and vice versa.

I have no issue with you sir. I am not looking for an argument here. I have no problem with people agreeing with him or understanding him. I'm sure he and I would agree on certain issues.

It's the manner in which he conveys his beliefs that's the issue moreso than the beliefs themselves. Treating the beliefs as facts while completely discrediting others' beliefs with nothing more than his own belief.

At that point no one is right. It's just one opinion vs. another.
great point, but I wish the video was more convincing.
they put a dirty diamond up against a clear cubic zirconium(sp?), that's not going to convince most people.

in any case lab diamonds are proven to be better than natural diamonds and people still don't care 
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by the coolness

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Sillyputty a smart dude man, he should be getting mad buns.
Nah. The minute the girl says "oh god" or anything similar he probably stops mid stroke and starts debating...
I swear I thought the same exact thing when I read that


Good read... good insights by fellow NTers, too.
Originally Posted by illphillip

Originally Posted by Yeah

Originally Posted by illphillip

You almost seem to be using "beliefs" and "facts" interchangeably here.

sillyputty is very much entitled to his own beliefs. Yet has little to no respect for others'.

But he seems to treat his beliefs as FACTS. And I think that is the issue people have with the manner in which he conveys said beliefs.

When someone says they like the way diamonds look, and his response is diamonds "don't intrinsically look good", is that a FACT, or a belief? If it's a fact, then what does intrinsically look good as a FACT?

I'm not saying he is not factually correct in some of his arguments. But so many of these debates are one opinion vs. another in which he refuses to accept that there MIGHT be a view contrary to his own.

EDIT: Standing ovation for Method Man! I wish I knew how to post gifs!
I used beliefs and facts "interchangeably" in my post because many people choose to do so. In in the context of criticizing the way that sillyputty conveys his beliefs, the same can be said for many people who choose to dispute his beliefs using their own as a basis. Take any one of the many religious debates that ensue as an example. People, having no factual or evidential evidence, simply refuse to even entertain the idea of their religion being wrong. It makes sense that someone wouldn't want to make that conclusion, but it doesn't excuse their stubbornness in doing so. I think sillyputty just catches a lot of heat for it because his beliefs aren't within the mainstream spectrum, so instead of being backed by a different sect of beliefs, he is backed by nothing but his own revelation and what he uses as evidence; of which can be interpreted in many different ways.

Many of the things that you are accusing him of are things that people who choose to dispute his beliefs are guilty of themselves. Like I said before, I just think he catches more heat for it because his views aren't in the realm of popularity.


Ok, well doing it because many people choose to doesn't make it right.

I can only speak from my own personal experiences in debating sillyputty, as I'm not keeping score for this entire message board.

He seems to treat his beliefs as absolutes, even as I openly ask him if it is completely implausible to him that there may just be another perspective. And even when you provide tangible counters to his beliefs, he chooses to ignore them and press forward. Says things to the effect of "I'm not going to believe that no matter what you say". How open minded is that?

There are few absolutes and we are not dealing in mathematics, science, historical facts etc. here.

Even I am able to say that he may be factually correct in some of his arguments. You bring up religion. There seems to have been some massive religious debate on here that I am not aware and don't care to be as I am not particularly religious.

But I have no problem with people believing what they want.

"Mainstream spectrum" and "popularity" aside, there are clearly some people who agree with him.

It's one thing to disagree with people. It's another thing to tell people what they think, what they believe, what is important to them and what isn't. My guess is THAT's why he "catches heat".

But you may not have seen the examples I'm thinking of and vice versa.

I have no issue with you sir. I am not looking for an argument here. I have no problem with people agreeing with him or understanding him. I'm sure he and I would agree on certain issues.

It's the manner in which he conveys his beliefs that's the issue moreso than the beliefs themselves. Treating the beliefs as facts while completely discrediting others' beliefs with nothing more than his own belief.

At that point no one is right. It's just one opinion vs. another.
Great point. Thanks for the explanation.

As many NTers say:
Originally Posted by Yeah

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Thats not true
Care to explain?

I really dont want to but w/e

Spoiler [+]
Its simple he is not backed up by his own revelation, you see the stuff he post. Those pics arent his.The knowledge he gained was taught to him by someone else. I refuse to argue about religion but please don't act like  he came onto all of this on his own accord.And dont try to make him out to the poor lil atheist boy. Yeah he does get flack for stupid things, but thats cause he e-personality not cause he is a atheist.This team theist vs atheist is getting old.

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by Yeah

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Thats not true
Care to explain?

I really dont want to but w/e

Spoiler [+]
Its simple he is not backed up by his own revelation, you see the stuff he post. Those pics arent his.The knowledge he gained was taught to him by someone else. I refuse to argue about religion but please don't act like  he came onto all of this on his own accord.And dont try to make him out to the poor lil atheist boy. Yeah he does get flack for stupid things, but thats cause he e-personality not cause he is a atheist.This team theist vs atheist is getting old.


When I said his own relevations, I suppose that was inaccurate. What I meant to say is that, at least in the context of Niketalk, he often stands alone in his assertions. Although a lot of the stuff he posts, at least from what I've seen, are things that he has come up with on his own. Also, who knows? He could have created some of those images. MemeGenerators make a lot of the stuff he posts easy to create.
as great as this thread is, its all been covered in all da volumes of da jewelry thread thru out da years.
Originally Posted by Yeah

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by Yeah

Care to explain?

I really dont want to but w/e

Spoiler [+]
Its simple he is not backed up by his own revelation, you see the stuff he post. Those pics arent his.The knowledge he gained was taught to him by someone else. I refuse to argue about religion but please don't act like  he came onto all of this on his own accord.And dont try to make him out to the poor lil atheist boy. Yeah he does get flack for stupid things, but thats cause he e-personality not cause he is a atheist.This team theist vs atheist is getting old.


When I said his own relevations, I suppose that was inaccurate. What I meant to say is that, at least in the context of Niketalk, he often stands alone in his assertions. Although a lot of the stuff he posts, at least from what I've seen, are things that he has come up with on his own. Also, who knows? He could have created some of those images. MemeGenerators make a lot of the stuff he posts easy to create.

Spoiler [+]
Ok, I agree  
I wanna keep the thread about diamonds which is why im posting in spoiler, if u were wondering.
I honestly enjoy the majority of these type of posts because the irony is unreal..

First off I'd like to say that I've disagreed with putty in the past (only have been here for like 9 months) but the majority of controversy here is due to the fact that he forces them to look at things they normally would not. basically makes them take a look at their lives in a light that they see as negative.. He provides a POV that people normally tend to ignore and that threatens people on many fronts..

This is a message board and yes people are entitled to opinions.. For those of you that criticize his approach and complain that he just wants attention well if that's how you feel why feed his fire? You're falling into the trap that you're ultimately complaining about.. Just an observation that I repeatedly witness...

I personally enjoy opposing view points and multiple perspectives so I often take interest in what he has to say.. otherwise the world is a bland place.. and on top of that the guy provides a reference for the majority of what he says.. I don't think he's ever claimed to be the first one to question things or have made up the material he uses either.. We all have our own agenda and reason we choose to do certain things..If your gripe is with his ability to support his claims with scientific explanations what basis should we use then, Faith?

Maybe he actually wants to see people change or question their thought processes, Maybe he just wants to piss you off and grab attention or maybe it's a combination.. Either way it's obvious that he is successful because the publicity he receives is unparalleled and he has MM coming out of the wood work to chime in .. IMO if he wanted special attention on NT, putty already won...

I obviously have time on my hands as do you all so just take it for what it is.. If someone's posts offend you to the point where you need to address him why not just send him a PM with your problem.. Or is that what we're really here for? Not sure why I'm even here or if I'm here and when you read this I may not even exist, if I ever did...

Just a thought, not that it matters because in reality or what we assume is reality, what really does matter? but I posted this because I need it to make me feel significant in the grand scheme of nothing..

Originally Posted by HankMoody

How are they worthless? When did I say that? I've said they look nice to me the whole thread. That's value enough to me. Yes, the way the light hits a diamond is value to me. I don't know the prices and that would change my perception of a diamond's value.
well moissanite stones (silicone carbide) are 9.25 on da moh scale and shine 2x as bright as a diamond and fract more color at a 10th of a price....now what?
Why do some NTers think that this dude is dropping knowledge? Anyone could sit and ponder life and come to the conclusion that nothing matters and that we're just "skin bags". Some of you dudes are easily impressed or you just haven't gotten to that point in life where you begin to question society and the constraints that it brings.

There is nothing profound about this diamond topic or any other thing (religion) that sillyputty decides to post about. Is it interesting? A good read? Thought provoking? Without a doubt. But that's about all it is--there are no unquestionable truths revealed here or in any other thread created by this dude. Opinions--that's all it is.
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