___TI pleading guilty___v. SMH

Originally Posted by TW3EK

Originally Posted by young dr0

Originally Posted by CParkFresh

A lot of people talking out of their %@% in here as far as the sentencing goes... There aint one person in this thread that knows what really went on behind closed doors. A good lawyer can work wonders.. even for the feds. Let alone the 12 months thing is not official yet.

:SMH at dudes already calling Clifford a snitch.

I'm just being realistic ... 3 felonies is life correct ? how this _ only getting a year and a million hours community service ?

lol... i used to think the same @!*%... its different degrees of felonies... u gotta have 3 felony 1's if im not mistaken...

no i think 3 felonies in general get u life. Felony charges are a whole nother level.

But on the issue with T.I. I dont think 1 year is accurate. they throw people in jail longer for tax ivasion(sp?) So I think he gonna get a lil more timethan that. he aint even turn himself in yet so how do people even know this info. Also people are talkin bout the lawyers are great that he has. Now i dontknow T.I. business like that but I dont think he had that kinda money. He had to get help from his record company in order to get outta jail so how he come upwith the money for a good lawyer. And if this lawyer is really that good im sure he cost mad bread. like so much that the lawyer prolly gonna get royaltychecks from his next album to pay it off. Now i dont know any info on this what so ever like anyone else. So all we can do is speculate the truth abouteverything will come out within the nexct couple weeks or days. But i aint hatin on anyone elses theory all we can do is speculate. I just hope dude put moneyup for his wife and kids on some real talk. Cause it would be sad if they life got messed up by this situation. and his wife had to come outta retirement andstart singin again. I aint tryna be funny neither im serious. its a shame for his family. Thats who i feel the most sad for
Originally Posted by Kingtre

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by Kingtre

actually I was just explaining what I think happened...and like I said its just specualtion if he dimed because you dont know for sure...I dont come on NT to win arguments, I come on here to voice my opinion on various subjects.
ok...well i come on NT to tell you your opinion is invalid...have a good day sir

dont be so sure of yourself either......money is power
You think TI has more money than the Federal Gvt?....

I'm done going back and forth with these cats...its silly...i mean nobody is denying that expensive and powerful lawyers can and have gotten plenty people off...but a black and white case is just that...

but i know he's TI...hes the King...he has soo much money....

obviously not smart [email protected] what I mean is he can still bribe people.(...who know people...that sort of thing)....I mean its not like the governmenthas never conspired behind closed doors before.

Prior Felony
If you have a felony conviction anywhere in the United States and if you are then convicted of a felony in Georgia, you must receive the maximum sentenceprovided by law. For example, if your new offense is felony theft, the bad news is that the judge must sentence you to the maximum of 10 years in prison. Thegood news is that all or a portion of the sentence can be probated.

Three Prior Felonies -- Three Strikes Law
If you have three felony convictions anywhere in the United States and if you are then convicted of another felony in Georgia that does not require the deathpenalty, you must do the maximum sentence the judge gives you without the possibility of parole (early release).

Serious Violent Felony
If you have a serious violent felony conviction anywhere in the United States and are then convicted of another serious violent felony in Georgia that does notrequire the death penalty, you must be sentenced to life in prison without parole (early release). Yes, without parole means without parole.

Originally Posted by BenFranklinAve

This is the sh... that amazes me about NT... so what if Tip snitched... duke was facing damn near 12-20 years... so yall telling me that yall would rather have credibility in the streets than to be a free man and not be in a cell for 12 years. Cats always talk this blah blah i ain't no snitch but when those charges hit its a whole different case... i didn't know street cred was more imperative than Freedom and its not like he's ratting on a close friend so sh... why not.

Don't even let me start talking about how this idea of "street cred" hurts the black community...n....s need to have "corporate cred" and stop worrying about the streets leave that to n...s who don't want to advance their lives.

thats the problem with threads like this...they go off in like 300 tangents...the argument wasn't whether we would snitch or not or anything likethat...IF he did snitch...his back was against the wall and he did what he felt he had to do for himself and his family...thats not condoning it but like isaid that was never the argument in this thread...

anyways i looked and found this...this is what was referring to earlier...i knew i had heard something about it...granted its not concrete and the sourceaint the most reliable..i just remembered reading something about this awhile back
October 18, 2007. MediaTakeOut.com has gotten wind that the authorities may have offered rapper TI a plea deal. And under the terms of the deal, in exchange for leniency, the authorities want information on another Atlanta rapper.

According to a person close to TI, who spoke exclusively to MediaTakeOut.com, federal agents made TI the offer shortly after his arrest. The insider explained, "[Federal agents] are looking for information on [a particular Atlanta rapper] and they want TI to tell them what he knows. I'm not sure what kind of deal they're offering, but it's better than what he's facing."

While it's not clear whether TI is even considering the offer, the insider doesn't think that it's likely. Explains the insider, "TI is no snitch - never has [been], and never will. His team [of lawyers] will beat the case the right way."


now we know the facts of the case, we know the plea...the rest is developing...none of us can say either way definite...but if you understand the systemyour inclined to be skewed heavy one way...and that is that he gave up some valuable information...more will def come out soon

i dont even wanna go over to AHH and see the disaster threads they have thereon this topic
Originally Posted by HUUUD



thats what i said...again it was speculation back in 07...i justknew i had heard it earlier...

Why cats keep asking who T.I.P gon snitch on..... uh T.I.... he's the one responsible.

i mean maybe people really dont understand...its been said a bunch of times already it doesn't just have to be about this case...esp with the feds...youthink TI doesn't know or move in circles with criminal figures that would spark the FEDS interest?? related to the guns or not...

anyways heres the CNN drop on it-
ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) -- Rapper T.I. has pleaded guilty to federal weapons possession charges, and is to be sentenced in one year, after completing a period of community service.


T.I. was arrested October 13 on weapons possession charges.


In the year that he is awaiting sentencing, T.I., whose real name is Clifford Harris, must complete at least 1,000 hours of a total 1,500 hours of community service, talking to youth groups about the pitfalls of guns, gangs and drugs.

The rapper, dressed in a gray business suit, told the judge Thursday he understands the terms of the agreement.

He pleaded guilty to possession of an unregistered firearm, possession of machine guns and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

Harris was arrested Oct. 13, just blocks away and hours before he was to headline the BET Hip-Hop Awards in Atlanta.

He had been charged with possession of unregistered machine guns and silencers, as well as possession of firearms by a convicted felon. He had faced a maximum of 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine for each count.

Harris is one of pop music's most successful artists. His sixth album, "T.I. vs. T.I.P.," was released July 3, debuting at No. 1. He appeared in the 2007 film "American Gangster," which starred Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe.

Harris was allegedly trying to buy unregistered machine guns and silencers. He initially pleaded not guilty, and has been under house arrest since he was released on $3 million bond Oct. 26.

Harris, co-CEO of Grand Hustle Records, grew up in Atlanta. His first taste of success came with his 2003 album, "Trap Muzik." In 2004, warrants were issued for his arrest on probation violations for a drug conviction, and he was sentenced to three years behind bars. E-mail to a friend

Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Since there are a few hard-headed people in here, who've seen too many movies/gangster tv shows, let me give some knowledge out.

T.I. was indicted with possessing unregistered machine guns and silencers; unlawfully possessing machine guns; and of being a convicted felon in possession offirearms. Not arrested for, INDICTED. That means the Federal Government has enough evidence to charge him with all three of those crimes.

Here are the details we know:

T.I. was arrested at a shopping center parking lot in midtown Atlanta while trying to purchase a machine gun and two silencers.

During his arrest, authorities searched his Atlanta home where they found six guns in his bedroom closet. The rapper is a convicted felon on seven yearprobation, thanks to a drug and illegal firearm possession charge he picked in the late 90's. Felons are not allowed to own weapons.

A bodyguard who had reportedly worked with T.I. since July, co-operated with the
Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives after being arrested by an undercover agent trying to purchase the machine gun and two silencers.

The bodyguard would tell the ATF that T.I. arranged for him to pick up $12,000 in cash from a bank to buy the guns. He also said that he had bought nine gunsfor the rapper in the past.

The authorities would then record the bodyguard holding a series of conversations with T.I.

The bodyguard then arranged a meeting in the aforementioned Atlanta parking lot for T.I. to pick up the guns. The guns were 'not registered on the NationalFirearms Registration and Transfer Record as required by law.

Here's what we can be sure of regarding what we know:

He's copping a guilty plea. Now, no, you don't HAVE to snitch to cop a plea. Unless you're the most evil bastard ever, or the government has it outfor you, they're going to offer you some sort of plea in order to avoid all the money and time it's going to cost to try you in the court. Now, withthat being said, here's some facts on his crimes.

All of those crimes have MANDATORY MINIMUM jail sentences in the 3-5 year range. Now, some of you might be familiar with how things go in state court, but thisisn't state court. This is the Feds. A great lawyer is a good thing to have, but in a black and white case, like this one, there are no holes to poke inthe case. These sentences have minimums, man. Plus, he's a convicted felon already? And he's being indicted on multiple charges?! There's no wayhe's walking with approximately 1/8 of the MINIMUM sentence, I don't care if he's got "long bread". Mike Vick turned Federal Informantand he's got way longer bread and he's still doing time, and more than the minimum, too.

Speaking of Vick, legal analysts have said that if Vick had accepted his guilt and plead guilty up front, since he had no prior convictions, he would have mostlikely walked away with Federal probation. Moving on...

Alot of you are saying "Who's he going to snitch on?", and "He didn't buy them from a dealer, he got set up".

Listen, 1st of all, while these rappers might not be the Alejandro Sosa's they claim to be, alot of them are involved/in the know with the illegalhappenings of their area. If the government thought they could get T.I. to tell them any information on anyone doing serious crime that he had seen or heardthem talk about, that's enough. You can be charged with conspiracy for just knowing about a crime and not reporting it, or conspiring to commit a crime. Sotrust me, there are people he could have snitched on.

Second, the minute the government snatched his bodyguard, and that guy said "I'll help out," in the eyes of the law, he's working for theFederal government. So T.I. taking weapons from him is as good as taking weapons from a Federal Agent.

Here's my big point.

If there was any glaring holes for his legal team to pick at in order to get him off, (they didn't have a search warrant, they busted him before heactually took possession of the guns, lack of evidence aka HE DIDN'T ACTUALLY HAVE ALL THOSE GUNS IN HIS DAMN HOUSE), then it wouldn't be pleading downto 1 year and some comm. service, he'd be going to trial, they'd put the government on the spot, and he'd go for the acquittal. This case is openand shut. He HAD GUNS IN THE HOUSE. That's 5 years right there. No lawyer is going to be able to justify him having those guns in his house. Not evenJohnny Cochrane could help this guy.

Trust me, if he were to start bribing people, someone would find out about it and it would come out because of the way that he's being sentenced so farunder the guidelines.

Alot of you are blinded by hollywood.

As far as me wanting him to go to jail? You damn right I do. Because I tell you this, kid, if I was caught trying to buy silencers, machine guns, and inpossession of assault rifles after I had been convicted of a crime, I know I would be going. Why should he get off because he's a rapper? I don't wantClifford Harris specifically to go to jail, but a convicted felon in possession of all those guns, rapper or not, needs to do the same sentence he would do ifhe wasn't a rapper.

And I don't blame him for snitching if he did. That man might not be respected as a "rapper" anymore, but he needs to be more concerned withbeing there for his children than being popular in the hood. I know that's hard for some of you to understand because so many NTer's are"G's" and what not, but let the thought of those doors closing behind you for 10-15 years and I bet you're singing a different tune."Street Cred" needs to go. "Stop Snitching" needs to go. That's what's wrong with America.


but I ain't saying he's a lesser man either way.
Originally Posted by Kingtre

Originally Posted by HUUUD



thats what i said...again it was speculation back in 07...i just knew i had heard it earlier...

Why cats keep asking who T.I.P gon snitch on..... uh T.I.... he's the one responsible.

i mean maybe people really dont understand...its been said a bunch of times already it doesn't just have to be about this case...esp with the feds...you think TI doesn't know or move in circles with criminal figures that would spark the FEDS interest?? related to the guns or not...

anyways heres the CNN drop on it-
ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) -- Rapper T.I. has pleaded guilty to federal weapons possession charges, and is to be sentenced in one year, after completing a period of community service.


T.I. was arrested October 13 on weapons possession charges.


In the year that he is awaiting sentencing, T.I., whose real name is Clifford Harris, must complete at least 1,000 hours of a total 1,500 hours of community service, talking to youth groups about the pitfalls of guns, gangs and drugs.

The rapper, dressed in a gray business suit, told the judge Thursday he understands the terms of the agreement.

He pleaded guilty to possession of an unregistered firearm, possession of machine guns and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

Harris was arrested Oct. 13, just blocks away and hours before he was to headline the BET Hip-Hop Awards in Atlanta.

He had been charged with possession of unregistered machine guns and silencers, as well as possession of firearms by a convicted felon. He had faced a maximum of 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine for each count.

Harris is one of pop music's most successful artists. His sixth album, "T.I. vs. T.I.P.," was released July 3, debuting at No. 1. He appeared in the 2007 film "American Gangster," which starred Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe.

Harris was allegedly trying to buy unregistered machine guns and silencers. He initially pleaded not guilty, and has been under house arrest since he was released on $3 million bond Oct. 26.

Harris, co-CEO of Grand Hustle Records, grew up in Atlanta. His first taste of success came with his 2003 album, "Trap Muzik." In 2004, warrants were issued for his arrest on probation violations for a drug conviction, and he was sentenced to three years behind bars. E-mail to a friend

Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

exactly..n i think people are letting the fact thats its T.I. cloud their judgement..a convicted felon who had guns who is facing 10-20 years does not getonly a year unless he is giving up info..your talking about anywhere between 9-19 years getting shaved off, thats ALOT of time..

n im not claiming to be some G or saying i would do this or that..ALL im saying is that T.I. snitched..and for years people have been saying that T.I. hasbeen giving up info but i never believed it cause im a fan of dude and i figured people was just hating..but this case to me confirms that he is giving upinfo..
Originally Posted by CParkFresh

A lot of people talking out of their %@% in here as far as the sentencing goes... There aint one person in this thread that knows what really went on behind closed doors. A good lawyer can work wonders.. even for the feds. Let alone the 12 months thing is not official yet.

:SMH at dudes already calling Clifford a snitch.

I'm glad someone said that. Lawyers work wonders, especially big time lawyers, it's political. T.I. actually did stuff in the community and etc. Itseems he started his community service on Easter at church giving the speech.
Damn, I just left the barbershop talkin' bout "he gon beat that shiii"

..way more important than what i'm fina say, what I say? I aint droppin shiii til 20-28...
who gives a F if he comes out on the 20th or 28th?
He meant the year 2028 you F'n moron..

"While I'm not looking forward to being incarcerated, I have a long road of redemption to travel," Harris said, reading a statement outside theAtlanta federal courthouse shortly before 3 p.m. "I am dedicated and committed to that." U.S. District Court Judge Charles Pannell Jr. scheduledHarris' sentencing a year from now, on March 27, 2009. If Harris abides by the conditions set in his plea agreement, he will receive a prison sentence ofone year plus one day. Because the sentence is longer than one year, Harris will be eligible to earn 15 percent time off for good behavior. Harris also wasfined $100,000. Over the next year, Harris must perform at least 1,000 hours of community service, which includes speaking to "at-risk young people,"promoting respect for law enforcement, and opposing violence, illegal and reckless use of firearms, illegal drugs and gang activity. After the plea, U.S.Attorney David Nahmias said Harris' agreement to speak to young people about the mistakes he has made should prevent and deter some from committing crimesand ruining their own lives. This unusual type of outreach, Nahmias said, merits a sentence reduction for Harris, just as it would another defendant whosecooperation helps prosecutors obtain a conviction. "We believe this resolution is in the public's interest," Nahmias said. Harris did not makeany statements during the hearing, offering only polite replies of "yes" and "no" to the judge's questions. "Are you guilty ofthese charges?" Panell asked Harris. "Yes, your Honor," said Harris, who donned a gray suit at the hearing. If Harris does not abide by theterms of the plea agreement, Panell can sentence him up to 57 months in prison. In addition, Harris could face a sentence of up yo 97 months in prison ifPanell finds that Harris has not accepted responsibility for his actions. Harris was indicted in October on weapons charges that include illegally possessingthree machine guns and two silencers and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. Federal prosecutors and Harris' defense team had been engaged inintense plea negotiations the past several weeks. Harris was arrested in a sting in a Midtown parking lot on Oct. 13 as he allegedly tried to buy the weaponsjust hours before he was to receive two top awards at the BET Hip-Hop Awards in Atlanta. Harris, one of the world's most popular rappers, is confined tohis home under $3 million bond. Harris and Atlantic Records provided the cash to cover two-thirds of the bond and the balance was secured by Harris' poshClayton County property. He has been living there with his girlfriend and his children. A federal magistrate recently gave Harris permission to attend Easterservice. Harris and his family were among thousands who went to the Georgia Dome, where New Birth Missionary Baptist Church held its annual worshipextravaganza. Before his arrest in October, Harris had a litany of dealings with law enforcement dating back to 1997 that placed him either in jail or underarrest. These include a crack cocaine distribution conviction, giving false names to police, skipped court dates, probation violations and illegal weaponscharges. When he was arrested by federal agents, Harris was found with marijuana. He told agents the marijuana was his and that he smoked it to get ready forthe BET awards show, Assistant U.S. Attorney Todd Alley said during an October bond hearing. In an affidavit accompanying Harris' charges, Jason Stricklin,a Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms, Tobacco and Explosives special agent, said one of Harris' bodyguards cooperated with authorities in the rapper's arrest.The bodyguard, whose name has not been disclosed, told agents he illegally bought nine firearms for Harris since he began working for him in July 2007. Inthese "straw" purchases, Harris fronted his bodyguard thousands of dollars for the weapons, the agent's affidavits said. Because Harris wasconvicted of drug distribution in June 1998 in Cobb County, his felony record prevents him from legally making gun purchases himself. On four differentoccasions, Stricklin's affidavit said, Harris gave his bodyguard cash to buy firearms. The bodyguard told authorities that in September he delivered a 9 mmpistol to Harris, who invited the bodyguard into his bedroom, where he saw a large walk-in safe that contained multiple short rifles, according to theaffidavit. In October, hours before the BET awards ceremony, the bodyguard met Harris at a pre-arranged meeting place in Midtown and handed over the threemachine guns and two silencers, the affidavit said. At that time, the bodyguard was wearing a hidden wire and cooperating with federal agents. When Harris wastold about one of the silencers, he said, "no flash, no bang," and later asked for the "change leftover" from the $12,000 he had given thebodyguard for the weapons, the affidavit said. Harris was then arrested, without incident, by federal agents in the Midtown parking lot. - Staff writer JamieGumbrecht contributed to this article.
I thought owning or trying to buy a silencer was an automatic 25 years or something like that. Can anybody clear this up for me?
So that just outlined the terms of his plea deal? If so, I figured it was because of his fame and "influence." Judge figured he could do more goodoutside of jail.
do some of you not understand that clifford does a lot more for this country doing that community service, than he would have rotting away in jail doingnothing for ten years?

perhaps he got the plea just based on that alone.
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