90s Culture Appreciation vol. Intro

Where the hell can you buy the icecream truck Ice cream that looks like cartoon characters????
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be kind rewind
Ha I remember my neighbor had a tape rewinder shaped like a corvette.
the 90s man.
HAHA! Totally. There were so many different ones.

Who remembers the promo VHS movies that had the subtitle disclaimer that scrolled across the bottom every so often.
Still one of my favorite shows.


Show wasn't the same when they killed my man Eddie. :smh:

The musical performances were top notch as well.:pimp:

Just to name a few:

James Brown
Bone Thugz N Harmony
Jon B
Johnny Gill
Erykah Badu
Boyz II Men
Teena Marie
Brian McKnight

Best TV show of the 90's for me. I looked forward to every Sunday night when it was on.
Hi - Five She's playing hard to get is my jammmm.

One time for the god R. Kelly though. "You remind me of something" "Down Low" w/Mr. Biggs, 

I miss video rental stores so much.

Sure it's much more convenient having endless movies at your fingertips online, but I feel like a lot was lost when the last Block Busters went under. People have such short attention spans now. If a movie starts off slow... click another one. I know a lot of people who don't give movies a chance. Just the other day we threw on American Psycho...Friends wife wouldn't even give it a chance.... Too slow.... Change the movie NOW. Back in the day, you had what you rented and you watched it, you YOU WATCHED IT ALL. Maybe you even watched it a few times before you returned it. It was a total crapshoot if you were unfamiliar with a movie... all you had was a brief description and that cover art. Aw man... the cover art. I know I'm not the only one who spent way too much time in the Horror section looking at the various airbrushed covers.

They think that American Psycho was too slow?? Man, I'd love to see them try watching some older movie that's actually slow. But yeah, video stores were part of the experience, seeing other people in the store, what movies they're getting, etc. Just like going to the cinema. You can't duplicate that experience at home.


I miss video rental stores so much.

Sure it's much more convenient having endless movies at your fingertips online, but I feel like a lot was lost when the last Block Busters went under. People have such short attention spans now. If a movie starts off slow... click another one. I know a lot of people who don't give movies a chance. Just the other day we threw on American Psycho...Friends wife wouldn't even give it a chance.... Too slow.... Change the movie NOW. Back in the day, you had what you rented and you watched it, you YOU WATCHED IT ALL. Maybe you even watched it a few times before you returned it. It was a total crapshoot if you were unfamiliar with a movie... all you had was a brief description and that cover art. Aw man... the cover art. I know I'm not the only one who spent way too much time in the Horror section looking at the various airbrushed covers.

They think that American Psycho was too slow?? Man, I'd love to see them try watching some older movie that's actually slow. But yeah, video stores were part of the experience, seeing other people in the store, what movies they're getting, etc. Just like going to the cinema. You can't duplicate that experience at home.

Agree with all of this. And when you went to Blockbuster to get something specific and it was out you had to try and find something else. So you never knew what you were going to get into. And sometimes you luck out and find one of your favorite movies of all time. That was "The Chase" for me. Knew nothing about it, just took it on chance and what a great freaking movie. Laughed my *** off. Still love it to this day.
Yall remember this nba game (probably named already but you could do super dunk slams and be jumping so high you went off the screen

It was on n64
i always thought it was the viper vs testarosta vs diablo for vehichles of the 90s
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