8 Years in Afghanistan...Let's Talk...

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

You simply can't win a war unless you have the civilians of that area behind your cause.

That is why Israel cannot simply wipe out Palestine.
israel's goal is not to "wipe out palestine". If anything it's the other way around and it says so directly in the hamas charter

Right because killing thousands of children and other innocent civilians because a rocket almost hit an Israeli town is just. Bulldozing a persons home to make room for new settlers is completely fine under national law. The hypocrisy of saying an investigation into the war crimes committed may do damage to the peace process, meanwhile the actual WAR CRIMES that were committed won't? That makes sense.
so because the weapons that they fired into israel aren't sophisticated enough to hit their desired target it's okay?
If they wanted to "wipe out" palestine then they could have done it a long, long tine ago. Instead of dealing with the global scruitiny and dealing with palestinian backlash. The goal of hamas is to destroy israel, Point blank period, says so in the charter.

but I don't want to derail the thread so if you wanna talk just PM me

Yet Hamas has also stated NUMEROUS times recently that they would be willing to talk to Israel if the conditions were fair, ie. A viable Palestinian state thathas control of their own airspace, borders, and water, which is the exact opposite of what Israel wants to allow. The fact of the matter is that as long asIsrael denies the Palestinian people their basic rights as human beings, there is no logical way that they won't be see as in the wrong. This is not to saythat what Hamas does is right, it's just saying no one is truely right in the situation. But you must realize as well, when you're being financed byone of the largest, richest governments in the world it is much easier to skew public opinion in your favor and make anyone that opposes you look like the badguy.

For what seems like a rational solution to the problems in Afghanistan, see the article I posted on the bottom of the second page, Pape really has some goodideas. It also shows that we are clearly doing more harm than good.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

You simply can't win a war unless you have the civilians of that area behind your cause.

That is why Israel cannot simply wipe out Palestine.
israel's goal is not to "wipe out palestine". If anything it's the other way around and it says so directly in the hamas charter
The progressive loss of land gives me reason to believe otherwise.


But even then, I guess you're right. It could very well be possible that they only wish to reduce the population to a bare minimum.

I guess a better statement would be to wipe out the counter insurgency. With their strong army, ideally they would have been able to do this decades ago.

But that isn't enough unless you have the minds of the civilians behind you. That is what I am trying to get at. There will always be a counterinsurgency.
sorry but I have no problem with the land israel took in 1967 after the 6 day war. If they lost, they would have lost the land. Nobody in the muslim worldwould be bringing up the UN or international law. all the recent settlements though thats 100 percent wrong

the situation is all types of %#@+%% up on both sides. the israeli government is a big part of the blame no doubt I just didn't like your choice of words.But yeah I understand what you are saying. lets not act like if there was palestine then all of a sudden it would be peace though. hamas members were killingabbas members while israel was on the offensive.
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